March 21, 2012

1) I have been phone-less for a month now. I didn’t have a smart phone so it was no biggy to lose it, so I borrow Ben’s when I can. 2) Love the denim vest I tried on at the Madewell party. Wishlisted. 3) Yup. Love color and just got my kelly green pants. Hurray!
And if you wanna be a sponsor, now is the time to grab your spot. This month was great and I have a feeling next month will be even better, so if you have a blog or shop you wanna get out, just send me an email to mycakies(at)gmail(dot)com.
Hope Wednesday’s treating you good!!!


March 21, 2012

at homeat homeat home
Days go so fast. Between all the diaper changes, feeding, cleaning, schooling, and playing and then repeating those things again and again, it all goes really fast. I need to remind myself to take deep breaths and pray more. Definitely pray more.
Today, we went to the local library. Honestly, we haven’t been in a few years. The last time was when I used to go to story time when I just had two little babes named Brave and True. Those babes are now little girls and my new two babes are Soul and Glow. Good thing we have tons of books at home that keep us pretty occupied, but today reminded me how much I really do love libraries and I should make it a habit to take them once every two week. It will be a new goal.
Each little one picked out a book and I picked out two for myself. I love reading! I describe it as watching a movie in my mind. I love watching movies in my mind! Now, I just picked two random books in the new release section and really picked it based on the cover. Yes, I really judge a book by its cover! It looked simple and mysterious and I am all about mysteries. Seriously. Take those over romance any day! Just like I would rather watch a movie with explosions, car chases, and bad guys than a chick flick. I am kinda random that way.
Other random things about me… I loved Elvis when I was a kid and swore he was still alive somewhere, I am allergic to crayola crayons, and I slept in my parents room (along with my three other siblings) until I was 12 and all because I was afraid of the dark. No joke. My parents even put a mattress on the floor for us kids to sleep. They were total attachment parenting!
The only reason I started sleeping in my room was because I got in a big fight with my mom and didn’t want to see her. After that, I kinda liked it and I guess I wasn’t as scared anymore and so I just stayed in my room.
Today will be another day that will zoom on by, but I looking forward to our quiet reading time because I have a couple of books to conquer. What books have you read lately? I want to add more to my reading list.


March 20, 2012

school styleschool style
{where from again? hairclip:; scarf: made by mom; mustard shirt: 3 ring circus; stripe shirt: misha lulu; skirt: vintage with handmade applique; leggings: american apparel; shoes: tiny toms.}
I know many of you have asked how I get her to dress the way she does or is it me just dressing her. Most days, it is both of us. I give her a couple choices and she picks based on the options. There is only one outfit that stands out in my mind that she didn’t really want to wear (see here), but other than that we’re good.
I think with my girls being so girly like me, their closet full of dresses and skirts give them plenty of stuff that they love. They love it too much that they actually change numerous times a day, which leaves me having to pick up their clothes strewn all over the house, numerous times a day too.
This school day, I was running late and I had her just get dressed completely by herself. She just asked me if it was going to be warm or cold and based on what I told her, this was the result. She added the scarf cause I put her hair in a bun and she says her neck gets cold when it isn’t down. I think she does fine mixing and matching without me too.
Do you let your kids dress themselves completely or is it a team effort?

garden plotting

March 19, 2012

tomato love
Ben is the garden plotter as he meticulously plots all the veggies that go in. I was going through some old garden pictures and was so amazed at the different things we have grown over the years (see here, here, and here). We kind of forget because we start again for the different harvest seasons.
We haven’t done a winter garden in so long because the past few winters we either just had a baby or I just got pregnant. Though we always make sure to get our summer garden in. We just love tomatoes too much not to! Ben already ordered 14 tomato varieties so those are coming in mid-April. Last year we grew 34 different kinds, I wonder how many he plans to do this year!
Do you have an edible garden? What are your must haves in it?


March 16, 2012

Friday, Friday… it comes after Thursday. Anyone know this song on youtube that got ripped up for not being that great?! Yeah. Well, it’s stuck in my head. You’ll thank me later for getting it stuck in your head now. Gotta admit it’s annoyingly catchy, especially when it’s Friday.
Yesterday, I had a good time with the BFF hanging out at the Daily Buzz event (along with Kira and Kim) at the Madewell in Century City. There was champagne, cupcakes, and games. I would say shopping, but I didn’t buy a thing. I was good. Plus, Ben didn’t give me permission and he did just let me buy a couch this week, so yeah, I didn’t need to shop. Though, I really wanted to.
This week’s learned and links…
– True loves math, but let’s just say it isn’t my favorite subject to teach. Math was not my favorite subject.
-Finally got the whole Junie B. Jones series and can’t wait to read them with the girls!
– Soul is starting to look more like a little girl than a baby.
– I am really thankful for our church family. If you are looking for a church in L.A. area, you should come visit!
– My chesterfield couch is really pretty. Love craigslist!
– Announced the giveaway winners on twitter. Follow me here.
– Watch this cute wedding video from last weekend’s wedding by Cakeflix. The wedding was totally like we time traveled cause the location was beautiful and it was all “vintaged” out. You will get to see me as a bridesmaid and my girls walk down the aisle too!
– Got my own pair of tumbleweeds sunglasses and LOVE them. Seriously the raddest pair of sunglasses I have ever owned. They are currently having a 25% off sale, so you better hurry.
– My friend Taylor got the memo regarding my bridesmaid retirement. He is hilariously funny, but first you might need to know him to understand him. Otherwise, he might just come across a wee bit too sarcastic for you. ‘Sup Sexytay!
We, we so excited… it’s Friday, Friday!!!


March 16, 2012

teeny tiny paper booksteeny tiny paper booksteeny tiny paper booksteeny tiny paper booksteeny tiny paper booksteeny tiny paper booksteeny tiny paper booksteeny tiny paper books
By now you know that we’re always looking for quick little projects in our house. These teeny books are for drawing and writing quick little stories inside and can keep them occupied forever. As I read through the ones they have already made, it makes me smile how cute their little writing is. They write everything phonetically and it is really sweet. A little jar full of these is perfect for when they get their wanting-to-make-something itches.
*Every little book we made had a different number of pages inside. I didn’t count them out, I kind of just distributed the pages, so some books had more than others. We also cut up some colored index cards for more book covers.

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