welcome back sun

January 12, 2016

After a full week of rain and gloom, the sun is welcomed back with open arms. I pull open all the curtains and let the lovely sun stream in. Let’s be real, it’s California, and the sun is welcome here anytime, and we really did need all that rain, but it’s nice to have variety in our weather. I love the rain and grey, but I also love the sun and blue skies.

I want to take the girls on some sort of outdoor adventure this week, but I haven’t figured out what yet. Maybe explore a new park, go on a hiking trail, or just have a picnic. I don’t let them adventure outside as much as I should, and that’s something I want to do more of this year.

When I put on this skirt, Soul said, “Oh that is so pretty! I love all the colors! Can you save it for me when I grow up?” She’s the one that is first to call dibs on things in my closet; Soul is definitely my little fashionista. It’s fun to get dressed up after living in pajamas for a week; it’s been so (California) cold that pajamas is all I have wanted to wear. I don’t know how you folks who deal with snow all winter long manage to do it, I think I’d be in pajamas forever.

on me: top, everlane. skirt, thrifted. shoes, rachel comey via eBay. bag, handmade (see it here).

that kid life

January 11, 2016

Fridays are my days for cleaning (see how nice and neat it looks here), and then Saturdays are for playing, so all that Friday work goes down the drain. HA! Thankfully, they put everything back in its place after (my Friday organizing does come in handy after all), and everything looked spic and span again.

I know one day I will really miss these messes, and I’ll be crying about how I would gladly take the chaos to have everyone back under our roof. When you’re in the thick of it though, it’s all so blurry, and purpose of why we do what we do, gets lost. When I was having one of those moments earlier, Ben texted me this blog post. I read it, agreed with it, but I found it difficult to give it an “Amen!” when things just felt overwhelming … one didn’t want to do any reading, one didn’t want to redo something she did incorrectly, and another girl didn’t want to bring out the dictionary to look up a word. Everyone was throwing a tantrum, and I joined in too. I just wanted to throw in the towel and call it a day. I kind of did for a little bit, then when everyone was ready, we gave it another shot, and got most of school done. Whew!

Anyway, if you need a little encouragement, I recommend reading that post. I like what she says, “Faithfulness in drudgery is what faithfulness is all about.” Another gold nugget to treasure … “Every trudging step has meaning. There will be an end, and there always is a point.”

“Wherever you are, be all there.  Live to the hilt every situation you believe to be the will of God.” – Jim Elliot

There are too many good things for the heart there, so go read it for yourself, and be encouraged! Tomorrow is a new day, another chance to rejoice, and more opportunities for abounding mercy and grace.


January 9, 2016

This week’s learned, links, and thankfulness…

Glow is such a hoot. She says the funniest things. I’m thankful for all the silly things these girls do.

These seats look like it would make a great reading cushion for the girls. I’ll put it on the to do list.

I love this vintage, fuzzy sweater from Ms. Tips. It reminds me of the one I have, but mine isn’t vintage.

Pom pom fruit? My girls would have a blast making these.

Have you been to Target lately?! Oh man, so many pretty things. There were a couple pillows I almost walked out with (this and this), but resisted. This mirror is fabulous, reminds me of the French vintage ones I’ve been wanting to get.

Ben and I have started discussing vacations this year. We take lots of mini ones throughout the year, usually for each person’s birthday, but we want to do a major road trip with the kids, and possibly something out of the country for just the two of us.

We started Life of Fred math this week for Soul, and I really like it. The girls do too! Any of you use that curriculum? If so, I have a couple questions for you. If you don’t mind me asking, please leave me a comment, and I will email you.

Our backyard is really coming along. I love how cozy it feels back there, especially with my Christmas present. I’ll admit though, a lot of work and upkeep goes on to having an edible garden, but it’s worth it. It’s such a satisfying feeling to pick fruit (herbs and vegetables too!) from your own backyard.

My heart has been weary for the last month and I haven’t wanted to spend much time in reading the Word because I was frustrated with a specific trial. I finally started again this week and what life it brings! It speaks light and joy into my heart. Though I know it’s what I need every day of my life, I still don’t value it as I ought.

Thanks for tuning in to hear another list of my ramblings friends! Enjoy your weekend!!! xoxo




new year, more projects

January 8, 2016

It’s been so cold this first official week of January (okay, I know it’s only California cold), and with the whole getting back to routine thing, I haven’t been inspired to do much. In fact, all I want to do is stay in bed and watch movies. But, if you’ve read the previous post, despite my longing to be lazy, we have been back in the swing of things.

I’ve been wondering what I want to fill this year, and this space, with. I have a project I’ve been praying about for several months, and I’m hoping to get that officially rolling in some capacity in the next few months, but even that idea freaks me out a little. My sister is really good with video and she’s been trying to get me to do some sort of craft video. There are all kinds of ideas swirling in my brain that sound fun and challenging, and I’m not sure what I’m up for (or what is realistic with my time). My main priority are the girls and teaching them, and then everything else comes after that. I wish I could clone myself, so I could have several things going at once.

Yesterday afternoon, I was able to find some time to start on a couple ideas. They are a work in progress, but I can’t wait to see how it turns out. Do you have any new projects you’ve started this week?


rainy day schedule

January 6, 2016

Monday got done. Woot! We did school, with much hesitation, but it got done. I was so tempted to declare it one more day of vacation, but alas, school it is. Tuesday came, the heavens opened up and gave us rain (California is doing a happy dance), and I wanted to crawl back into bed and declare it an “educational” movie day. HA! While that was so tempting, I resisted (oh it was tough), and made sure we got school done first. Then, we did the “educational” movie day. With math, reading, writing, history (saving science for another day) completed, I think we deserved it. Really though, with the forecast predicting rain all week, I’ll be battling the responsibilities of having to homeschool with the desire to stay in bed and watch movies. The struggle is real. #firstworldproblems

some handmade things

January 4, 2016

Here are a few of the presents we made over Christmas vacation. I made the pillow and stocking for the BFF and the girls made a bunch of bows for their friends. At the beginning of the break, I had an ambition list of handmade presents I wanted to make, but ran out of time. Those projects will be saved for Valentine’s Day or for next Christmas, but if it’s for Valentine’s, then I better start planning now. I know January just started, but I bet February is going to sneak up on me.

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