their own fairy tales

August 29, 2012

making stuffmaking stuffmaking stuffmaking stuffmaking stuffmaking stuffmaking stuffUncommon Goods sent the girls this little finger printing set (this bug one is cool too!). Pink? Yes! Fairy tales? Yes! Make stuff? Yes! It is totally what my girls are all about. They spent an entire afternoon filling pages of their sketchbook with little characters and their finger prints. Of course, I spent a bit of time making my own characters because all the funny little stamps were too cute not to!

This was all done during Soul’s nap time, but as soon as she came down and saw what they were doing, there was a whole lot of fighting. That girl fights with everyone about everything. The nice, quiet, making time ended because Soul hasn’t mastered sharing yet and then it was time to make dinner. If you think we are always calm over here and all messes look happy and pretty?! HA! They aren’t and as sweet as my girls (or me) seem to be, we all can get pretty terrible. It’s just the plain, honest truth folks.

12 comments on “their own fairy tales”

  • chloe says:

    Your girls have talent ๐Ÿ™‚ i love this idea!

  • What can you say other than, that girl’s got Soul. >.< hehe

  • I love these fingerpainting drawing kits, they look so fun! and ha ha ha, I so hear you. The other day I was ready to sell my kid to the highest bidder. As bloggers we take pictures of the fun and cute moments, but there are the whiny, screamy, tired, moments that we ALL have — everyone needs to be terrible one in awhile. My daughter and I have that market covered! My husband on the other hand? I can honestly say that he is never ever terrible. ๐Ÿ™‚

  • caroline says:

    love your sweet family!

  • jo says:

    so sad they don’t ship outside the US. my daughter would LOVE the bug one.

  • Kimberly says:

    Adorable! Thank you for keeping it REAL.

  • Jen says:

    Oh that sounds so much like our house! Our 2 yr old Akemi will not share with anyone (though she yells SHARE KEMI! at everyone to share with her!) so if our art time isn’t finished when she wakes up from naptime, fighting always ensues ๐Ÿ™

    I love this stamp set, I might have to pick up the bug one for our boy!

  • Michelle says:

    I’m 32 years old and I think I need that set for myself ๐Ÿ™‚ I love the witch who is thinking about the crown. Your girls are so creative <3

  • Haha, isn’t that the case in every family? Nothing wrong with a little spice with all the sugar I’d say.

    The kit looks very cute. I am sure my little girl would love, love, LOVE that too. Those colours are very pretty!

  • Melissa says:

    This is such a cute idea ๐Ÿ˜€ I love it.

  • Sally says:

    My five year old daughter Ava got this set for Christmas last year and she loves making stories with it.
    We also only get it out to play with when my younger daughter Lola is napping. Just like Soul, Lola hasn’t quite mastered the sharing concept either and wants to grab all the little pieces for herself! Her favourite part of the set to steal? The ink pad – it makes the most mess!

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