hats off to papi week

June 25, 2010

Last week, we declared it, “Hats off to Papi Week!” We decided that Ben shouldn’t just have one day of Father’s Day, but a whole week worth! So everyday, when he least expected it, we surprised him with a little something, with a little card that had a special picture and always read this:
hats off to papi week
day one: work hat
hats off to papi weeksurprise day one
We surprised him at work and he was completely bewildered because the receptionist called him and told him he had a patient waiting, but it was just us! His little surprise was a new work bag, so he could finally get rid of the ratty old backpack that he has been carrying around for years, which was also the backpack I used when I was traveling all throughout Europe about 7 years ago, so you can bet that thing was ready to retire.
day two: work out hat
hats off to papi weeksurprise day two
I originally hid his surprise in a box that he normally takes to work, but that day he decided to not take the box, so I had to change up the surprise and we went back to his work for lunch and surprised him there again. This time with balloons. To go with the work out hat, we gave him a heart rate monitor for when he works out and a bandana to keep his long hair out of his eyes.
day three: chef hat
hats off to papi week
We slyly went to the other medical office he works at the day before and put his surprise on his desk, so when he came in on that day, his surprise was already waiting for him first thing. He is the chef in our house and we gave him this recipe book that he had been wanting.
day four: handy man
hats off to papi week
Ben was expecting us to show up at his work, but this time around, we just waited for him to come home and gave him his surprise then. He is our handy man, but his tools are scattered everywhere, so we got him this vintage toolbox to help keep his stuff together.
day five: gardening hat
hats off to papi week
This day we surprised him at work for lunch with some sushi and a big number 1 balloon because his is our #1 PAPI. I think you all know by now how how much Ben loves gardening, so we gave him the diy garden markers and this book to read to the girls.
When he came home, the girls were waiting at the door with a little note for him that basically told him that tonight they were going to take him on a Papi and kids date!
waiting with a notewill you be our papi forever?
With a ring pop in hand (because he is their POP), they got down on their knees and asked, “Will you be our Papi forever?” It was really sweet and of course their Papi said, “Yes!”
papi and girlspapi and girls date
So the two older girls and Ben went to out for dinner together and Papi also took them on a special trip to what they call “the hello kitty store.” I think it is so important for fathers to take their daughters on father-daughter dates.
day six: cool man hat
hats off to papi week
One thing you must know about Ben is that he never buys anything for himself. No electronic gadgets, no shoes, clothes, no nothing. We live on one budget, so we are very careful where we choose to spend our money, so he doesn’t like to buy anything for himself because he would rather spend it on me or the girls. The last pair of jeans he got was almost 3 years ago when I called a store to order them while I was in labor at the hospital (that is a story for another day), so his were getting pretty worn. For his last present, we gave him two pairs of jeans! I am guessing these will last him for the next 10 years! He was pretty excited and they looked really nice on him! Even after that, he said it was too much and we should return it so he could get me something instead, but we aren’t going to let him do that. It is his turn to get spoiled.
day seven: his favorite hat
hats off to papi weekpapi's breakfast in bed
It was Sunday and actually the whole weekend he was sick, so instead of breakfast in bed, we gave him lunch in bed. We had other plans to celebrate for the weekend, but we had to change them because he was sick. We will just have to save them another day!
We love our Papi so much and we give him a hats off because he is by far our #1 Papi!!! Thank you Benny, you are the most amazing man ever and I am so glad that God has blessed me (and our girls) with you!!!

28 comments on “hats off to papi week”

  • Raquel says:

    That's so sweet and creative!

  • Erin says:

    This is seriously the sweetest thing ever! You guys seem like the most loving family! And, you're so stinkin' creative! Also, I love how bright your pictures are. Do you have any tips on how you shoot? I have a Nikon D40, but have no clue what I'm doing with it.

  • Love Love the idea, will have to keep that in my mind for next year!

  • cuuuuute! love this idea. you guys are such a creative family. πŸ™‚

  • ampersandity says:

    this is SO so precious — i love it!! what a lucky husband/dad!

  • absolutely darling and so creative! love it!

  • Misha Lulu says:

    Ben you are the Best!!!!

  • Meg says:

    wow what an incredible way to celebrate your husband!! so dang sweet!! your creativity astounds me girl.

  • Sara says:

    I have to know where they went for dinner…I don't know why, but I am so curious πŸ™‚

  • Rebekah says:

    you are one of the most creative people ever..such a sweet and inspiring way to bless your Man!

  • jozen says:

    wow! everything was so thoughtful and sweet. ben is lucky to have YOU too!

  • Brooke Premo says:

    Aw, that's so thoughtful. I'm sure that made him feel super-appreciated!

    btw, your calligraphy is looking amazing!!

  • rosanguyen says:

    A whole week just to make that special someone feel very special. Indeed he looks ecstatic in all the polaroids and photos you've provided. And I love how your daughters loved playing along.

  • islandfairy says:

    my goodness how organised and creative! you brought tears to my eyes. for someone raising 3 small kids you manage to do a lot. you're supermum!

  • you and your family are all so crafty and creative in every way possible! God's love is so present in your family… =)

  • so cute + thoughtful ruby!!! you guys are the sweetest ever. what a special fathers day week, love it πŸ™‚

  • Hi Rubyellen! The hanging chair I bought some years ago in a dutch store called Bijenkorf, but they don't sell them anymore. I found this webstore (it dutch, but that must not be the problem) so have a look at luilak
    So sweet of you to celebrate a Papi week πŸ™‚ Maybe a hanging chair is a good place for Ben to watch his girls…

  • knightlight says:

    you are amazing i hope i have the energy and sweet ideas to do this for “our papi” one “week” soon!!! thankyou!!

  • Michele Lee says:

    Gah Ruby! You are incredibly creative and sweet! I loved all the pictures that progressed. How awesome. πŸ™‚ I'm sure your Benny definitely knows how loved he is. And again, if I haven't said this enough already…your girls are beautiful! πŸ™‚

  • I just had to post a comment. This is the sweetest thing ever!! I especially relate to the living on one budget. My hubby never buys himself anything either. We have two girls and he rather buy stuff for us. I love reading your blog, thank you for sharing!

  • Chaucee says:

    I love how you guys go all out on all the holidays. It's such a creative way to show someone that you care about them!

  • Oh Ruby!

    This is so to die for amazing… the ideas… the style… the love inside… simply WOW!

    hugs and kisses

  • tiffany says:

    Every time I stop by your blog I feel so inspired by the way you create such a wonderful home for your sweet family! I love all your ideas and I love how much you love being a mommy. It is contagious~thanks for sharing this sweet idea.

  • that is absolutely adorable! i'm so glad my vintage tool box could be a part of his special week! you have a beautiful family! πŸ™‚

  • this is so darling….
    especially the ring pop part!

  • Rubyellen says:

    thank you everyone! it is such a joy for me to do things to show love for ben! he deserves so much for how wonderful he is!

    sara- ben took the girls to eat pick up stix.

  • RachelDenbow says:

    You know I wait for these blog posts after each holiday/birthday/anniversary because I know I'm always going to have my socks blown off with the way you love on your family through this thoughtfulness and creativity. thanks for sharing it with us!!!

  • I know what a blessing having an amazing hubby is…mine is too! SOOO glad that you (and your girls) celebrated your sweet man in such a special way. I really do gain so much more love for my husband by reading your hubby/lovey posts πŸ™‚ Corny, I know, but true!

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