tending the garden

July 7, 2010

The weather has been nice around here lately. I think we hit June gloom a bit late, but I think it is just lovely. The mornings are cool and overcast and the days aren’t quite as hot yet, but I know the high heat is just around the corner. In the meantime, we do as much as we can outside before the high heat makes its presence, so there is a lot of playing, lounging about, and of course gardening.
tending the gardentending the garden
These past few days consisted of Ben planting more tomato plants (yes, more) and some melons, tying up the tomatoes and putting in a trellis for them to grow on, and feeding all the plants and vegetables with a special tea. Our little yard is still a work in progress, but I like how it is all taking shape.
Oh! I am also proud to say that we finally decided on an umbrella. We just put in the order today, so we will pick it up in a couple weeks. I am gonna keep you in suspense about which one we chose until I can show it to you sitting prettily in our backyard. Are you excited? Cause I am!
I am a bit stressed as Renegade is coming up as well as prepping for my mom’s 50th birthday bash two weeks after. I am seriously contemplating backing out of the fair yet again, but $300 is a lot of dough to lose, but I am not sure I can fully immerse myself in both. Ah! I need to pray more and take it one step at a time, but seriously… I am really stressed! Not too mention our anniversary is in two days and we have yet to decide what to do! Oh boy! Now, Ben is laughing at me (he is next to me reading what I write) because my mind is all over the place in this post. Told you… I. am. stressed.

14 comments on “tending the garden”

  • Stephanie says:

    don't back out ruby!! me and richelle will help you ๐Ÿ™‚

  • Melissa Jade says:

    just breathe! You have sisters to help with the 50th b-day, and the anniversary may be fun, but can always be delayed by a bit if you need it to be. I wouldn't back out- you have too much to offer!

  • Jara says:

    So sorry you are stressed! I know you will pull it off! Garden looks great, can't wait to see which umbrella you picked! What goes into the “special tea” for the plants? Just wonderin'! Your girls are precious in the last post with the star sunglasses!:) Funny…my secret word verification below is exhall – hmmmm – “exhale” maybe:) I bet you'll do awesome at the show! Praying it goes well for you!

  • Meg says:

    i know the feeling! there is just so much going on right now, so much to do. trying to cast my worries upon the Lord, so hard to do sometimes.

  • I was going to say “breathe” too!! Just think about after the fact… what are you going to be happy that you spent your time doing? It's always hardest right before so decide if it is worth it. That's life too… everything always falls within the same week!! Maybe you and Ben should plan to celebrate after all the craziness!! Your garden is beautiful, btw!!! <3

  • Amy says:

    Your garden is lovely. Ours is in need of a good weeding. Some bamboo decided to appear next to the garden and it has made quite a mess as well.

  • jane says:

    you can do it! you are SUPER MOM/WIFE/DAUGHTER!! ๐Ÿ™‚

    your mom's 50th bash will be wonderful. i'm sure your seesters will help out.

    you'll do well at renegade esp with the umbrella you've decided on. don't back out!!

    and you'll creatively come up with some crazy cute way to celebrate your anniversary with ben.

    and then you'll have some down time… let's hope!! you pray, and i'll pray, too! love you!!! ๐Ÿ™‚

  • Charissa says:

    I appreciate your need for excellence but I think backing out of something that you would enjoy so much would be sad. Take what you have together and enjoy the creative energy. You have creative talents for GOD's glory not your own. Ben and your Mom will be celebrated by your desire to celebrate them and your marriage not by the completed project that will be documented and shared. Praying for your discernement in time management.

  • Rubyellen says:

    steph- i am seriously going to hold you to that! i will make you whatever you want!

  • Khanh says:

    don't back out. you will be so proud after everything is over. I know you can do it. when is the renegade fair ? i want to go check out your all your creativity. love love your garden too. i love reading your adorable blog. thanks for sharing.

  • Daisha says:

    Hi, I've never seen your site before, but I really like your photography!! Cute kids too!

    I got your comment on my blog. I hope you don't think I copied an idea of yours. Honestly truly I have never heard of or seen your blog until 3 minutes ago. I thought I was being original . . . I'm hardly a crafter at all!! I scolled back a few months and didn't see anything similar – not sure, hmmm?!?

    Anyway. Have a nice evening!

  • Daisha says:

    I apologize. My comment above must be confusing. I thought it was you who had commented on my blog, but it wasn't. Just someone refering to your blog.

  • Susan Ly says:

    i heard boiling crab cures stress! hahaha!!! are we on?

  • marcpapain says:

    I'm so jealous of your garden! I've got a smaller veggie garden on my balcony but not many of the plants seem to thrive. I'll have to soldier on since you've shown me it's possible!

    Marc ๐Ÿ™‚

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