hello monday

June 28, 2010

This weekend we were busy bees. I spent Saturday morning out by myself with all three girls, which is a rarity as I seriously never leave the house with all three of them by myself, but I decided to be brave. Ben had a weight management conference he attended in the morning, then we did more errands together in the afternoon. All I gotta say is that time always flies on the weekend! Hurry up Friday and get here already!
The dress I am wearing is a thrift store dress refashioned. Ben got on my case for not taking a before picture, but I will just describe it to you. It was super, super big with long puffy sleeves, and super, super long! What a difference a bit of sewing makes, right? The coloring of it is a bit autumnal, but whatever… I like it!
I can hardly believe it is already July! Our anniversary is coming up and we are stuck on what to do. A nice dinner here or go somewhere like last year… we better decide soon!
Happy Monday everyone! Is anyone as excited as I am for Friday to come already?!!

36 comments on “hello monday”

  • Renee says:

    First of all, I must say you have quickly lost any baby fat you had…you look amazing…especially for somebody who is so busy.When I first saw the dress I thought it was amazing then I read it was thrifted and thought how cool until you mentioned what it looked like before…I don't think I would believe it if you didn't say it….it looks like it was originally made the way you made it..does that make sense? πŸ™‚ Anyways,love it! πŸ™‚

  • Alely L. says:

    awwww…you are such a beautiful young mom with a loveLee family on top of that! glad you were brave enough to take the girls out yourselves and what a great job on your dress! have a loveLee day!

  • i LOVE your dress – and your babies looks so beautiful too!

    and yes, you are not the only one ready for the weekend already. i'm def. feeling it over here.

    happy monday anyways. πŸ™‚

  • You look amazing! I am imagining the big ugly before dress and you did an AWESOME refashion!!! It looks sooo good on you!!!

  • The dress looks great, you did a really nice job. Your two girls look so cute as well!

    Have a very lovely week!

  • Lora says:

    you did an amazing job on your dress! so cute!! and i love the belt and shoes, too. πŸ™‚

  • amy lou says:

    You three girls (and your dress) are simple adorable!

  • Morgan says:

    I loooove the dress! I wish that I could transform ugly things from the thrift store. I need to practice my sewing some more.

    And, you look AMAZING! Seriously, so skinny!

  • Cari says:

    Nice job bringing that dress back from the grave. It looks fabulous!

  • Joy says:

    Love the dress! The colors are anything but autumnal in my mind. The turquoise/coral combo is very summer. I could see a chunky turquoise necklace with this one – so fun that you re-crafted it!!

  • Misha Lulu says:

    you look gorgeous mama! the dress is super cute!!!

  • Mindy says:

    WOW, you and your girls are beautiful. I had a baby girl nine months ago and I wish I looked 1/2 as good as you.

  • melindakimbo says:

    Why the hell are you so skinny?! i hate you.

  • Your dress is very cute. Actually your whole outfit is cute. Along with your daughters.

    Yes, I'm excited for Friday to get here. My husband will be on vacation all next week. We will be on a staycation of course. Galavanting around LA with our kids. I'm looking forward to July 4th too.

  • Rubyellen says:

    lin- haha.. whatever. you are still skinnier than me!

    okay to clear the air, i didn't have a baby, then just shrink back to normal. i have to confess that after being frustrated with my weight after popping out 3 kids pretty much back to back to back, i didn't like the extra 20 lbs. i had put on since I had True, so i decided to do something about it. therefore, about 6 months ago i really started working out diligently. ben and i wake up before the girls wake up and pop in a video and work out together. what video you may ask? oh the lovely infomercial-esque p90x. we work out about 6 days a week. am i crazy? kinda. but in the end i have been more durable to take care of my girls, physically and energy-wise, and more able to do all the gardening and hole digging we have been doing outside. i have come to appreciate and love working out! thank you for your compliments, but really it was the working out (and eating healthy). i highly recommend p90x! πŸ˜‰

  • Rubyellen says:

    bella loves julia- ben will be on vacation next week too, that is why i am really excited for Friday!!!

  • Rubyellen says:

    p.s. i still have a baby belly (hiding under the full skirt) and tattoo of fire. i think those are my mama battle scars of which i am still proud to have!

  • bk says:

    just wanted to say you look amazing!!!

  • RachelDenbow says:

    p90x! it scares me but it's on the list for our next work out dvd set once jillian michael's gets old.
    you look like a million bucks, mama!

    and your dress refashion is SO good. I wouldn't have known you didn't pick this up at anthro! I'll e-mail you soon about the nursing thing since i'm sure your readers aren't quite as interested in the details! eek!
    are your girls mostly wearing misha lulu? GOTTA GET ME SOME!

  • Meg says:

    you look SO adorable!! you did a great job repurposing that dress – it looks darling!

  • Melissa says:

    Hi! I love reading your blog. You are all so cute. Your fashion is inspiring, and I love your honesty. I'm dying to know though…where did you find your daughters cute red sandals? You have the CUTEST clothes for them.

  • Ashley says:

    You look amazing! That dress is awesome, what a great refashion!! Where did you get/what brand are your shoes?

  • Amy says:

    That dress is amazing! Why do I never find things like that? πŸ™

  • i always forget to take before pictures too. this dress looks great on you. πŸ™‚

  • greta says:

    K, you are inspiring me! I had a baby 2 years ago and still have what I refer to as a fat baby. So gross.. I have 20lbs to lose and I own P90X! Im starting the working out immediately!

  • kristineW says:


    You and the girls look gorgeous as always! I have the P90X set and it's not for the fitness novice…It's quite difficult! Kudos to you for staying on the regimen, looking good.

  • Monica says:

    Ruby you look wonderful! The only times I have ever seen you in person, you had Soul in your belly! And that dress, adorable.

    P.S, I love how stylish your girls are! I love that you can show fun fashion on a budget!

  • Your dress looks great, as do the girls! You're all dressed so cute!

  • Rubyellen says:

    since some of you asked:

    on true:
    top- misha lulu
    skirt- old GAP skirt
    shoes- livie and luca

    on brave:
    dress: a gift, i think from old navy
    shoes: red salt water sandals

    on me:
    dress: thrifted dress refashioned
    belt: urban outfitters ($5)
    shoes: vintage on etsy over a year ago!

    p90x is great! you just gotta get over that first month, then you are good and will start loving it. seriously. try it!


  • you are so cute! you look amazing for just having had a baby. good job, mama. so i think all my questions have been answered in the comments. i LOVE true's blue and red shoes. so cute!

  • I can't believe you look so good so fast! My daughter is turning two next month and I have 7 more pounds to go. It's so frustrating losing weight. Aaah! And that dress is gorgeous. I can't believe you can transform a dress like that. I'm inspired to try it myself. Love your kids–so stylish, as always.

  • Ingrid says:

    wow – the last photo i saw of you was back when soul was a month or two old, i think. you look fanTAStic!! what a hot mama! πŸ˜‰

  • You are gorgeous Rubyellen!!!! Exercise is definitely the fountain of youth!! xo

  • kristen says:

    you are so cute!! and those girls are so cute. so so cute. love reading your blog. so encouraging and uplifting and reminds me whats important.

  • i just realized how skinny you are here. and in real life. dang you hot mama you lookin foooinee!

  • Thalita Dol says:

    OMG! Little brave is not little anymore! How big is she!!!!!!!!!!

    And you look so pretty in the dress! Love it!

    kisses from Brazil

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