let’s choose high nutrition

August 13, 2012

we love high nutritionJust this week, True had a request to have her typical school lunch served for lunch at home. It was an easy enough request, that I knew they would all love, so I happily obliged. All the kids got a sunflower butter and jelly sandwich (True is allergic to peanut butter) with a side of raw, mini bell peppers and fresh picked tomatoes. Some people wonder how in the world  our girls can eat vegetables. Ben, is a registered dietitian, thus healthy eating is very important to our home and we want to instill in our kids good eating habits. He says that thankfully, early on in True’s life, he was exposed to Ellyn Satter’s Division of Responsibility in Feeding; and while sometimes counter-intuituve, and not always easy, adoption of these principles has helped tremendously.

As we try to teach our children to identify foods that are more nutritionally-dense, we find we use the terms “high nutrition” and “low nutrition” often in our home. Our girls have changed the terms a bit and now say, “high-nu” and “low-nu.” Brave is the one who came up with those cute, little abbreviations.

I mentioned last week, how True comes home telling me the commentary her classmates have regarding the foods in her lunch. She will also make sure to tell me how most of their lunches were filled with “low nutrition.” She can get snobby about her food and the fact that she eats mostly “high nutrition,” but this also makes me and Ben laugh because she is like any other kid and totally loves her sometimes foods too. We have to remind her that while she does love eating foods high in nutrition, she shouldn’t get haughty about it because she loves to have her share of “low-nu.”

In regards to what we feed our kids, we try to give them more opportunities for “high-nu” than ” low-nu,” which we also call as “sometimes foods.” We know if we deprive them, they’ll just go crazy behind our backs (and we don’t want that), so we make sure to try and teach them that “sometimes foods” are okay, but just sometimes, as it is better to fill your bodies with “high nutrition.” Thankfully, Ben and I eat pretty healthy (I do love desserts though!), so since the very beginning, these girls have been exposed to a lot of different types of fruits and vegetables. They aren’t very many fruits and veggies they will say no to and we encourage them to try everything at least once. I am thankful that we don’t have to fight our kids to make good food choices, but we do continue to try to teach them balance and moderation.

My girls even eat the highly unpopular vegetable brussels sprouts! They really are so good!!! Do you like brussels sprouts?

DSC_3703we love high nutritionwe love high nutritionwe love high nutritionwe love high nutritionDSC_3705

it’s just us

August 12, 2012

baby and mebaby and mebaby and mebaby and mebaby and meThe older three girls will be off vacationing with my parents for the week and it’s just going to be me and Glow during the day. This will be a weird change, but there are a few things I need to work on, so this break is quite welcomed. We no doubt will be missing the girls like crazy though!

Fingers crossed my parents stick to our rules as much as possible, make good food choices for our girls, and refrain from giving the girls whatever they want. Sometimes after a visit with my parents, I wish my girls had a reset button. Oye! I know we’re totally going to be in for it when they get back. Here’s to a quiet and productive week though!

on me: shirt, thrifted. black skirt, c/o modcloth. this skirt is so nice, flowy, and classic, definitely will last me years to come! shoes, gifted from danni. necklace, a merry mishap. on glow: romper, vintage.

sponsor welcome

August 11, 2012

TREEHOUSEI am excited to introduce you to Treehouse Kid & Craft. If I had to pick my favorite online kid toy store, then this shop would probably be it! This shop is run by Kristen, a fellow mama/crafter/blogger, living in Athens, Georgia. Following birth of her daughter, Maypop, Kristen decided to mesh everything that she loved and was inspired by, and opened up Treehouse Kid & Craft. She curates a shop filled with things that she finds lovely including vintage kid’s clothes, locally handmade clothes, responsibly made and designed toys and gifts, books, art and craft supplies. Not only is it a shop, but since Kristen has a background in Art Education, thus Treehouse Kid & Craft holds classes, summer camps, and workshops for kids and adults almost every day of the week. That sounds like a dream to me! Take a look at the shop and I am sure you will easily find a whole bunch of things you will love like this doll, cute rody, sweet bird cage, and this wooden plane. This shop is just so great!

