This week’s learned, links, and thankfulness…
Found a cool, vintage, denim jumpsuit. I’m a sucker for anything denim. Good finds always make me dance.
Sweet Easter basket stuffers from Kinoko Kids.
Everlane’s got underwear coming out on Monday and I’m excited to check it out.
My brother gets married tomorrow! Woot! He’s the last one.
Basket lovers… Ms. Tips has some good a good spring bag here.
I think my silly girls would like this Don’t Laugh Joke Book Challenge in their Easter baskets.
A rebuke to my heart and a call to shift my perspective in this article, “Parenting Means Wrestling Demons.”
So thankful for the community God has given. Our families and friends are such a gift. I’m thankful for this every week.
Many things have been weighing on my heart this week. The idea of comfort, suffering, eternity, and dying to self. God’s been doing a doozy in our lives, but while it’s crazy now, it’s for our good and we can trust God even when we don’t get it.
Can’t wait to see my brother walk down the aisle tomorrow. It will be so different being on the groom side, since I’m always used to my sisters getting married. It was so different for my parents too. My dad usually waits at the end of the line, but now that get to see it unfold from the beginning. Happy weekending, friends!
Since you first mentioned having to deal with serious problems, you have been in my thoughts. Sending much love to you and your family.
Thank you Frédérique; it means a lot. It’s been such a trial, but God has been growing us through it!
grace and peace to you in the trials you are experiencing. I’m always encouraged by how you continue to lean into Jesus in all seasons. what a joy to celebrate your last sibling wedding! you’ve probably shared these before, but how do you explain the significance of Easter to your girls (especially when they were toddlers) and what foods do you usually eat to celebrate Easter?