no tape

October 27, 2010

I needed to wrap a present, but couldn’t find any tape. What’s the next best option? Happy tape! I think this definitely makes a present much more happy!
happy tapehappy tape
I went a bit tape happy and also decorated the front. I am now thinking I will be using this tape to wrap all our Christmas presents. Christmas already, what?!! Yup. It will be here before you know it.
I am pretty much done with Christmas shopping for my girls, but there is just one more thing to get them (must save more pennies first). I think I have done a big chunk of shopping for friends and family too, but I need to go through my list and make sure (and still have things to make for gifts). I hate procrastinating and thus do shopping throughout the year and have all the presents stored in a big bag in my closet. Though as soon as my girlies start figuring that out, I am sure I will have to find a better hiding spot.
True just started acting normal again today. Hurrah! We are gonna head out to do errands and hopefully will get on the next family adventure soon. I am so excited!
One more week left until my birthday. I just like treats from Ben and my family (yes, I still give my parents a wish list) and that is why I like my birthday! I ain’t gonna lie. But really, no pressure Benny, no pressure. I just want to have my breakfast and a dinner date!

17 comments on “no tape”

  • Elizabeth says:

    I love happy tape also – I used it this summer when I taught an art class and it was a big hit!

    Your package with the little banners across the front looks so cute…someone will be happy with that!

    xo Elizabeth

  • Whitney Lane says:

    that is SO adorable!! great idea!! ๐Ÿ™‚

  • jane says:

    go to CRUSTACEAN! ๐Ÿ™‚

    you are crazy girl, as always! i can't believe (and yet i can) that you're done with christmas shopping!

  • Julie says:

    I am so jealous that you're almost done your christmas shopping! I'm usually 1/2 done by this time of year but not this year…..ugh, I've only purchased two gifts so far! eek!

  • it will be here before we know it. LOVE the tape bunting. you kill me.

  • Chaucee says:

    Wow you are really on top of things!

  • I love this idea. I'll be using it too for Christmas wrap… as well as Furoshiki cloth wrap.

  • Meg says:

    that tape is awesome!! what a cute idea for decorating a package.. i'm thinking i need to get some fun tape before the holiday season arrives!

  • Lizeylou says:

    These presents look fantastic … almost too cute to open!!

  • lina says:

    love this idea!! i really need to get some of that tape…hmmm my birthday is coming up…maybe i should ask for it : )

  • Thank. I know my dumb chairs are there! I was trying to get rid of the chairs and table to give to Danny. Sorry maybe we should just get rid of them period. I'll ask around CrossView and see if anyone could use a table and some chairs. But to be honest I'm sorta scared transporting them bc dont you have BIG spiders there? LIke brown recluses?!!! AH so scary.

    P.S. Love the wrapping. DUDE, you are done with Christmas!? Man, I have a total of none! SO sad.

    Have a great rest of the week seeing Christ in everything and loving him for all of it ๐Ÿ™‚

  • i am such a HUGE fan of cute tape!! love love love it!!! it's seriously one of the best packaging items out there!! and happy early birthday!! mine is next week too!! ๐Ÿ˜€

  • Ms.Tips says:

    You are already done with you xmas shopping? WHAT?! You are a super mom!!! I just started thinking about them. I'm going to try all my holiday shopping on etsy this year!! (including your store:)) Love the happy tapes!!

  • The tape as a little banner is genius!! And I forgot we share a birthday week!!! i LOVE my birthday too! I'm glad True is better. Yes… I was just saying to the kids, “Less than two months til Christmas” as they squeeled with delight and Nathaniel started his list!

  • Emily says:

    That is so creative, I love washi tape but never thought of using it this way. AWESOME JOB!

  • georgyct says:

    ooh, I'd love to know what you have gotten/made for your girls. I'm just starting out and need some inspiration!! ๐Ÿ™‚

  • yay!!! these presents were for me! oh and the boys too. hehe. we love everything. thank you! thank you! thank you!

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