neatness helps

May 28, 2009

Wow! Wow! Wow! Thank you for the well wishes and congratulations. Sunday will mark the 3 month period and I can’t wait to get myself back. Here’s to hoping and wishing. There are things to do and lots to clean, my family really needs me back. I really miss crafting and sewing too. The summer has me pretty excited…

Well, if you have seen my mess that has been lingering around my loft since I made my mom her dress, you seriously would have laughed at me. I never had a mess stick around that long (okay, maybe I have). Each time I did orders, I worked around the mess to only make it much messier. The floor was littered everywhere with fabric… literally. It was so bad. I couldn’t think clearly. Frankly, neither could Ben, so I set out to clean my work room. It took a good 3 days, seeing how I had bouts of just staring at the mess when I was so tired, but it was done and the carpet can be seen again, which I am not sure is that much better than fabric. I dream of wood floors. That’s another story. My work table is clean with the two beastly of machines, serger and sewing machine sitting side-by-side in peace once again… dreamy. Threads are lined up nicely and color coordinated and all icky mess in the trash. Such a nice feeling.

kinda neat

I like working on a clean table. It really feels so good. So with a bit of brain dreaming this morning, I set off to make some crowns that are now off to some special little people. I hope they (and their mamas) love them. 
I call this one floral wonderland…
floral wonderland
side view
side view
This one is perfect for that little ocean lover…
i love the ocean
side view
side view

I love making crowns… so much fun. As I sew, I like to think of all the wonderful play and imaginative places they will go while wearing the crown. Children’s imaginations are really special, never a dull moment. 

Have I told you lately that True now plays with some “kids”? True and the “kids” go to the beach. True and the “kids” play in the kitchen. True loves these “kids” and I guess I love them too. Brave is a bit too young to play with the “kids” or so I have been told. Imagination at work I tell you… gotta love it. 

14 comments on “neatness helps”

  • jill says:

    woohooo! Congratulations! How exciting. I remember theos days of getting nothing done so well. And I just have to add that Lia has “friends” that she plays with all the time. And they also are always to blame when she gets into something she’s not supposed to. “My friends told me to do it.” haha. Love the polaroid too! 🙂

  • mrs.deane says:

    super adorable crowns, ruby :O) i can’t imagine that the recipients would not squeal with excitement at the sight of them.

    love to you! congratulations on getting your space clean. such a good feeling, isn’t it???

  • Prue says:

    When you’ve got your energy back would you mind coming over to my place and doing a bit of a clean up here? I’m hopeless!

  • lina says:

    ooo! i really love that ocean crown!

  • LML says:

    those crowns are too cute!! i wish i could sew…

    your blog is adorable by the way 😀

  • Rachelle says:

    How darling! I’ve never seen crowns like this before.
    I just reviewed the most awesome crafter’s cabinet from The Original Scrapboxand I wanted to tell you about it! Stop by
    my blog
    to join in the fun!

  • Jaime says:

    The “kids” thing is cute! My daughter used to open the medicine cabinet mirrors so they made dozens of her own reflections and she would sit on the counter and talk and sing to her “girls” for a really long time. Their imaginations are amazing aren’t they.

  • Marie says:

    They are both so nice! I love the ocean one:) I hope that you feel better soon!

  • I like the Ocean one…I’ve been on a nautical kick lately 😉

  • Laura says:

    Oh i am soooo excited for you!!! And amazed – cleaning in the first trimester!? You go girl! 😉 Bet your girlies are thrilled over a new babe. Gotta tell ya, three is waaaaaaaaay easier than two!

    Love and prayers for a happy & healthy 9mo!
    Laura (of the Van Gogh crown 😉

  • glad to hear you’re getting a bit into the groove again, and getting the room ready for some more craftiness! I love the crowns, very special indeed!

    Miss you friend!

  • Jackie Kersh says:

    love those crowns. too bad both of my boys don’t let me keep anything on their heads for very long (hats, hoods, etc.) otherwise i would be ordering up a storm.

    hope you are feeling better. what a lucky little baby you have growing inside of you!

  • Jess says:

    That ocean crown is the cutest thing ever – so creative! I just found your blog and I’m already loving it!

  • Shimmy Shake says:

    Those crowns are lovely!! You are very creative. I adore the ocean scene…so fun!

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