it’s just us

August 12, 2012

baby and mebaby and mebaby and mebaby and mebaby and meThe older three girls will be off vacationing with my parents for the week and it’s just going to be me and Glow during the day. This will be a weird change, but there are a few things I need to work on, so this break is quite welcomed. We no doubt will be missing the girls like crazy though!

Fingers crossed my parents stick to our rules as much as possible, make good food choices for our girls, and refrain from giving the girls whatever they want. Sometimes after a visit with my parents, I wish my girls had a reset button. Oye! I know we’re totally going to be in for it when they get back. Here’s to a quiet and productive week though!

on me: shirt, thrifted. black skirt, c/o modcloth. this skirt is so nice, flowy, and classic, definitely will last me years to come! shoes, gifted from danni. necklace, a merry mishap. on glow: romper, vintage.

16 comments on “it’s just us”

  • jane says:

    your parents are awesome to take them for the week, though! πŸ™‚ enjoy the time and hope you’ll be productive and get everything done!! πŸ™‚ and your girls are pretty good; they’ll “reset” easily once they’re back with you! omg, i can’t remember what it was like when you just had one kid! haha!

  • Yvonne says:

    I really like the simple yet potent edits you make to your photos. πŸ™‚ Loving the outfit(s) too!

  • Anastasia says:

    Look at that little head full of hair! So pretty!

  • Tracie says:

    I used to worry about that too when my kids went to their grandparen’ts houses. But I figure that the majority of the time they are with me and I am helping them to make great choices, so I stopped worrying. I love that my family is close enough for my children to get to spend consistent time with them. My grandparents were so far away that we only saw them about twice a year. Enjoy your time with your little one. She is beautiful!

  • misha lulu says:

    I love that skirt! I want one! and I love Glow!

  • Aarika says:

    She is so, so beautiful. And I love your outfit, by the way! πŸ™‚

  • Annie (NJ) says:

    Glow looks so much like Brave especially on the second picture. I had to scroll back up.

    Your kids will enjoy the moments of hanging out with the grandparents and you know grandparents love to spoil them.

  • missT says:

    Gorgeous shots – love the outfits πŸ™‚ Glow is just too cute!

  • I’m new to your blog! I love it! πŸ™‚

  • Natalie says:

    Glow is precious! I stumbled upon your blog a few weeks ago and have thoroughly enjoyed reading it and seeing your beautiful pictures. I hope you have a productive week!

  • Lis says:

    Hi there! I’ve been lurking for a while, and finally gussied up to post a comment. I just smile every time you post pictures of Glow–she and my little girl share such a resemblance. And they’re about the same age too. Glow has much more hair, though, ha. She’s such a cutie!

    I would love to have the grandparents nearby to care for the kids (well, at least my four-year-old, as I nurse the baby). My son would definitely love it–he constantly talks about flying on the plane to see his Aba. πŸ™ Hope you have a good week!

  • Lis says:

    Ha, I just realized, I might have actually posted before? Have I? Not sure. I see my info already filled in, but I don’t recall. I know I’ve meant to but then have deleted the comment. Maybe I did go through with one. Ah well… just feel silly if I have osted before. Anyway… haha

  • What an angel girl! She looks like so much fun. Have fun with just one child this week! xoxo, hm

  • Jen says:

    My kids need a reset button after spending time with the grandparents too! They’re always crabby and disobedient when they get back πŸ™ I think it’s just to spoiling and lack of routine?! But the trade off for a little down time with just my little ones and the big kids getting quality time with their grandparents is worth it in the end!

  • Joyce says:

    Glow looks adorable!

  • Both so beautiful! I love your shoes

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