September 6, 2011

There is this little town right next to us and when you enter, it really makes you feel you are in a whole other world. Think… old fashion saloons. At night, when you drive by, there are horses waiting in a corral right outside saloon doors. Once when a friend was on her way to my house, she made a wrong turn, called another friend to get back on the right track and said, “Does Ruby live in Frontierland?” This small town has a parade every Labor Day since 1902, so this year we decided to check it out.
labor day paradelabor day paradelabor day paradelabor day paradelabor day parade
labor day paradelabor day paradelabor day paradelabor day paradelabor day paradelabor day parade
on me: shirt (supposed to be a dress), american apparel. shorts, f21. shoes, vintage dr. scholls c/o nickie noel vintage. this is pretty much my go-to outfit cause nothing fits anymore!
on true: dress, little bean shop. shoes, vintage.
on brave: embroidered dress, c/o tiny fox vintage. shorts, vintage. shoes, vintage.
on soul: dress, rogue retro. salt-waters, tiny fox vintage.
It was a simple, small town parade where we got to watch a lot of horses stroll by, a marching band, random city council people, and free candy being thrown at the viewers. The skies were overcast, it was free, and we were all happy to be together. It was a good kinda Labor Day!
How did you spend your Labor Day? Obviously, I wasn’t laboring…

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