this is yummy

January 8, 2013

dessert alwaysdessert alwaysdessert alwaysFor our Christmas with my family, I made this Mexican Chocolate Cake that I found on pinterest. It sounded interesting, but the cayenne pepper had me nervous. Let me just say that we all loved it so much, this included Ben, who really could care less about desserts. You can’t really taste the cayenne pepper, but whatever it did to the mixture, it sure came out yummy. The mascarpone frosting was also excellent. My oven tends to cook things faster, so while the directions said 45 minutes, I did 30, but next time I think I might only do 20 or 25 minutes.

I want to try to make this again into cupcakes or maybe even into cupcakes in  jar. I think it might be my favorite chocolate cake recipe yet!
dessert alwaysdessert alwaysBesides the chocolate cake, the girls and I made these Mexican Wedding Cookies, which were another thing I pinned. I omitted the food coloring because Brave is allergic to artificial colorings and one batch was done with walnuts and another using chocolate chips because True is allergic to nuts. To distinguish the chocolate chip ones, we added cinnamon to the powdered sugar, so that True would know which ones she could eat. It’s all butter and a whole lot of sugar, so obviously it tasted good.

I’m totally a sweets person. I have to exercise a lot of self control when I’m around any sugary goodness. Most times, I do good at moderation (like here), but there are sometimes I totally cave and indulge. I can’t help it, sugar can be addicting!

7 comments on “this is yummy”

  • Lisa says:

    pepper in cake… just seems so wrong 🙂
    I may try it x

  • val says:

    That chocolate cake looks pretty delicious…

  • Wowee. I want to bake that top cake now! Actually I just want to eat it in truth!! x

  • jane says:

    it looks yummy and it looks pretty! 🙂

  • Dee says:

    you’re in my ‘favorite blogs’ folder and love reading your blog – i always read it but never comment so i wanted to say thank you! i know it takes a lot to be dedicated to a blog so keep up the goodwork! and thanks for your inspiration, your “real-ness” and your openness about God and Christianity.

    God bless!


  • Jolene says:

    The first thing I thought when I saw that cake was “yeah, it is!” (Yummy, that is.) It looks so good and I love adding savory elements to sweets (such as pepper). Love your blog, one of my daily reeds (along with the Bible). Thanks so much for writing and being so honest about life with your beautiful kids. Gives me strength/grace with my own lovies.

  • This cake is amazing! I so want to taste this – one big mouthful!!!!!!

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