they keep growing

June 27, 2014

exploringexploringexploringexploringexploringexploringexploringexploringThese girls do so much growing everyday. I love seeing them grow and discover their unique selves, and it’s all happening so fast, but slow at the same time. I’ve said it before, but as crazy as it is to have 4 kids who are so close in age, seeing how they are instant best friends makes me glad it all happened this way. It makes all the chaos worth it.

In our house, everyone yells and runs, absolute silence is a rarity. I feel like we’re always rushing about, and sometimes our morning just starts, and I’m already wishing for bedtime. I try to keep my routine and everyone in line, but some days things just fall apart (schedule, kids, me…) and I try to be okay with it, but sometimes I’m just a mess.

I’ll look at Ben and look at the girls, and I’m in awe at how we went from a family of two to six so fast. I see bits of both of us in each of them, but I also see so much of their own self too. I like how the overflow of love Ben and I share came out four unique little beings who are just full of sweetness and love (with a whole lot of stubbornness mixed in too!).

on me: dress, thrifted (it was huge and not cute, so I did a little cutting and sewing, and the result is a dress I absolutely loved and paid only $2.50 for; totally reminds me of this way pricey dress). sandals, piperlime. on true: tunic, misha lulu. vans, shoebuy. on brave: tee, old navy. short, misha lulu. on soul: dress, vintage from ms. tips. boots, thrifted. on glow: dress, vintage. shoes, vintage.

tomato season

June 26, 2014

tomatocitrus trellistomatogardeninggardeninggardeninggardeninggardeninggardeninggardeningtomatotomatotomatotomato

I shared our cor-ten steel beds last week and now here they are with our tomatoes. These were taken over a month ago, so they’ve grown like gang busters since then. We went much more simpler in our tomato plantings this year than previous years. Last year, we had 17 varieties and we went all our with fresh fish heads in the soil (read about it here), but this year we only did 10 varieties. We didn’t have the time to go the fish head route, so we pretty much just used E.B. Stone Organic Tomato and Vegetable Food, which we mixed into the soil per package directions.

The varieties we went with this year are Pork Chop, Dancing with Smurfs (this one is supposed to come out blue!), Brandywine, Green Tiger, Fireworks, PB Tie Dye, Cuostralee, Copia, Gold Keeper, and Wild Everglades.

Every year the Seems like every year we get attacked by spider mites. It actually wasn’t until the end of the previous years season when Ben learned what was obliterating the tomatoes prematurely. Last year we tried going with predatory mites, but it seems like we might’ve released them too late. The key is early detection. You can rid of them by spraying the leaves with water once you notice them. They like dry conditions and it gets pretty dry out here in the summer.

We created a trellis with our tomatoes and used 7 foot stakes and cattle fencing that we cut to fit, and just attached them using wire. Last year, we did the arched cattle fencing, but since we moved the vegetable garden to a new spot, it wouldn’t work here, so we just did it straight up.  This way we just weave the tomato plants through.

The girls all get involved in planting them, in one way or another, and they each have their own tomato plant. I’m so excited for to see how our harvest turns out. They’re a lot taller and fuller now, so I’m hoping that in a few weeks we will get to enjoy some fresh home-grown tomatoes.


my projects over at a beautiful mess

June 25, 2014

projectsprojectsTotally late in sharing this here, but here are a couple projects I did for ABM back in April. This wax print hobo bag is perfect for summer, and this easy dowel clothing rack is wonderful for displaying some of your favorite pieces (it’s easy to make and store too!) What are some of your favorite DIYs you’ve found on the web lately?

a baby sprinkle

June 24, 2014

nina baby sprinklenina baby sprinklenina baby sprinklenina baby sprinklenina baby sprinklenina baby sprinklenina baby sprinklenina baby sprinkleMy friend Owen and I threw our friend Nina a baby “sprinkle.” She didn’t need a baby shower, since she already has one boy (and is having another), so we called it a “sprinkle.” Guests came bearing gifts of diapers and wipes. We held the “shower” at the Oh, Hello Friend shop (before opening hours) and it was a light brunch. We also asked guests to bring a bouquet of flowers, and we had all the supplies needed so that guests could make flower crowns. Mine turned out crazy, but some of the other girls were pretty serious about this crown making business, and made really good ones. There was a plethora of breakfast desserts, mimosas, and girly chatting; it was a fun couple hours of celebrating our friend and her new baby.

It was also the day Soul and I had a special date, so that’s why you don’t see any of my others girls in the pictures. They stayed home with Ben that day.

camp home: pie pan tambourine

June 23, 2014

pie pan tambourinePie Pan Tambourine

Pie pan (use whatever size you desire, we did regular and mini)
Paint & paintbrush
Permanent marker
1/8″ hole puncher
Chenille stems cut into 2 1/2″ pieces
1″ – 1 1/8″ bells

1. Decorate the bottom of the pie pan. We used craft acrylic paint and it took a couple layers, but allow each layer to dry completely before reapplying another coat (it may chip with all the banging, but that just means they are having fun with it). Once the paint is completely dry, draw fun designs on the bottom with a permanent maker.

pie pan tamborines2. Punch holes about 1/4″ in from the rim, and about 1 1/2″ from each other; create holes about three-fourths around the pie pan.

pie pan tamborinespie pan tamborines3. Tie a bell to each chenille stem, insert a stem through each hole around the pie rim, and twist the open ends together to close.

pie pan tamborinespie pan tamborinespie pan tamborinespie pan tamborinespie pan tamborinesHave fun and make some music! Beware, once the children start, they may not stop. Make a bunch in different sizes and start your very own pie pan tambourine band!

on true: dress, huckleberry kids. tulip clips, hello shiso. on soul: dress, vintage. cat headband, hello shiso.



June 22, 2014

#gospursgo#gospursgo#gospursgo#gospursgoWe’re on cloud nine about the Spurs winning their fifth championship. It’s been an exciting week here; we’ve watched all the replays, interviews, and even the parade and rally. We’re really far from San Antonio, but we are celebrating with the city from our little spot here in Southern California. I love Texas and keep trying to convince Ben we need to move, but his job is too good to leave, though he did look at the job opportunities in Texas, but it looks like they don’t really realize they need registered dietitians just yet.

We started off the day wearing black, silver, and white in excitement for the game, and despite Ben feeling achy and sick, we still enjoyed watching the game and celebrating together after they won. The kids were loving the excuse to scream from the top of their lungs with excitement. This year’s win was just so sweet, and like Tim Duncan said, “It makes last year sort of OK.”


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