random wrapping

November 5, 2010

I can be a hoarder when it comes to cutesy things like tickets, old papers, or random pages that come from other packagings, so when I wasn’t in the mood for a plain old bow, this is what I came up with.
random wrapping
The pages don’t mean anything in particular for this little gift, but it just became fun layering things together to make a cute little wrapping. I am suddenly in the mood to wrap presents because wrapping this present up was fun!

True then saw me taking a picture of my little creation, so she got her own little creation ready for a picture too!

true's creation
She said, “Take a picture of my present, Mama!” Thus, snap away I did.
True wants me to tell you that her creation is a flower thing that she is keeping for herself, so if you thought that little concoction was coming your way… you thought wrong.
Do you guys have any fun, unconventional ways to wrap or decorate presents?
p.s. thank you for the birthday wishes! you all are the best! don’t forget to check out all of november’s newest sponsors (on the right) and sponsor introductions will be coming up very soon.

14 comments on “random wrapping”

  • Misha Lulu says:

    hola chica!
    I love creating wrapping, specially recycling weird stuff and using it!

  • Misha Lulu says:

    I forgot to say that both of the wrappings look like master pieces!!!!
    You guys are awsome!
    have fun!

  • That's exactly how i am, i love keep things like that, especially movie tickets! The wrapping looks great, if anyone gave me a gift wrapped like that i probably wouldn't want to open it. πŸ™‚

  • Kristi says:

    where did you get that orange bird fabric…please do tell.

  • Renee says:

    Wow,very pretty ways to wrap presents…I would love to get presents wrapped up like that…I'd be the person that unwraps it slowly so I could save all the tickets & things you used to tie it up. πŸ™‚ True is very creative,it looks like she made sure to arrange the flowers on top so that you could actually see the layers as opposed to piling them all up the same way…. I see a future crafter coming our way…it must be in the genes.Tell True she is very good at it! πŸ™‚ Im surprised Brave didn't want to make something for you to photograph,too since the youngest sisters always copy off the oldest. πŸ™‚

  • Now you have me thinking creatively. I do have one idea that maybe you know: put two clear plastic bags around a present and sandwiched in between the bags, put a bunch of confetti pieces… it's a festive way to wrap, especially odd shaped gifts. I always have tons of paper scraps lying around and newspaper sleeves!

  • I often wrap small gifts in brightly colored pages from magazines. It's pretty and different!

  • love the wrapping job & all of the layering πŸ™‚ i like using doilies, string, and punched paper when wrapping gifts.

  • very cute! I also hoard cute stuff and I would loove to make a sweet little present for someone I adore with the scraps I can't bring myself to throw away. πŸ™‚

  • jane says:

    you know i love to wrap with pages from the anthro catalog. πŸ™‚

    love ya!

  • I love ticket stubs! This wrapping is just too cute πŸ™‚

  • Meg says:

    Random question. Are your daughter's names really True, Brave, and Soul? I was just wondering and wanted to know what family/strangers think/thought when and if they are their real names?

  • ringmaster says:

    beautiful! i love using vintage patterns and twine. anything old i have collected!

  • What a cool blog you have! πŸ™‚ I found you today at Elsie's blog. I'm glad I did, I'm your newest follower :).

    Hug from Buenos Aires!


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