we grew fennel

April 16, 2013

fennelfennelThis was our first time growing fennel. Ours didn’t grow too big, but they were still yummy and I used all of it in one dish, so there was that. It grew and we ate it, end of story. We love fennel! It’s also good roasted with carrots… yummy! Do you guys like fennel?

P.S. My hearts go out to those in Boston. This pain (and evil) is so real and I’m praying for healing for the hearts and bodies of all those affected. It’s so sad that things like this happen.

8 comments on “we grew fennel”

  • Anna says:

    It looks big to me! I’m not too familiar with fennel but I would love to try that recipe.

  • Megan Lane says:

    i have yet to try fennel! i think i’m going to try that recipe you posted, i just bought some brown rice linguine on sale 🙂 perfect springtime meal.

  • sarah vine says:

    I adore the fennel greens in hot water as a cup of tea! It has a licorice flavor (mild) and doesn’t really need sweetening. If you have any left…..x

  • sistrsprkl says:

    Last year, I topped a grilled pizza with caramelized fennel an onions. Yum.

  • Meg says:

    LOVE fennel! Great in salads and I make an after dinner digestive tea with the seeds, mixed with mint tea and honey. Great for bellyaches! Happy growing!

  • Cait says:

    I love fennel! My favorite way to use it is in a black bean, leek, fennel and red onion soup. SO good! Or in a pickled green bean salad (from the Smitten Kitchen website).

  • kelly says:

    fennel & black radish are our girlz fav´ snack
    we just sprinkle sesa salt on slices
    & they eat with fingers instead of chips 🙂

  • erika says:

    Wow, so great, I love to read your gardening posts, and that fennel looks great, I love the smell of fennel !

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