
June 22, 2014

#gospursgo#gospursgo#gospursgo#gospursgoWe’re on cloud nine about the Spurs winning their fifth championship. It’s been an exciting week here; we’ve watched all the replays, interviews, and even the parade and rally. We’re really far from San Antonio, but we are celebrating with the city from our little spot here in Southern California. I love Texas and keep trying to convince Ben we need to move, but his job is too good to leave, though he did look at the job opportunities in Texas, but it looks like they don’t really realize they need registered dietitians just yet.

We started off the day wearing black, silver, and white in excitement for the game, and despite Ben feeling achy and sick, we still enjoyed watching the game and celebrating together after they won. The kids were loving the excuse to scream from the top of their lungs with excitement. This year’s win was just so sweet, and like Tim Duncan said, “It makes last year sort of OK.”


7 comments on “#gospursgo”

  • Georgette says:

    My family and I were fortunate enough to be there visiting so we were able to see the Spurs win it this year! The city was just so alive and my husband and I were crazy enough to wait in line at academy for the championship shirts! Aww man it was so worth it though and the team just played beautifully this year. Loved seeing your photos 🙂

  • Jessica says:

    I was rooting for the Spurs too and remembered that your family are huge fans. I thought of you when they won. That was a great series! BTW, Your hair is so long. I love it! 🙂

  • Erika says:

    Where in Texas are you looking?! Consider Austin! The healthy and fit lifestyle is very important to people here!! And the city is just awesome.

  • Kara s. says:

    Houston medical center. There are alot of nutrition and diet people needed.

  • Brock says:

    love these photos, go kawhi

  • lisa renata says:

    So funny to see you cheering for the Spurs. We now live in San Antonio and well, I still haven’t gotten use to all the crazy-loving-cheering going on in just about every spot you see here. I have to say that San Antonian’s are proud of Texas and their Spurs. Anyway, it would be so cool if you moved here. I’m originally from Southern Cal my self, but had been living in Virginia for the last 11 years, and just last year we moved to San Antonio. Though we miss the beauty of VA we are loving it here (especially since my Parents and two sister’s live here too. Main reason we moved here.) Anyway, you should have your hubby check out for Job openings in the Stone Oak area. It’s an upcoming area in the outskirts of SA, north h of the outer loop 1604. One of the main hospitals in San Antonio is located there, and lots of medical businesses popping around as well as health and spa centers. Who knows he might just find the right job for him here.

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