One of you lucky ones can win a $50 gift certificate to Treehouse Kid & Craft and to enter all you need to do is…

1. Tell me what you would pick from the Treehouse Kid & Craft.
2. Blog, tweet, or facebook about this giveaway and leave separate comments to the links here.

Now, if you do all of the things mentioned above, you might even be able to up your chances by getting your name in 4 times (just remember to leave separate comments for each)! Fantastic, right? Those overseas are welcomed to join in. The giveaway will end at 8am PST on Friday, August 17th and the winner will be announced via twitter (follow me on twitter here) on Monday. Good luck!

treehouse kid & craft shop
treehouse kid & craft blog


August 10, 2012

braveYes! Friday’s here! This week has been a crazy week as Ben and I started it with a fight. We really rarely fight, but when we do… watch out. At least watch out for me. I am not a clear headed fighter. I throw things, but I don’t yell. But if you tell me to stop yelling when I’m not, then by golly, I am going to yell. *wink* And after talking with my friend, I realized I am totally the guy because if we fight, I can totally still sleep, whereas Ben tossed and turned and only got an hour in. We’re friends again now, so all is well. This weekend is my mom’s birthday and we have plans to go to the OC Fair before they move on out. It’s tradition, so we make sure to go every year. The girls are really excited about it and frankly, so am I! I just hope this insane heatwave we’re having over here cools off by tomorrow.

This week’s learned and links…

Glow is so good at eating what we’re eating these days. It totally saves us money to not to have to buy baby food anymore. Now, if only Soul would start using the potty!

Brave is quite efficient and always remembers to bring her empty dishes to the sink.

Making whip cream is this easy? I am going to try next time instead of buying the ones loaded with hydrogenation.

Don’t forget to RSVP for our vintage sale!

Wish I could go to this Mer Mag and Gap collaboration event, but we already have plans. If any L.A. peeps want a fun event to go to, you should check it out here!

Love this magazine display.

The jewelry from this shop is so pretty!

I can’t wait to have some funnel cake at the fair tomorrow. Other than that, totally not a fan of fair food.

I hope you all have a great weekend and try to keep cool wherever you are! We have one week until school starts… how did summer go by so fast?!!


simple linen top

August 10, 2012

simple linen topDSC_3302simple linen topThe sewing continues over here. After making last week’s tops, I was itching to make more. I’ve had this stash of white linen forever and figured I better make it into something now before the summer is over. I originally bought it to make linen pants, but let’s face it, as pants, it would probably only get worn once, so I think a top would definitely get more use. It’s similar to last week’s styles, but this time I did a scooped back and made it more a crop top perfect to go with some of my high waisted shorts and pants. The top is so perfectly summery that it makes me want to lay in our hammock and pretend I am on vacation!

p.s. necklace is from shop miguez, but i think this or this would look super sweet with it too. believe it or not, i actually made another shirt this day, but i will share that next week!

family meals: week 24

August 10, 2012

family mealsfamily mealsfamily mealsScallion Meatballs with Soy Ginger Glaze and Sesame Spinach. Those meatballs are always good. I’ve made this recipe a few times and I think I am comfortable enough making it without looking at the directions. The girls are big fans and I think it has a bit to do with that sweet and tangy sauce. I am a fan of that too. The spinach was a wing-it-kind-of-thing sauteed in sesame oil and garlic. Tasted good to me and we all devoured everything that there was nothing leftover.

Homemade Mexican Pizza. I learned how to make this from Ben. I used this focaccia recipe for the dough and topped it with lean ground turkey cooked in taco seasoning, Mexican cheese, tomatoes, green onions, cilantro, serrano peppers (for me and ben), and queso fresco (because it looked pretty with it on). I tripled the recipe so that I had some dough to freeze. Next week, we will be having homemade pizza again for sure.

One night this week, we just popped in frozen Trader Joe’s pizza because things were too crazy during the day to actually get to real cooking, so for those days, it’s always TJ’s to the rescue!

Week 8/13 – 8/17
Monday: Seafood Medley
Tuesday: Garlic Shrimp Pizza
Wednesday: Chicken Curry
Thursday: Leftovers
Friday: Sushi

I want to make a good Indian Curry with a lot of kick. If anyone has a good recipe for curry or tikka masala, please do share!

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