May 4, 2012

out to school
out to school
{where from again? tunic and leggings: misha lulu. shoes, salt-water sandals c/o tea collection}
What’s this girl’s favorite thing to do during lunch time at school? Walk around the playground collecting rocks and sticks. She always comes home with quite the collection.

p.s. make sure you check out misha lulu’s new site. it always gets better and better. 


May 4, 2012

One home cooked meal this week and that’s because we are pretty much quarantined upstairs. All the carpet is gone downstairs and it is quite dusty, so the kitchen is only in use for quick things.
I did get to make some baked salmon…
salmon baked in foil
I merged this recipe with the olive tapenade in this post and this is what came up. It was good, but I don’t think it fit our taste palate. We like salmon with spice and though the flavors were good, they were just too mild for us. It did give me a chance to try baking salmon in foil, but for me this came out dryer than when we grill it. I prefer salmon grilled. 
For veggies we had roasted brussels sprouts…
roasted brussels sprouts
Ben made it with a little bit of lemon juice, zest, garlic, salt, and pepper. This combo always wins with us. Here’s a recipe you might want to try. Brussels sprouts are really good! Really!!!
I have a feeling there won’t be much cooking again next week, but I will still plan, just in case. 
Week 4/7 – 4/11
Monday: Seafood Medley Pasta
Tuesday: Spaghetti and Meatballs
Wednesday: Oven Baked Taquitos
Thursday: Leftovers
Friday: Pizza


May 3, 2012

glow and her pink chair
Six months.
glow and her pink chair
Seven months.
My littlest love. She is so good. I almost feel bad because she rarely cries, so she rarely gets carried. This littlest one is also kind of a string bean. She is really thinning out a lot and stretching. I think she will be the tallest one yet! She’s got the army crawl down and it sounds like she says “mama”, though I really think it is just murmurs that sound like it. At this rate, she will be speaking full sentences before Soul! And lately, for some reason, every time I put her in her pink chair, she cries. Maybe pink’s just not her color.
See the rest of the series here.

*inspired by nicole from making it lovely


May 3, 2012

the girlsthe girlsthe girls
I really like having a house full of girls. I think Ben likes it too. Though, the girls are far from puberty, but maybe when we’re all PMS-ing at the same time in the future, it won’t be so fun for him. My guess is he will declare a need for a man-cation and take off for a bit. Maybe. But then again, he needs us, so maybe he’ll just stick out the mood swings and will serve us up some chocolate. Yes, chocolate is always good during those times. At least I think so. 
Funny thing is that people often ask Ben, “How is Ruby when she’s on PMS?” and he will say he doesn’t know because ever since we got married, I have either been pregnant or breastfeeding so Aunt Flo has pretty much been non-existant. We are settled on only four kids and Aunt Flo did make her appearance last month for the first time in a long while, so from here on out, Ben will probably have an answer to how I am during PMS-ing. By the way, an ex-boyfriend of mine always thought that stood for pissed off mood swings, which I think sums it up nicely. And based on last month’s experience, Ben now knows that I get cranky. Bah-humbug! Ben has a long while until he’s got a house full of scrooges, so for now we keep enjoying them in their joyful, kid-like state, except on the occasion they all start fighting, which is more often than not. 
Anyhow, I like to call Brave and True “The Bobbsey Twins” not sure what that means, but I remember the school custodian calling me and my best friend that when we were in grade school, so it seems appropriate now. I must mention that the straw bowler hat True and Brave are wearing is my fave. You’ll never guessed where I picked those up… the 99 cents store! Best 99 cent store find ever. Hands down. Unless you have something better to share!
We’ve been busy over here with flooring finally coming in. We still have a long way to go until it’s done, but it will be so pretty. Not only are we doing home renovating, but there will be some blog renovating as well. Please don’t mind the little changes going on. It is all exciting stuff for us and we hope that you get excited too. I love being able to share in this space and I hope you love coming to visit too! We appreciate you friends! 
on me: dress, vintage. shoes, c/o blowfish shoes
on true: bowler hat, 99 cents store. dress, misha lulu. shoes, salt-waters.
on brave: bowler hat, 99 cents store. dress, vintage. shoes, salt-waters.
on soul: dress, vintage. jeggings, target. shoes, salt-waters. 
on glow: onesie, vintage. 


