linen dress

July 6, 2017

I found this oversized white/cream linen jumper dress at the thrift store. It was quite large, but I did like straight neckline and the straps with the wooden buttons. Also, it had this floral design on the bottom that I wasn’t fond of either. Of course, this size (and the floral motif) could be quickly remedied with a run on the sewing machine. I took it in about 5 inches on each side and hemmed the bottom, thereby removing the floral design, and the dress became exactly what I envisioned. I paired with a white tee under, same one from last week.

My little basket is from my personal collection; it was a gift from my sister-in-law. A friend joked and called it my little “treasure chest.”

If you follow my @wovenfolk IG account, tomorrow I will be releasing some vintage, summer whites. A couple linen blouses and dresses.

on me: shirt, everlane. dress, vintage re-worked. sandals, banana republic. basket, vintage (similar here ).



how we fourth

July 5, 2017

“Freedom is a privilege given to those willing to obey.”

That was something I read as a child, so I don’t remember the author, but it kind of stuck with me. Freedom certainly has a cost. The freedom I treasure the most is not my freedom as a U.S. citizen, but freedom from my own sin. I once was bondaged to my own desires, but now for to me to live is Christ and to die is gain. This freedom cost my Savior His life. In return, through repentance and faith, I am covered in His righteousness and can freely enjoy God in and through all. I am free.

This day is a reason to celebrate. This country, with all it’s complexities, is my home (for now). I am thankful. To celebrate, we happily indulged in a Filipino seafood fest and had halo-halo for desert. My parents home is under construction, so our home was the hub for this year’s festivities. There was much eating, chess playing, and napping that occurred all afternoon long.

I’m thankful for the freedom I get to experience in this country, but mostly, I’m thankful that Jesus freed me from my own sin.

classic jeans and t-shirt

June 30, 2017

When you don’t know what to wear, a pair of jeans and a white tee is an easy go-to. I wear some variation of this all the time. Usually, I can’t stand wearing jeans in the summer. Lately though, I’ve discovered that it’s not so bad, even in this heatwave we’ve been having.

on me: shirt, everlane (my go-to for quality tees). jeans, vintage wrangler (plenty to choose from here). sandals, marais usa. patterned wicker bag, wovenfolk.

child craft: beaded snake bracelet

June 28, 2017

Beaded Snake Bracelet
adult supervision for little ones when crafting with small pieces

Chenille stems
Plastic beads

1. Hook two ends of 2 chenille stems together and twist. This joins two stems together to make a make really long one.

2. To create the snake tail, feed a few beads through the end of the stem, hook the last two inches, then go around the last bead and feed the stem through the beads. This secures the end and prevents the beads from falling out.

3. Fill your stem with beads to make the snake body. Stop adding beads with about 7 inches left to go on the stem.

4. Add about 12 more beads to create the snake head. Notice the pattern we used to give our snake “eyes” with the black beads.

Allow some small spacing between the beads in the snake body, so it can wrap nicely when wrapping around the wrist to make a snake bracelet. Create a small loop with the head and twist.

5. To fill in the snake head, fill in the remaining stem with some beads. Bring the remaining end through the center of the head, twist the stem around the front head of the snake, and add two more beads for the tongue. Lastly, have the last bit of stem wrap around the last bead, and feed the stem through the previous bead to secure the end. Essentially, repeating what you did for the other end of the snake.

The girls liked this craft so much they made two each! And now each wrist is adorned with a snake bracelet. Their snakes even have names! I believe one is Lavender Chai and another Blue River. I’m not sure what the other two are!

wovenfolk in mollie makes

June 26, 2017

I’m honored to have Wovenfolk featured in this month’s issue of Mollie Makes! Subscribe here to get your own copy.


June 24, 2017

This week’s learned, links, and thankfulness…

Thankful for visits from friends who live far away, and we get 3 days full of catching up and encouragement.

We had some fun summer adventures this week. I love being able to give the little two some extra special attention and time.

I’m working on getting down my recipe for baked churros. Once I’m happy with it, I will be happy to share it!

Reading has really clicked for Soulie this week. She started reading Anne of Green Gables and has been telling me all about it. It’s no longer just words, but now she’s enjoying the stories!

If you’re eyeing the Everlane day heel, the black is up for pre-order.

Earring lovers… someone get this vintage brass pair.

What a cute, red ruffled dress! These red, woven ballet flats are quite the lookers too.

Excited to find a new delicious restaurant in our area. It’s exactly what I want to eat for our anniversary in a couple weeks.

There will be some new baskets in the shop this weekend, so don’t forget to check out WOVENFOLK!

Friends, stay cool this weekend! We’ve been going through a heatwave, so it’s definitely feeling like summer ’round here!


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