’09 los angeles blog social

July 31, 2009

‘Twas a lovely Thursday evening of merrily making my way to L.A. to pick up Helen, then moseying our way down to the super duper cool Abbot Kinney Road of Venice Beach. We meandered a bit in the ultra hip area, but our final destination was Urbanic Paper, the place where a wonderful group of bloggers were to meet. 
sheer whimsy and cakies
We were greeted with the most loveliest of places filled with flowers, goodies, and happy delights galore. It was a blogger’s dream, maybe anyone’s dream, but definitely a blogger’s dream. The food was catered by Lemonade, the cupcakes from Vanilla Bake Shop and all was very yummy.
scenes from the party
A funny thing that happens when you get a bunch of bloggers together is that everyone busts out their cameras and takes pictures of everything! But the place just looked to too darn cute, who wouldn’t take pictures of everything?!!

what do bloggers do when they get together?
scenes from the party
scenes from the party

bags of goodies
scenes from the party

food catered by lemonadeblogger gals
the crowd
The place was hustling and bustling with around 30 people chattering and laughing. There were all sorts of bloggers there from wedding bloggers to design bloggers to craft bloggers to photography bloggers, just a big wonderful mix. I got to meet so many other bloggers who are for sure now new friends. This little (but kinda big) online community is really so amazing. We all nerded out and talked blog, design, craft, and cooking together. It was loads of fun! Thank you so much to Oh, hello friend, Parcel Post, and 100 Layer Cake for hosting this wonderful event.
Then, I came home (really late) and the party continued as I opened up my bag of goodies and told my Ben of all the fun I had. I love goodies, especially cause it was comprised of things from super talented people!

bag of goodies

There are so many of you that I wish I could get together with too. Seriously. Wouldn’t that be fun to nerd about crafting and blogging together?!! What can I say all this stuff is just so exciting! I am a blog nerd that way. 

Now it’s off to do some crafting for the weekend. We have a special family day planned tomorrow to celebrate Brave’s birthday, so I have a lot to do. I wish you all a wonderful weekend!!! Anyone else have any big plans?
p.s. If anyone is in the L.A. area, our church is having a community picnic this Sunday at Shatto Recreation Center in Los Angeles at around noon. Nothing special going on, but just wanted to have a big picnic at the park. We will have a food stash galore, so come for fun and just to hang out. I will just be there eating and chatting away. Maybe I can meet more of you! If interested, just send me an email. 

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