clay necklace

April 1, 2016

Clay Necklace
inspired by this ceramic necklace

Shape template
Polymer clay, various colors
Rolling pin
Clay tools
Acrylic gold paint
Leather cording
Parchment paper

1. Turn on the oven to 275° F. Pinch off a piece of clay and roll out until about 1/8″ thick. I mixed a pinch of white and blue clay, with tiny bits of pink.

2. Place the template on top of your clay and cut out the shape of your clay necklace piece.

3. Poke holes into the top corners on the clay piece.

4. Line a baking pan with parchment paper and place your clay pieces on to the paper. Bake the pieces in the oven for about 25 minutes, then take out, and allow to cool completely. Once cooled, paint your design onto your clay piece.

5. Cut a 30″ strand of leather cording (or whatever your desired length may be). Insert each end of the cording through each hole, and double knot to secure.

This necklace is simple enough for the kids to make for Mother’s Day. It would also be fun to gather some friends and make this necklace together. Grab a bottle of wine, some cheese and crackers, and call it a girls’ night! I could definitely use of one of those.

Supplies provided as part of the Michaels Makers Series. If you need some additional handmade Mother’s Day gift ideas check out or the other 49 Makers’ ideas on The Glue String for to see how they personalized their crafts!

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our resurrection sunday

March 31, 2016

In the morning, we gave the girls their Easter baskets before we left for church gathering. They were giddy with excitement at their basketful of treats. Each gal got her own Clonette doll (I have one too), Dress Your Bunny doodle book, tattoos, washi tape, some card games, and a carrot surprise filled with goodies.  It was a pretty quick morning at home because we had to head out for church gathering. Ben was sick, so the girls and I went to and fro from church family, to his family, to my family, without him.

The day prior, Ben and I were fighting, rather I was fighting him (not so much him fighting with me). I remember while I was holding on to my mad and stubborn heart, I kept thinking, “Jesus died for exactly this and I don’t need to hold onto it anymore.” I eventually apologized to him later than evening, but man, I was so mean throughout the day. I was so nasty towards him and that’s exactly why I need Jesus. My good will never be good enough. My heart is filled with all kinds of nasty, and it’s precisely why I believe in the cross. It’s not because I think I’m good and want to get better, rather I know I’m not, and trust that the only good I can claim is from Jesus covering me with His righteousness. So as I drove to church gathering, my heart was rejoicing that God didn’t harden my heart, and that He continuously leads me to repentance.

It was a beautiful Easter Sunday. My girls had a glorious day hunting for eggs (3 egg hunts!), stuffing their bellies with sweet treats, and being lavished with lots of love from both sides of the family. Our Easter weekend was full of bunnies and egg hunts, but also plenty of heart lessons that pointed us, especially me, to the cross.

a little bit of indigo and fringe

March 30, 2016

Well, things got quiet here for a couple days and guess who’s all to blame?! Taxes. All is well now and I can finally breathe; I’m so happy to cross that off my to-do list. Woot!

I picked up this African indigo fabric from the flea market with the intention of sewing it into a kimono/jacket. We had a cooler day last week, so I grabbed it to use as a shawl/scarf. I love the feel of the fabric, so I’m definitely going to pick up a few more pieces at the flea market next month. They would make great pillows or combine a few pieces to make a one-of-a-kind quilt. The wheels are churning with ideas of things to do with this fabric. I will report back with what I end up turning this one into.

My go-to shoes are typically clogs and I love these kilt-esque clogs Maguba sent over. On the Maguba site, you can mix and match your clog base with the different styles and colors on top (they even have different colors for clog bases). I picked the Chicago style with the natural high wooden base, and the black top. If you’re wooden shoe obsessed too, I highly you suggest checking their clogs out. I’m pretty sure you’ll love all the options too.

on me: top, vintage (vintage here, new there). jeans, levi’s (vintage here, new there). clogs, c/o maguba. indigo shawl, flea market.


March 26, 2016

This week’s learned, links, and thankfulness…

I want to sew a denim version of this dress, but with the more structure like this one.

One of my fave shops, Ms. Tips, is having a 40% sale through Monday. Pair this pretty rose skirt with a striped cropped top, also love these vintage overalls.

I like this simple weaving.

These vintage espadrilles are only $12! This pair is a little more expensive, but so cool.

Love this gorgeous Moroccan wedding blanket.

I finally got my portfolio website up for the craft styling I have done. There are still things I need to add, but it’s a start.

Thankful for a little bit of a breather now that some of my big projects are done. I thankful for times of busyness, but always when things are more quiet too.

Kinda weird looking sandals online, but cute in person.

Tomorrow will be filled with lots of family time and Easter egg hunts. I’m egg-cited to give the girls their Easter baskets!

spring break starts now!

March 25, 2016

Woot! We are officially on spring break! Technically, our spring break was supposed to be this past week, but since we homeschool, we did a little switch-a-roo because I much prefer having a week off after Easter. I have some plans to get some sewing done (help the girls sew some clothes), organize closets, and finish taxes (argh!). The girls have their own agenda too … they want to paint and go get ice cream. I’m also hoping we can have a day to stay in bed and read (or watch movies). Of course, we have plans to hang out with some friends too. My list of things may be a little ambitious, but I’m going to aim high anyway. What are your spring break plans?

dealy plaza and klyde warren park

March 24, 2016

When I was younger, my dad took his first work trip to Dallas and came home with a little book about JFK and the conspiracy around Lee Harvey Oswald. Ever since then, I’ve been intrigued by conspiracies surrounding everything that went down that day (and other conspiracy things in general). So when I was in Dallas for Hope Spoken, besides spending time with friends, the only other thing I wanted to do was go to The Sixth Floor Museum (formerly known as The Texas School Book Depository). I had some free time on Friday, so I ventured off to the museum by myself. It was in the hotel’s 5 mile radius, so I was able to have the hotel shuttle drop me off and pick me up.

I enjoy history, so I was taking it all in as I slowly strolled through the museum looking at all the pictures and listening to the story (they give you a headset to listen to as you go through the museum). After actually visiting the museum and the grassy knoll, I’m definitely in the camp that thinks it was a conspiracy and Lee Harvey Oswald didn’t act alone, or maybe it’s just my love for mysteries and suspense that keeps me thinking that.

After my time at Dealy Plaza, the shuttle dropped me off at Klyde Warren Park, so I could grab lunch and do some people watching. I couldn’t decide what I wanted to eat, so I settled on the Cool Haus ice cream truck. #illalwayssayyestoicecream #evenforlunch

The sunshiny day was absolutely perfect for ice cream and people watching. It was nice to have a day to myself. Life is crazy is with 4 and all the projects I like to get involved in, so I relished this time alone to think and actually be able to hear my own thoughts. I’ve always been one of those people who enjoy eating at restaurants alone once in awhile, so this time of recharging was absolutely welcomed.

Do you believe in any conspiracies and do you enjoy eating out alone from time to time?

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