it’s still christmas round these parts

January 5, 2011

We like Christmas decorations and we especially like Christmas lights, so I am thinking all our Christmas spirit will stay around a little while longer. Plus, we didn’t decorate until it was the week before Christmas, so it is only fitting they stay up in January! Right?
I went really simple with our tree decorating. Last year, we got a real tree, but this year we went back to using our cheap little fake one because we knew we would be out of town,. Though really, I do kinda like this fake one a whole lot. It is simple and we kept it simple. I just strung some twine through some wool felt ball, which the girls helped with, and made lot of garland and wrapped it around the tree a few times! No ornaments, just lights and wool felt ball garland. I think it looked pretty and was very kid friendly!
christmas is still here
My favorite part was the tree stand, which I got the idea from the DIY Shauna and Stephen (aka somethings hiding in here) did for urban outfitters. I loved the striking simplicity of it, so when I spotted a tree stump at an antique shop a couple months ago, I bought it and saved it just for that purpose! Ben had to get a couple of things at the hardware store and “voila!” I had my tree stand.
our tree standour tree stand
We also have our elf stockings hanging. I wanted to make a couple to put in the shop, but never found the time! Maybe next year!
christmas is still here
And inspired by Anthropologie’s store displays of crocheted garland, I made my own and hung them. I am definitely using these next year too!
christmas is still herechristmas is still here
I had a few other ideas of things to make to decorate, but with Soul’s first birthday, then Ben’s birthday, Brave getting pneumonia and the rest of us getting sick, then traveling to Texas, there just wasn’t enough time. Though next year, we will be celebrating Christmas here at home, so maybe that will give us more time then. We’ll see, isn’t a lack of time a problem for everyone though?!!
Please tell me I am not the only that still has Christmas evidence up in January and that you all still have decorations up too!

27 comments on “it’s still christmas round these parts”

  • Each day, I take something down but the tree is still up until this weekend. I love your simple tree and natural looking decorations.

  • Sheila D. says:

    My goal for today was to put ours away. The ornaments have become a fun play thing and are all over the floor! The fun lasted (for Mommy) a couple of days. I kicked one too many on the way to bed last night! πŸ˜‰

  • Michele says:

    Mine are definitely still up! I am usually really good at putting them away but I am getting ready to change jobs and move states so I just haven't gotten around to bringing them down yet!

    Yours are so pretty! I did a lot of handmade this year too and have just decided to never go back to anything else.


  • cupcaaake says:

    We do!
    I'm in Spain and we keep them till the end of month πŸ˜‰
    The three wise men are coming today with lots of gifts for everyone so Christmas hasn't ended yet!

  • Eleni says:

    Oh, your tree looks lovely! We also had a bit of a time management problem this year, so we ended up without a tree but stuffing decorations onto all our house plants and dangling them from all the ceilings and nooks and crannies! And yes, they are still up there πŸ™‚

  • Shandy says:

    Yes! All of ours stay up till Epiphany. Love the garland and tree stand! I hope you raise a glass to yourself for all the magic you created in light of the circus (sickness) that hit your house! Congrats! πŸ™‚

  • i do!! and yes, that tree is stand is pretty rad..i love it!

  • Three.20 says:

    Christmas in Puerto Rico officially ends on January 7, but we keep having christmas-y type of celebrations until the 22nd! So our Christmas tree is gonna be up for quite some time!!

  • rdc says:

    i love your blog! i am definitely a fan!

    was wondering if you're a filipino?

  • sunnie fairy says:

    Yes, we still have decorations up. But they aren't half as cute as yours!

  • lina says:

    ours are still up & like you, we didnt decorate until a few days before christmas. the tree wasnt even finished until christmas eve!

  • the wool felt garland is too cute!!!

  • *Trisha* says:

    Our Christmas tree is still up too πŸ™‚

    Very cool tree stand, and I really like the wool felt ball garland. I bet your girls liked getting to help make it. Craft projects are so much fun (:

  • great yet simple decorations. I really like the tree stand. I still have some white lights up in the living room. They just give the room a nice atmosphere. I may not take them down πŸ™‚

  • Misha Lulu says:

    I also still have decorations up!!!
    So busy right now!
    Your house looks Lovely dahling!
    The pom pom garland is very sweet.

  • Meg says:

    that tree stand is awesome, and i really like the idea of crocheted garland — darling!!

  • Terri says:

    I love love love Christmas and all the trimmings…. : )
    We keep it all up till Three Kings Day on January 6th!!! Yay!!! Tomorrow!!!

  • Allison says:

    I do! I love my little white lights around the window – they'll probably stay up until winter is over πŸ™‚

  • We still have our Christmas decorations up, too. In fact, I just turned on the Christmas lights and lit up the Christmas village. I love the warm glow they add to the house, and hate to take them down, too. I figured we'll wait until MLK weekend. A three day weekend is the perfect time to take down all the Christmas stuff that seems to be EVERYWHERE. I say, enjoy them while you can. Christmas only comes once a year!
    : O )

  • Angie says:

    G'day ! yes i also have my decoratons up!! its been sooooooo hot here in western australia that i just couldnt be bothered!! my kidos love it though! makes the xmas feeling last longer , its kinda sad to say good bye to it all. love your blog its one of my favs, lucky you going to texas, thats one place i would love to go if i went to america. i just adore your style and vintage dresses if you ever sell any please please let me know! that green one from mrs tips you had on the other day was fantasic with that wooly cardigan or sweater as you guys call them . hahah. thanks for a wonderful blog! bye!!! Angie. p.s. my daughter Ruby (age 3) loves to look at you girls pics and stuff, one day i will buy her one of those awesome dolls house you make… so clever…. bye xx

  • Katyha says:

    I remember when I was younger my mother would keep christmas decorations up until March or even past that :/ so I think you have nothing to worry about. Besides it is nice to have them up a little longer.

  • lauracruz says:

    I had to reluctantly take mine down on saturday b/c we're moving…..but if it were up to me it'd still be there….:-)

  • Rubyellen says:

    whew! i am not the only one! glad everyone here likes to keep Christmas up a bit longer! My mom keeps it up until march sometimes! ha!

  • Ruby…I could not wait to get our Christmas decorations down this year. We out everything up the weekend following Thanksgiving, and it was more than enough for me. I really, really want a fake tree, or a tiny tree…but my parents are so against it that each year they take my kids out to pick a tree and usually flock it like it went through a blizzard! I know they LOVE it, but I can't handle it, ha ha!

    Had it not been for early decorating, I think we may have still had decorations up πŸ™‚

    I'm glad to see that you had a blessed time at Christmas!

  • Kim says:

    I really loved the idea of using the wood stump for the tree base, it looks wonderful, even so nice that a tree skirt is not needed, because some stands are so ugly you need a tree skirt badly lol. And the elf stockings are amazing, the colors are so bright and cheerful, I see why you want to keep all that up for a little longer!



  • Jenni says:

    yay! i'm glad we aren't the only ones. we didn't put ours up until right before christmas and they are still up, too. i was kinda sad when i saw people taking stuff down the monday after christmas. yesterday was the 12th day of christmas and the epiphany (wise men visited baby jesus) so i think it's appropriate to leave up your celebration decorations until then at least!! πŸ™‚

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