
August 28, 2012

year by year We take a family picture every year at the OC fair and we try to get the same spot, but we never exactly remember. Anyhow, we are glad to have this to compare year by year. We also take a photo booth picture every year, but I am sure eventually it will be hard to keep squeezing everyone in. We’ll keep doing this for as long as God allows us. Just looking at this a few things stick out to me…

I am pregnant every other year. Next year, we will break this cycle.

2009 was a bad hair year for me.

2010 & 2011 True was not happy about the picture.

Ben wore the same shirt back to back. Anyone notice which years?

50% of our visits, Ben wore a guayabera, though in 3 different colors and all were bought at a vintage shop. Would it surprise you if I told you, he doesn’t shop much so that he can shower his girls with treats?

Ben never really ages, but it’s that beard that makes him look much older, so it probably just makes him look his real age. His friend told him a few months ago, “You have a young man face with an old man beard.”

True still really never smiles if it’s someone other than me or Ben behind the camera.

I’m always on the same side because it’s my favorite.

Anything stick out to you looking at these year-by-year pictures? Wouldn’t this be fun to keep doing it for another 20 years? Let’s hope the kids think so too!

32 comments on “tradition”

  • nicole i says:

    i noticed that you are “with child” every other year. love the photos and love the photo location!

  • Lea says:

    The thing that stands out to me in every shot are the huge smiles on the mama and papa.

  • kc says:

    This is adorable. Awwww!

  • Ana says:

    I love traditions like this!!!! So cool. The beard does make him look very different.

  • Rima @ Bolu says:

    omg this is super cute. I love this Tradition! I hope one day once I start my own family, we’ll do this. Some annual event that we do and take pictures of it.

    Thanks for the idea 🙂

  • Manda says:

    Just such a lovely family! Did you take pictures then in the photo booth?

  • Jaimie says:

    Sooooo cuteee!

  • Megan Lane says:

    Love watching your beautiful family grow with each picture!

  • This is such a cute post! What a great idea! I’m definitely doing this whenever I get married. You could create the coolest photo album after 20 years. 🙂

  • allison says:

    such a cute idea!

  • Katie says:

    What a fun (and adorable) tradition!

  • Lisa in New Zealand says:

    I see the shirt in 2010 and 2011. I love Braves stance in the last two years with her shoulders back and her tummy out – so cute!
    The girls all look so alike in there younger years.
    Looks like you are outside the same photo booth in all bar the first year, well done
    I never seem to find a photo booth when out and about Auckland New Zealand – I must start looking harder.
    Enjoy the last of your summer as we head into Spring on 1st September – can’t wait for summer finally arrive her down under!

  • kristin says:

    omigosh so cute! what a great tradition!! super love to watch all your little cuties get added to the pile as the years go on. it’ll be fun to keep seeing these as they grow, too!

  • Sharyl says:

    i noticed that the photo booth prices didn’t change at all! 🙂 and Soulie in 2010, how pudgy she looks!

  • sini says:

    These pictures are so cute! I wish my parents would have taken more family photos of us, I’ve figured out now that taking pictures isnt in our culture like in other countries, we dont even have any pictures on the walls etc (I’m from Finland). I will startmy own traditions with my future family 🙂

  • lin says:

    How is it that you look younger each year?! ur tuck everlasting.

  • silvy says:

    too cute!!! it sticks out that yours and ben’s smiles are always stunning!!

  • amy says:

    Love these photos. If you ever feel like giving tips I would love to know how you organize your photos, how much time you spend sorting them out, how many you delete. I am taking more and more photos every year and am overwhelmed.

  • Katie says:

    I just LOVE seeing the photos lined up like this! It is amazing how much changes in just one year. I think Ben looks great with a beard. True has some black and white stripes on for the last two years…

  • This is an awesome timeline! I love that the belly changes and the new one alternates. And the beard in the last picture, shows that your hubby has really settled into his daddy role. Too cute. Bless your family.

  • Andrea says:

    What an awesome thing to do each year. LOVE your hair in 2007. Is it the layered bangs? Very youthful.

  • You’ve been standing almost in the same spot every time. That is really cute. I love these. aw.

  • Jen says:

    Oh my goodness I just adore these pictures!! I love seeing how your family has changed and grown 🙂 You’re so cute! Though it makes me sad that we are terrible at taking family pictures and don’t have anything like this and we already have 4 kids… I think we need to make a new tradition!

  • L V says:

    Love this! You are too funny —
    It’s great seeing the changes every year and the gradual growth of your family.
    Beautiful tradition and I hope you keep doing this years from now.
    I look forward to seeing those future photos (in comparison to these)!

  • Jennifer says:

    I love the progression of pictures. PRICELESS!

  • What a great tradition! Love it!

  • Shannon Fox says:

    Love photos like this…..the “same” through the years. When I got married in 2010, I made a very conscience decision to do the same sort of thing, but at Christmas; a picture of me and my husband (eventually kids!) in front of our Christmas tree on Christmas morning. So far, so good. =) I plan either this year or next year, to buy a simple 4×6 photo album and keep the pictures in there; it’ll be something that I’ll keep with Christmas decor, so it only comes out at that time. I’m excited for when I’ve got 20 or so years to look back on.

    Great to see you, Ben, etc, through the years like this. =)

    Shannon <

  • Katrina says:

    I was just thinking – wow! that beard adds 15 years onto Ben!!

    My husband doesn’t age either. He’s 27 – 3 years older than me! – and people constantly ask if he’s in high school or college. I get lots of “robbing the cradle” remarks as well. When trying to budget for our new baby, he suggested we lie about our ages and go on 16 and Pregnant to make some extra cash lol.

    Your family is beautiful – inside and out – it brings so much joy to my heart to see kiddos who really love each other and Jesus. You’re doing an amaaaazing job 🙂

  • jenniferL says:

    i love this! it’s a great tradition to keep going and going.

  • Bipasha says:

    cute as a cookie!

  • Lita says:

    i love this idea!!
    in 20 years, it’ll be wonderful memories 🙂

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