her seventh breakfast in bed

May 7, 2013

her 7th breakfast in bedher 7th breakfast in bedher 7th breakfast in bedHer 7th breakfast in bedher 7th breakfast in bedher 7th breakfast in bedher 7th breakfast in bed

Here she is, my biggest girl, the head honcho of the sisters (though #3 often tries to take the job away), and she is finally getting her 7th birthday breakfast in bed. We’ve been doing this tradition since she was one, but it started in my family when my parents were doing this for us since I was a kid. Our biggest gal is quite the creative gal. She’s always reading, drawing, and crafting. Every day she wants a new project to do. It’s always, “Mommy, can we make something today?” True has been planning this birthday of hers since August and she had lots of very specific requests, so we started off the day with her first one… the dolphin shaped pancakes (made by Ben!).

When I asked her what she wanted for her birthday, besides her request for a party (and all the specifics to go in it), she said, “Anything swimming, ocean, or mermaid.” Then she followed that up with, “You can just make me something mommy!” So make is what I did.

I ended up making her a mermaid doll and had Ben drill a hole in a little seashell the girls collected, and sewed that onto her head. She came out looking pretty sweet and quirky. I just knew True would love her. Then, we were going to get her another bathing suit, but then I came across these turquoise glittery sandals (for $10!) at the store, which seemed mermaid-ish, so I got that for her as well (we ended up not giving her a bathing suit).

With everything I had made, I was kind of thinking she needed a special birthday dress because having a special birthday dress is a must, right?! This was totally a last minute idea. I remembered I had this Heather Ross fabric from her “Mermaids” line that I have been holding onto for at least 3 years, so I took that out and went off into dress making. I kind of mimicked this dress I made for myself long ago, and thankfully it all came out fantastic on my first try. Good thing, because I wouldn’t have had anymore fabric had I messed up. We gave her all her gifts during breakfast and she was quite happy and thankful for all of it. We also gave her her first real Bible now that she is such an avid reader. It’s sweet because she’s been reading bits of it at night with Ben.

I’m thankful for my sweet girl who is all about birthdays (she even insisted we call her Princess True during the month of April)! Whenever it’s someone else’s birthday in our home, she goes all out making things for the celebrant that it made me so happy to go all out and make things for her. I’d say her seventh year of life has already started out pretty good! And as the day (and weekend) went on, it just got better and better for our little princess. We love you Truey!

28 comments on “her seventh breakfast in bed”

  • Elizabeth says:

    How special! Love how you celebrate your kids birthdays, I’m sure they will remember that forever! And the breakfast idea…So cool! It’s almost too cool to eat!

  • Keri-Anne says:

    This is just wonderful! I always look forward to these posts. She reminds me a lot my 4 year old, Elle. She is very creative and similar when it comes to wanting to make gifts for people. xxxx

  • heather says:

    i love this! simple and sweet (i know a lot of work went into it- but not so much stuff). my girls are 11 and 17 now (don’t know how that happened), but i remember the mermaid days! right about the time that fabric came out! treasure it all- i know you do! happy birthday, true! ๐Ÿ™‚

  • krystina says:

    Happy Birthday Princess True ๐Ÿ™‚ What a lovely birthday breakfast! Love the mermaid and dress <3

  • Jessica says:

    That’s so sweet. I love the mermaid too ๐Ÿ™‚ And her messy morning hair. My kiddos’ bedhead is my fave!

  • Vivian says:

    Happy Birthday True!! ๐Ÿ™‚ Liking the vintage mermaid dress hehehe Bless with such an awesome mom! Truthfully jealous. :\

  • Marรญa says:

    Wooooww!! I love the dress and the mermaid doll, you are such an artist!!!
    Happy bday True!! ๐Ÿ™‚

  • Christine says:

    posts like these are while yours will forever be my favorite blog.

  • Lauren says:

    I want a mermaid dress too! So cute, happy birthday True!

  • Julie says:

    How could you not adore a daughter that wants you to just make her something creative! I love her! Darling mermaid doll and such a fun birthday post.

  • Julie says:

    P.S. Great dolphin pancake!

  • kristin says:

    Oh man, how adorable – you’re such a good mama (and papa isn’t too shabby either with his food art)! Love all the mermaids!!

  • Jessica says:

    awww…what a sweet daughter you are raising! Happy birthday to True! You do a great job of making their days special – they will have such beautiful and fun memories of these wonderful times (sounds like you have good memories of birthday breakfasts, too!). Thanks for being so inspiring yet real and honest at the same time. Hope the rest of her day was terrific!

  • Megan Lane says:

    She is looking so much older!

  • Aww so sweet! Congrats to your biggest girl True!

  • Happy Birthday, True! ๐Ÿ™‚ You are such a big girl now… ๐Ÿ™‚

    love all the way from the Philippines,

  • serena says:

    Tanti Auguri di BUONCOMPLEANNO

  • Brandi says:

    That doll! I want it for my girlies!

  • That is such a great idea! I’ll have to do this for my kids when I have them!
    Also, I think that the Bible is one of the best gifts you can give. I’m sure it will be nice and worn and broken in!

    xo Lisa
    Making Life’s Lemons

  • Katie says:

    True is such a beauty! What a darling,daughter you have. I love the whole theme of her breakfast in bed. And, lady, that dress you made is incredibly cute. So in love with it.

    Happy Birthday Princess True!

  • Starr says:

    I lOVE the mermaid doll & dress you made. What a fun and creative mama you are!


    This is so special. And True totally reminds me of me as a kid. I loved reading and anything creative. And I’m still obsessed with birthdays! I love celebrating for others even more than myself!

  • isabelle says:

    Do you have a pattern for the dress or did you just wing it? I love it!

  • Katie says:

    I would love a tutorial for your mermaid doll. I’m sure you just winged it and improvised but any tips you have would be awesome!

  • Anna says:

    Any tutorial for the mermaid doll? Would love to make one for my daughter’s b-day.

  • Stefanie says:

    OMG I LOVE This Mermaid, I have been looking around for one… this one is amazing… do you have a pattern or a tutorial? My daughter would just love it!

  • Heidi says:

    Your mermaid doll inspired one of our own for my youngest who is almost three. She thinks she’s a mermaid;) if you could lend me some “how to” advice on the hair I’d be forever thankful! I’ve drawn up and cut out patterns for all but the hair. Not sure if I should attach it to the head and add the bun at the end, or make it like a cap and slip it on after the rest is done? Any feedback will be helpful! TIA

    • Rubyellen says:

      Sew the front and back of hair onto the head, then make another oval-ish shaped ball (lightly stuffed) and that will get inserted between the front and back of the head at the top. Have the ball of the bun inside the head and the raw edge lined up with the top edge of the head. Does that make sense? It’s basically a ball that is sew between the front and back of the head, and once you sew around the entire doll, when you turn it right side out, the ball goes up like a bun.

      Hope this helps! I would love to see a picture of the doll!

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