our weekly omega 3s

March 3, 2010

Just so you know, I don’t really cook. In case you thought our days involved waking up to delicious waffle and omelet breakfasts, a scrumptious lunch, and a gourmet dinner all cooked by me, the stay home mom, well, you are quite mistaken. Don’t get me wrong, I cook sometimes and I like it sometimes, but I am just not good at it unless I follow a recipe. I’d rather bake.
Ben on the other hand, is a wonderful cook and can whip out things without a recipe, so he does the cooking in this house. He is usually the one who makes our dinner. Lately we have been making sure to have a salmon dinner at least once a week. We all love fish in this house, especially True, while Brave just likes to eat anything. Of course, Ben makes sure to pair our salmon with some veggies straight from our garden, thus we always have a well-balanced scrumpdiddlydumptious meal.
Two weeks ago, we had salmon, cous cous, and mashed cauliflower with swiss chard from the garden… mashed cauliflower is so much better than mashed potatoes.
weekly salmon dinner
A week ago, we had salmon and brown rice (not pictured) accompanied with beet greens, and gold and red beets with avocado… so yum!
beet greens & red and gold beets with avocado
Last night, we had salmon and brown rice, with swiss chard (from the garden) and sweet potatoes… I am craving it now!
swiss chard and sweet potatoes
Seriously, Ben is just the best chef ever. Every time he makes a new vegetable dish (or anything for that matter), it becomes my new favorite. He makes vegetables taste really good!
Don’t forget to check out the giveaway post at the bottom, as the polaroid winner has been announced. I promise to have another polaroid camera giveaway sometime next month! I am so happy that so many people love instant photography!!!

19 comments on “our weekly omega 3s”

  • Mary Beth says:

    yummy! And yay for cooking hubbies! I am a bit spoiled in this area too as my husband does almost ALL meal preparations! I'm good at healthy snacks for the kids ๐Ÿ™‚ He was a chef, so he whips up great stuff w/o recipes too.
    I kinda hate admitting to people he does all the coooking, seeing as I am the stay at home mom and all, so you made me feel better about it :)…as I sit here and devour a curry he just whipped up!

  • Sherryl says:

    Yummy! Salmon is my FAVORITE fish! I craved it with all three pregnancies and I love it still!

  • mandiegirl says:

    My hubby is the cook of the family, too, but he recently had to switch to working 2nd shift, so he very rarely gets to cook for us. ๐Ÿ™ I love your fiestaware! I've got a bunch of different colors, too! ๐Ÿ™‚

  • Esther says:

    That looks so delicious. Fish is so good. I have fiesta plates too. : )

  • Chaucee says:

    Oh that looks so delicious! I'm like you where I'd rather bake than cook, but I'm slowing starting to discover the joys of making food that people really love to eat : )

  • amy D says:

    wow those meals look delicious! i need to try the mashed cauliflower. what a great way to get veggies! mmm!

  • OpaqueSkies says:

    salmon is a fav in our home, too. along with Mahi Mahi. thankfully salmon is quite acceptable during pregnancy as I've had to avoid my Mom's amazing mackeral.

    I'll have to try mashed cauliflower.

  • Micayla says:

    Oh my I won!!! I cannot believe it, thank you so much. I have just emailed you. Thank you, thank you, thank you…..off to search for film!
    Oh and the beets recipe sounds gorgeous, I love beetroot so much I am going to grow my own this year.

  • Kuky says:

    Hmmm I've never had mashed cauliflower before. That's something I'd be willing to try.

    Maybe Ben should write his own food blog and share some recipes. ๐Ÿ˜‰

  • Looks so good. I'm curious whether Ben would care to share his recipe for mashed cauliflower with Swiss chard. I'd love to try it!

  • jessicajane says:

    mmmm salmon…..i just finished a salad that i put salmon in. those dishes look so good! lucky you that your man can cook. mine can when he tries, but…im the cook in the house.

  • I'm a stay-at-home mom too. I don't really cook that much either! So glad I can relate.

  • alyssa johns says:

    holy, i'm so excited because i have been trying to figure out what to do with all the swiss chard in my garden and now i have ideas. thank you!

  • Melissa Jade says:

    i would kill for some of these recipes. Tell hubby to start a blog!!

  • please please share recipes! especially the mashed cauliflower and swiss chard with sweet potatos!!! they look delish!!!

  • Thalita Dol says:

    ooohhhh! Little Soul is so big, chubby and sweet! She's gorgeous, Ruby!

    I'm not a good cook either, I too prefer to bake.

    kisses from Brazil!

  • Rubyellen says:

    i will make sure to have ben share the recipe and i do tell him to start his own food blog all the time! maybe i need to bug him more about it.

  • Valerie says:

    Everything looks so good, simple yet tasty. You should put your recipes on here. I know they are probably easy enough and I should just know how to make mashed cauliflower with swish chard…but I don't. But I would love to know how ๐Ÿ™‚

  • jengee says:

    after seeing this last week i was determinted to carve time out of the busy routine to make dinner together. we tried mashed cauliflower for the first time and now are hooked. thanks for the inspiration!

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