her first official birthday breakfast in bed

September 14, 2012

Glow's 1st breakfast in bedGlow's 1st breakfast in bedGlow's 1st breakfast in bedGlow's 1st breakfast in bedGlow's 1st breakfast in bedGlow's 1st breakfast in bedGlow's 1st breakfast in bedTechnically, Glow has been having breakfast in bed everyday since the day she was born (from mama), but this was her first “official” breakfast in bed. She got the works… her first glass of milk, O’s, and a banana. Her big sisters also filled her tray with a stack of homemade cards and mommy and papi got her a Rody (from here), but it seems like it’s her sisters who has taken a liking to the blown up horse. Really though, who do you expect to win when there is a banana in front of her?! A banana will always win.

I can’t believe it has already been a year! It really does feel like just yesterday that we took her home from the hospital. I remember how our families were anxiously waiting to find out if we were having a boy or girl (we already knew but didn’t tell) and the name. We were anxiously waiting for her birth because this was the first time I was going to do it sans the drugs. It’s been an amazing year and we are so thankful to God for giving her to us. She is a delightful little girl and our days have definitely been brighter with her in them.

We had a simple, but fun adventure planned and I will share that next week. We love our little Glow and we are so glad to be able to celebrate the 366 days God has given her thus far!

P.S. If you want to read her birth story, I did HypnoBirthing, you can read it here.

24 comments on “her first official birthday breakfast in bed”

  • Aileen says:

    Cuteness overload! Your girls are all just so cute.

  • misha lulu says:

    brilliant! so cute! happy birthday Glow!!!! big hugs, and kisses
    joe, karen and Bela

  • jane says:

    happy birthday, glow! i love seeing the pics with the four sisters!!! so much fun! 😀

  • Anne says:

    Happy Birthday to your baby baby! And my 1 year old is the same way. Banana terminator, have no idea where he puts it since he’s so skinny. He could eat that for breakfast lunch and dinner. You sure this milestone doesn’t make you want to go for #5? 😉

  • Rae says:

    Birthday greetings to Glow!
    What a cute post! Made me smile 🙂

  • Georgette says:

    Ahhh shes so stinkin cute!! Happy birthday baby glow! 🙂

  • Naomi says:

    felicidades Glow! I don’t think my Selma had that much hair until she turned four . . . (maybe I’m just a little jealous!)

  • Lynn says:

    So cute! And I love Soul’s striped pants – where did you get them?!

  • paige (bf+v) says:

    so freaking adorable! why didn’t i think of this?? who am i kidding? my little one year old would’ve had the banana smashed into the sheets and the milk spilled all over her daddy’s pillow. 😉 your blog is such a joy…so glad to have found it.

    • mycakies says:

      she did have some of the banana smashed into the sheets! good things daddy’s pillow was far away! 😉

  • Ash says:

    Glow is already one? what? I still remember your last bump like it was yesterday!

    well, I actually remember your last TWO bumps. Man, I’m getting old.

  • Lis says:

    Lovely! Happy birthday little girl! Love the birthday tradition too.

  • That is really sweet that she got to experience what she’s seen the rest of your family do throughout the year for one another on your birthdays. I hope she realizes how loved and special she is, but one is that “huh?? birthday? whatever!” type of things that go over their heads. I love how her sisters are all excited for her!

  • Sarah Durst (@pickrswife) says:

    Oh my word! So…I read your blog and wonder how two people who have never met could have so much in common (though right now I only have 2 girls)?!?! I just pinned that Rody to make sure I remembered to get it for the girls for Christmas!!! 🙂

  • Miu says:

    Happy Birthday!

  • Rosalind says:

    Wow where did that year go!!! I was thinking of you when I hung my washing out this morning, A&J were fighting…. only God can give Ruby the patience to home-school and raise 4 children!!!!!

  • amy says:

    I ADORE your blog and am so glad to have stumbled across it. But this post takes the cake (pun intended?). The photo of Glow w/the crown just lying back and holding the banana is about the cutest thing I have ever seen. Felicidades!

  • Jhéanell says:


  • Meg says:

    happy birthday Glow!
    Oh my, you have the sweetest family I’ve ever seen! I swear Brave has grown up so much recently. beautiful photos xo

  • Nataliya says:

    This is just too adorable. Breakfast in bed for a tiny little one year old! SUper cute idea. love her expressions!

  • Livi says:

    Where are your sheets and duvet from? I love them!

  • Crystal says:

    This is so adorable. You have such a cute family 🙂 My baby girl just turned one a week ago.

  • Auping says:

    I love the phote with all her sisters, everyone looks so happy.

  • Angel says:

    I was searching for ideas for my daughters first birthday and boom I found this AMAZING blog!! OMG I loved the tradition breakfast. It’s so cute I almost cried. Well actually I loved everything about the whole blog!! Blesses to you and your beautiful family. Happiness always!!

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