
May 20, 2017

This week’s learned, links, and thankfulness…

God has been stretching and teaching our family more about selflessness, and it’s been forcing Ben and I to check our hearts and idolatries.

We are excited my MIL and SIL are coming to visit soon!

So inspired by Léa Maupetit’S art. They are vibrant, yet so simple.

I’m definitely making green chili pinto burgers sometime soon.

I had a gift certificate, so I ordered this kantha blanket. I chose warm colors, so I can’t wait to see what I get sent.

This crocheted top definitely has vintage vibes.

Cool, yet simple summer slide.

I love the large indoor houseplant in this picture. Anyone know what it is?

Enjoy your weekend! Mine will be spent cleaning. The house has been upside down this week.




lots of comfort

May 18, 2017

Woot! Got a new color into the mix. I found this oversized, vintage dress (the shape has ilana kohn steven jumpsuit vibes) and debated on it because of the color. The girls said, “You won’t wear it because of the color.” Well, I proved them wrong. I love it. I was thinking of turning it into a jumpsuit, but I think I will leave it as is. I love it loose and oversized dress; it’s definitely comfortable. Also, it’s 100% silk, so this dress is definitely a keeper. Glad I didn’t listen to my girls.

I’m excited to finally have WOVENFOLK up and running! I have plenty more to load in the shop, so stay updated on instagram (@wovenfolk). I missed being a shop lady (anyone remember my Cakies shop?), but I had to stop after we had Soul. It was too much to have 3 little ones and the constant sewing I was doing for all my orders. I’m excited to be back into it and have an outlet to share my love for pretty woven things. If you love the tote in these photos, it’s available right here. I love the knotted pom poms at the top.

on me: dress, vintage (similar here and here). sandals, banana republic. woven tote, wovenfolk.


pretty silver things

May 17, 2017

silver slides from zara

popova earrings by annie costello brown

pinky signet by j.hannah

geometric earrings from mango

woven simone mules by rachel comey

I’m definitely on board with all the silver that’s been popping up in fashion lately, and these are just a few of the shiny things I’m currently admiring.




shop wovenfolk

May 15, 2017

My love for woven baskets and bags have overflowed into WOVENFOLK. There will be new goods added weekly, so follow along @wovenfolk to stay updated.









May 13, 2017

This week’s learned, links, and thankfulness…

Thankful for dinner with a new friend and hearing about God’s redemption story in her life.

Super excited and grateful that our 6th year of homeschooling is starting to wind down. We are looking forward to summer.

I’m in a redecorating mood, so I’ve been pinning lots to my DECORATE board.

I re-watched Sabrina (the 1954 version) this week and remembered how much I love old movies. I used to watch them all the time when I was a kid. An Affair to Remember was my all-time favorite movie.

Ms. Tips is having a 20% off sale this weekend! This patterned dress is perfect for spring, so is this denim dress.

Love this denim sandal and these leather strap sandals are on sale.

Vintage and denim lovers… there are lots of good things on sale from Fair Season.

I was moved by my pastor’s tribute to his first pastor, who happened to be my first pastor too. I am encouraged to write letters to the people who have influenced and shaped my life, and let them know exactly how much of an impact they have had.

How beautiful is this…”God’s plan to make his grace known to the world is not for a bunch of perfect people to live together in perfect harmony, but rather, for sinful people to cling desperately to Jesus, even in the hardest instances. ” This is from the article, Every Good Church is Messy. I also love when it states this, “God is bringing people of different backgrounds, nationalities, socioeconomic statuses, and spiritual maturity levels together (Ephesians 3:10). The church’s diversity is a beautiful thing, and part of the beauty is that it grows us by bringing us into orbit with people unlike us — sometimes with people who are hard to love.” How much this rings true in our church family.

It’s Mother’s Day tomorrow and we look forward to celebrating with my mom, and I think Ben and the girls have a little something planned. Happy Mothering Day to all those whose hearts have been given to serving and shaping the lives of others!

kid room dilemmas

May 11, 2017

I posted this dilemma (#firstworldproblems) in my Insta story, but thought I would share it here too. We cleaned up Soul and Glow’s room (see before here) and now we are debating on whether or not to leave the rug, use sheepskin, or let the floors steal the show. Glow likes the rug, but Soul doesn’t, so that doesn’t help the decision much. I like the rug, but I think it makes things look a bit cluttered. The bare floors are pretty, but it looks like it’s missing something. Maybe it needs some texture? The sheepskin does seem to solve that problem, but is the room more cozy with a rug? I don’t know. What do you think?

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