May 1, 2012

For her 6th birthday, she made a request to stay at a hotel. This idea of hers was inspired by her favorite book character Eloise, who is 6, and lives at the Plaza Hotel. We also asked her if she wanted a party and she said, “Yes, just the six of us.” Other requests she had were swimming, watching My Little Pony in the room, and a vegetable cake. You shake up all the little requests she had in a box and this is what we came up with. 
I did show her a picture of the hotel once and she was quickly smitten with it. When it finally came time to figure out her birthday plans, I knew The Saguaro was a must, especially a room with pink. We started the adventure off with a stop for lunch and pick up some date shakes at Hadley Nut Farm (thanks to Heather’s recommendation) and then we were off to the hotel. 

her hotel birthday adventure

Once there, we gave her the suitcase, which pretty much contained all her birthday goodies, but we slowly revealed each item to her through the course of two days. That first afternoon there, they relaxed in the room watching My Little Pony, then we went to dinner at Tinto, which was pretty good. We had never tried tapas before and we like it, though I don’t think it is something we will crave. After that, the girls went for a night swim and then that was that for the first day.
her hotel birthday adventure
her hotel birthday adventure
her hotel birthday adventure
her hotel birthday adventure
her hotel birthday adventure
her hotel birthday adventure
her hotel birthday adventure
her hotel birthday adventureher hotel birthday adventure
her hotel birthday adventureher hotel birthday adventureher hotel birthday adventure

The second day, was her actual birthday and because it is tradition, she got her breakfast in bed (don’t worry the other girls got breakfast too) and they spent the rest of the morning swimming. I hung out with them for a bit, but most of the morning, I was in the room getting her own little private party set up. Armed with all the goodies in the suitcase, I set out to prep her mini party. 

her hotel birthday adventureher hotel birthday adventure
her hotel birthday adventure
her hotel birthday adventureher hotel birthday adventure

I knew a rainbow cake would be perfect the celebration, and I thought she would like that more than her request for a vegetable cake (what’s that?). I baked the cake the night before we left home, using this recipe (this for the frosting) and wrapped each layer in saran wrap separately and froze it all. Then, when it was time to put it together it was easy peasy. This was all a surprise to her, so you should have seen her face when she came back to the room. My heart swelled knowing that her little heart was full of joy for her birthday surprises. She was so excited for everything! 

her hotel birthday adventureher hotel birthday adventure
her hotel birthday adventure
her hotel birthday adventureher hotel birthday adventureher hotel birthday adventureher hotel birthday adventureher hotel birthday adventureher hotel birthday adventureher hotel birthday adventure
her hotel birthday adventure
k02Zm7 on Make A Gif, Animated Gifs

After the party, we wrapped up and checked out and then had a late lunch at El Jefe (yum!), stopped by Ace for some photo booth action, and then headed home. As soon as we got home, True started crying because she missed the hotel so much. It was real sweet. I’m thinking now her next request will be two nights at the hotel for her 7th birthday! 
I can hardly believe we have a 6 year old, but we were so happy to be able to oblige some of this sweet girl’s wishes. Now, if she starts asking for us to buy a hotel, well, that just ain’t gonna happen. Just to be clear. This little girl of ours has Ben’s mischief, it’s in the eyes, and my bossiness. She is also hilariously funny and a good big sister, when she isn’t manipulating Brave. We love her so much and I think I forget she is still a baby, though she is also becoming a big girl. By golly, time just goes too fast. We love you True! 
See True’s past birthdays… 5, 4, 3, and 2.

p.s. cause you’re probably wondering… yes, i taped crepe paper streamers up to the wall for her mini party and tore it all down before we checked out and her birthday dress is from misha lulu.


April 30, 2012

party in a suitcaseparty in a suitcaseparty in a suitcase
Party in a suitcase is just what we needed for this little 6 year who requested to spend her birthday at a hotel. The vintage suitcase was found on etsy and in it came snacks all packaged in her favorite color pink, utensils, cups, plates, tablecloth, crepe paper streamers, blow horns, pink lemonade, sunglasses, new pajamas, new bathing suit, birthday dress, and her favorite of all… a my little pony. The rainbow colored contents also were done purposely to match where the celebration took place, The Saguaro
The contents were simple and practical things and mostly from the 99 cents store, but she loved every bit. We gave her the suitcase once we arrived at the hotel and all together, it helped make the perfect celebration. Birthday celebration post coming up soon…

p.s. on an unrelated note, i officially signed up for the 5k foam fest on may 26th in temecula and the zombie run in october. there are teams put together for both, pretty much with the same peeps i ran the color run with, so if you care to join our team, i think that would be so fun, just send me an email! i must admit, i am pee in my pants nervous about both races, especially that zombie one. yikes! 

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