pizza night

March 24, 2011

Last week we had a pizza making night. It all started because I had another craving and this time was homemade pizza with shrimp on it. Good thing, I made a bunch of whole wheat pizza dough (recipe here) awhile ago and just stick it in the freezer for days such as these.
pizza making nightpizza making night
True of course gets her pizza with no cheese because she is allergic to dairy.
pizza making night
Brave gets her pizza with loads of cheese because that girl loves dairy.
pizza making night
And the baby belly and I were happy as clams with our chili garlic oil and shrimp pizza with a bit of basil put on to add more oomph!
Once again, I don’t do any cooking, but just watch as Ben and the girls work their magic in the kitchen. I love having my own personal chefs!
Who’s the cook in your home? I am definitely not the cook, but I am the baker. Hence, I was the one who prepared the dough and stuck it in the freezer.

27 comments on “pizza night”

  • Tang says:

    Yum! Are those meatballs on True's pizza?

  • Mrs. Dontje says:

    yumm! i am craving homemade pizza now! i am the baker and the cook in our house. my ben is a great dishwasher though :))

  • Morgan says:

    Looks delicious! My boyfriend is the cook and I am the clean-up. It works out really well. I do enjoy baking, but so does he. It's pretty amazing.

  • mmmmm so delicious!!!! give me to me??

  • jozen says:

    i am most definitely the cook… though my hubs is a great griller (which we do alot in the summer)

  • Asha says:

    Ruby, my husband cooks and I'm the baker too. I've had people scoff at that a bit but I don't care.

  • My sweetie and I take turns cooking. I really need to meet with my mother and get some homecooked receipes though — we make the same few dishes every week. lol

  • Susanna says:

    hey! i found your blog through a friend and have had so much fun looking through & getting a glimpse of your beautiful life!

    homemade pizza sounds amazing…might have to think about that for tonight!

  • jessicajane says:

    I'm the cook, and I am pretty jealous of your own personal chef! If my husband cooked we would have frozen pizza / bratwursts every night.

  • mmmm yummy! those pizzas look delicious. homemade pizza is one of my favorite dinners : )

  • Cat says:

    Looks fab! Do you put raw or pre-cooked shrimp on these pizza's?

  • *amanda* says:

    This is a totally yummy post. 😛

  • oh my gosh that pizza with shrimp looks amazing! i'm the cook but i taught Zoe how to bake cookies at the age of 3. she looked soooo cute stirring that beater and of course making a mess every where!

  • that shrimp pizza looks amazing….omg! thanks for posting <3

  • Mixie Studio says:

    My sister just discovered your blog and shared it with me… and I absolutely LOVE it!! Just thought you'd like to know 🙂

    As far as cooking goes, I hate to admit it, but my husband usually cooks more than me…and I love to bake!

    <3 Lauren

  • Yum those home made pizzas look delicious. I too have a hubby who is a wonderful cook. Such a blessing

  • zhing says:

    looks delish! my husband is the fancy chef and im the everyday hearty meal chef! 🙂 take turns and lends a little variety in our cuisine!


  • greta says:

    Do you defrost your dough before baking? Looks so yummy!

  • Brooke says:

    i'm totally the cook in our house! sparky doesn't get home till late every night so i have no choice.

    i don't mind it actually, because i know that i cook healthy meals from scratch so i know what's going into pretty much everything we eat.

    i'm also the baker, which is fabulous, because i could eat raw cake mixture till the cows came home! and fresh bread is. awesome.

    and i'm going to try your pizza dough recipe – thanks!

  • *TRINE* says:

    omg, its half past ten in the morning here, but when I see this pizza, I HAVE to…you know? 😉 I´ll blame it on the baby bump too! lol

    xoxo Trine

  • Renee says:

    Your pizzas look so good!I try to cook but I'm not good at it,like you,I'm the baker in the family,making breads,cakes,cookies,etc.I love baking and would love cooking if I were good at it. 🙂

  • Allison says:

    I am definitely the cook, but I need to find someone who will do the dishes for me (know any cute boys who like to wash dishes?)! That's the only part of kitchen work I can't stand 🙂

  • As you know… I ssooo don't like to cook, but ido…. And not good. Don't bake either… Hehe! None of the above really

  • megan lane says:

    wow, i am way out of the loop!! congrats on expecting another baby!! and the new(ish?) blog layout looks great!

  • Chaucee says:

    Ooo this probably wasn't a good thing for me to see before going to bed :

  • apockylypse says:

    We did a pizza night at my house recently, and I loved being able to cook with my sweetie. He's the cook in the family, and I'm the baker…but occasionally I like to cook a meal together.

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