made with creativebug

April 25, 2016

I love learning new craft skills and the girls are always asking to work on some new craft project, so naturally, we love Creativebug. We’ve shared some of the projects we’ve made from some of their classes, and I have even gone on to experiment with techniques I learned from their classes. For example, the basket above is the outcome of the stitch rope basket class, so the shape is similar to what is taught. Later, I wanted to add more pizzazz, so I added some pompoms.

I got addicted to sewing rope baskets and have tried different shapes after that (remember when I shared this fringe tote?), and have even experimented with painting or dyeing the rope before I sew it (like the basket below).

The first Creativebug class I ever took was the weaving class. I learned from one of their instructors at the Michaels Makers Summit, but used the video workshop to learn other techniques and how to finish it. I have since made my own looms (the video class teaches you), and have made many more weavings. It’s such an addicting craft. Okay, I’m just addicted to making things.

I made these wooden arrows for Valentine’s Day, and the girls have watched the videos and made their own too (and then we all did it with their friends later). The girls have made things from the Love Bug class, Handmade Deer Ornament, and House Book class. It’s been great to use Creativebug as a supplement to art in their homeschooling.

The most recent class I took was the Macrame Workshop and it was amazing. Another thing I’m addicted to! I might even like this slightly more than weaving. Slightly. Okay, maybe they’re tied. My macrame piece looks kind of plain now, but I want to add some tassels to the end or possibly dip-dye the whole thing. I just haven’t decided what color yet.

I had been wanting to take a weaving or macrame class, but I just don’t have the time to go out and take one, so it’s been so much more convenient to learn new skills from the privacy of my own home. In the summer, I want to try my hand at their Hand Built Ceramics workshop (you don’t even need a potter’s wheel).

I’m a Creativebug fan, and if you’re addicted to making things too (and wanting to learn new craft skills), I highly recommend Creativebug. It’s also been great to use as a supplement to homeschooling. We are definite fans of Creativebug in our home.

This post is in partnership with Creativebug. Creativebug is a video subscription site for arts and crafts. To learn more about how easy it is to take their workshops, watch here. You can sign up for a 14 day free trial here, or subscribe for $4.95 a month.

family meals: week 111

April 24, 2016

Gnocchi with Sage and Tomato Sauce. The girls had been wanting to try gnocchi (thanks to Cutthroat Kitchen). All the girls loved it and said it’s like eating marshmallows. Personally, I’m not a fan, but I’d be willing to try it again.

Crab Cakes and Swiss Chard. You can’t go wrong with this crab cake recipe. My slight change is that I bake mine rather than fry.

Week of 4/25-4/29
Monday: Chicken Tacos
Tuesday: Dining out (True’s bday)
Wednesday: Spicy Ramen with Tofu
Thursday: French Bread Pizza
Friday: Spicy Tuna Rolls

I haven’t done one of my family meal planning posts in awhile, but I have still been meal planning (even if it hasn’t been shared here). Meal planning and cooking is so natural to me now that I no longer need to document it here for accountability. Our go-to meals lately have been fish and rice. What have you been having for dinner these days?


April 23, 2016

This week’s learned, links, and thankfulness…

If you wanna hear me chat about hypnobirthing and motherhood, you can listen to my podcast with Kayla Geddes over at Pregnancy Perfect here.

After a rough start back into homeschooling after spring break, we had smoother sailing this week. The end of the year is in our sights and we will keep trekking along until June 7 comes.

Soul seems to be finally getting this reading thing. It’s pretty terrific to see these words slowly come alive to her.

Spicy ramen with tofu? Yes, please.

I’d happily put spicy cauliflower burgers in my stomach too.

Oh my world … this colorful weaving is amazing.

Turns out what I thought were my allergies acting up was that I was actually sick. Ben made an appointment for me to see the doctor, and apparently I am sick. My response … #aintnobodygottimeforthat.

Thinking about this rug for a space in our home.

How awesome are these retro travel Star Wars posters?! The girls would love to have these up in their room.

Happy weekending friends!

getting ready for a birthday

April 23, 2016

In just a few short days, I will have a 10 year old! Insane! These past 10 years have gone so fast. What a blessing it’s been to be her mother, and what a blessing to get this opportunity to disciple her heart, even if there are a lot of “Please forgive mes” said over and over again (she’s learning just as much from my shortcomings too). I am a far from perfect mother (nor is she a perfect daughter), but we are both learning how to trust God, who is the perfect parent, more every day. It’s been 10 years of learning from each other and experiencing God’s abounding grace.

She has a bucket list of things she wants to do before she turns 10, so we will be off trying to complete it. We can’t wait to get her little adventure started.

little ones sewing their own kimonos

April 21, 2016

As I was purging my closet last week, I came across these two scarves I was going to donate (scarves don’t get much use in SoCal). Then it dawned on me, these would would be perfect for another sewing lesson. We made it the same way I created my indigo kimono, and both were done with their re-purposed items within an hour.

This was True’s second article of clothing she created for herself, but this was Brave’s first. When she pressed the presser foot, she excitedly said, “Wooooo!” It was the sweetest thing. They’ve done hand-sewing, and bits of sewing on the machine here and there, but this is the first time for them to work on something from start to finish all by themselves. You could see the wonder in their eyes. I think the girls have been bitten by the sewing bug too!

I think it’s time to pick out some projects from my book to work on. We can take sewing together to a whole new level.

tomato time

April 20, 2016

This is one of our favorite things to plant and we look forward to tomato season every year. Caprese and salsa with things straight from our garden is the absolute best. We’ve learned a lot through the years of what worked best, which varieties took the California sun better, how to get rid of bugs that attack our tomatoes, and what we devoured the most. Frankly, we ate them all; we hardly discriminate when it comes to fresh homegrown tomatoes. Homegrown are always better than the grocery store ones.

The first year we planted tomatoes, we planted 29 different varieties. We went really simple this year and planted only six. Last year was our best tomato season ever as a result of lessons learned, and we are hoping this year is equally as good or better. They all look like little babies now, but I can’t wait for these babies to grow up. All of our tummies are ready to eat them all up!

The varieties we went with for this year are Dagma’s Perfection, Indigo Blue Berries, 1884, Sun Gold, Sunrise Bumblebee, and Green Zebra. Heat tolerant and while only six tomato plants, there’s still a good share of size, shape and color variety.

Are you planting tomatoes this year?

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