Today’s WORDS WEDNESDAY is a coloring page for “MAKE EACH DAY COUNT” It was a reminder from Sunday morning’s sermon from Psalm 90, which we were able to gather with our church family virtually. Thankful to technology that we can still have Sunday gathering and not neglect to gather as a church during this time.

With the sheet… fill it in, color it, decorate it, and share it with the rest of us on Instagram! Put it on your wall as a reminder that while we are confined to our homes, we can still make each day count.
For me, it’s been a reminder to spend time in the word and savor God’s goodness, even with the fear and suffering going on. There’s still an opportunity to redeem the time that has been gifted to me. It reminds me for me to live is Christ, and as hard as it is to imagine at times, to die is gain because I know there are eternal glory days up ahead.
To color and make your own little poster, just download and print the documents below…
MAKE EACH DAY COUNT fill in page

If you don’t have access to a printer, feel free to make your own and share it with the rest of us! Always happy to have you share the project, just don’t forget to tag and credit please.