a disney day

May 26, 2011

Have I told you my baby sister got a job at Disneyland? She is a dancer in the new parade that starts on Friday. She is the red bird named Panchito (near Donald Duck). She will be the cutest one there, so it will be hard not to miss her!
Anyhow, one of the perks of being an employee is that she can occasionally get people in for free. They have a new ride opening up, so yesterday she was able to bring in people to try it out (and the rest of the park). I mustered up the courage to venture out to such a massive place like Disneyland sans Ben, but good thing I have one sibling to help with every kid. Next time, it probably will be 4 on 4, but for now the adults still outnumber my kids. Whew!
The weather was perfect. My girls were excited. And disneyland is just always happy place!
disney day with my siblingsdisney day with my siblingsdisney day with my siblingsdisney day with my siblingsdisney day with my siblingsdisney day with my siblingsdisney day with my siblingsdisney day with my siblings
I know my brother rarely gets blog time, but he is the dude in the pictures (just in case you hadn’t figured that out yet). I am the oldest of four, my brother is 4 years younger than me, then my two sisters follow. The baby and I are 10 years apart, which means though my mom had me at 21, she had her at 31, so I win! We still got 4 more months to go, but Lord willing I will have popped out 4 kids before 30! HA! Take that Mom!!! And just like my mom, 4 is as high as I go.
I love Disneyland, but I was super happy to be home and with my Benny again. I guess I am just too much of a homebody at heart! There really is no place like home…
We got a vintage here, vintage there post coming about what we wore to the happy place soon. In the meantime, what was your yesterday filled with?!

17 comments on “a disney day”

  • You have a delightful blog and I'm happy to have bumped into it.

  • Sini says:

    Your family is so cute, including your sisters and brother! I would looove to visit Disneyland, even the one in Paris. You know, your smile is so great and it's cute that your kids has the exact same way to smile! I want that too haha ๐Ÿ™‚

  • Ms.Tips says:

    love your “seal beach california” baby-bump!! xoxo

  • Keri-Anne says:

    how perfect. it looked like your little ones had a wonderful time ๐Ÿ™‚ x

  • CarleeKajsa says:

    i saw you as we were leaving! i recognized your girls and it made me smile to see you so well taken care of by your siblings (i braved it by myself with my 3 boys and coveted the help!)

    hope it was magical!

  • Linda Park says:

    DID YOU JUST BOOYA YOUR MOM?!!??! hahahahhahaha

  • Hannah says:

    For serious, how cute are your kids. So sweeet.

  • Misha Lulu says:

    oh my gosh that PANZA is big now! So cute!
    Finally I meet your brother!
    cute, cute, cute!

  • jozen says:

    awe! i want to go back to disneyland!!!

    and congrats to your sister! what an incredible job! dancing in a parade at the happiest place on earth ๐Ÿ™‚

  • Holly F. says:

    These photos are downright adorable. They make me super excited to go to Disneyland (sans the kids) for my 5th wedding anniversary next week!

    And having grown up in the area, I was freely ushered in by many of my friends who worked at Disneyland. Such a sweet deal — congrats to your sister!

  • Brooke says:

    Dude, I am incredibly envious. Sparky and I visited both US Disneys a few years ago (before we had the kids) and love love loved every second of it. We've now got a ten year plan to travel to the States and Canada with our kids for a couple of months, visiting both Disneyland and Disney World. As ridic as it sounds, considering it's nine or ten years away, we are already excited, and seeing your pics makes me all giddy.

    Thanks for the happy-making today!

  • what a fun day! i look forward to the day when i can take my future children to the happiest place on earth. i love how excited kids get about disneyland.

    love your shoes!

  • Kara says:

    this post made me awww, and cute, and yes
    aww, i love your little family ๐Ÿ˜‰
    cute girlies (i am a mama to 4 girlies)
    and YES (!!!) i had my 4th daugther 2 mos before i turned 30. just how I wanted, done by the age of 30!

    ๐Ÿ™‚ smiley happy faces and fuzzy thoughts. LOVE the belly.

  • I totally saw you!!!! I was leaving, and you were walking in, and I first thought, Dang that girl has a cute belly, and then I thought.. Dang that girl looks familiar! and then I saw this! and now Iโ€™m like DANG I wish I would of realized and then I could of paparizied you! lol!!!! Itโ€™s a small world after all! Itโ€™s a small small world!

  • JennyC says:

    What fun! They look like they had a blast ๐Ÿ™‚ And how cool is that for your sister to have a job at Disneyland? Aside from creating a home business Etsy / shop business, working at Disney World was one of the jobs I wanted the most … to bad I live clear across the country! ๐Ÿ™‚ Glad you all had a great time.

  • Heidi says:

    Hello, fellow LA blogger!

    I happened to snap a picture of your sis in the parade yesterday! It's on my blog post today: http://heidi-finishing-the-hat.blogspot.com/2011/06/adventure-wednesday-in-mermaid-lagoon.html


  • Rubyellen says:

    heidi- thank you! that pic made my day!

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