the little one is totally part of the crew

February 4, 2013

us girliesus girliesus girliesus girlies

Glow is totally part of the crew. She is definitely still our baby, but she’s playing (and even sometimes fighting) with the big girls too. She’ll see something she wants and will try to get it, usually from Soul, and she always wants to be part of the action now. She still doesn’t talk, but she does a whole lot of baby babbling. We all love her to pieces!

Looking at these pictures, I still can’t believe I have four girls and Ben has five of us to deal with. Poor guy! That time of the month when these girls are older is going to be pretty crazy in our house. I will be the first to say that when that time of the month comes for me, that whole Pissed-off Mood Swing (PMS) comes in full force. Now times that by 4 more! Oye!

We’re slowly working our way out of the baby phase. The girls are getting older and making certain things easier and harder at the same time. Glow is getting so big that I find myself asking Ben if he’s sure we’re done and in my moment of amnesia, I say I want another. Then I remember how full our hands really are and then I’m like, yeah… we’re good. I’m thankful for how helpful True and Brave are and we have to be intentional in teaching Soul to be just as responsible. I think because she is in the transitional toddler to little girl stage and has two big sisters that will do things for her that I forget to teach her responsibility too. One thing she is pretty much in charge of is getting herself dressed and it’s pretty much the same thing everytime. If you look back at most pictures of her in recent months, it will be that Mexican embroidered dress (or her other one in red) tucked into her leggings.

It’s been pretty warm lately, in the high 80’s, and I can totally feel spring creeping up on us. As much as I love winter, I’m pretty excited to have longer days. Are you?

on me: sweater, thrifted. shirt, thrifted. jeans, forever 21. necklace, homako. boots, emerson fry.ย on true: dress, c/o winter water factory. leggings, gap. boots, gymboree. bag, diy here. on brave: dress, misha lulu. sweater, vintage. leggings, misha lulu. shoes, gap.ย on soul: dress, vintage. leggings, misha lulu. shoes, c/o freshly picked. on glow: dress, c/o winter water factory. shoes, old ones since true was a baby.

19 comments on “the little one is totally part of the crew”

  • Jenni says:

    I just love this post!! I love that your baby is part of the crew!! I feel that way about our sweet Sarah now (although we only have 3 little girls). The photos are so fun, you have so a beautiful family!

  • Just gorgeous. Cutie pies all round. xx

  • amy says:

    I love all your posts, but the ones featuring GLOW are the absolute best. She is so, so adorable! Enjoy these special days!

  • jane says:

    ok… i forget that isaiah and glow are the same age. is it cuz he’s a boy? boys are so different from girls. i still can’t believe you have four, too. glow looks so big and soul looks even bigger!

    i am sad victoria is almost four months. it makes me want to have another. almost.

    • rubyellen says:

      isaiah looks much older to me than glow! maybe it’s cause he is more active and i have glow to compare to true and brave, so i feel she is baby baby. i miss you guys!!! one more month!!!

  • That Cakies Crew of yours is something so special! ๐Ÿ™‚

  • Jasmine says:

    The last GIF is wonderfully cute. Love the girls’ outfits ๐Ÿ™‚ and yours also, of course. Your parenting is very inspiring – even though I am not a parent… Ha. X

  • amyD says:

    No way!!! She totally IS a part of the crew! ๐Ÿ™‚ So, so sweet. Your clan is just so beautiful. ๐Ÿ™‚
    And it always cracks me up that Soul tucks her shirt into her leggings! Hilarious.

  • Vang says:

    Oh, I’m so with you! I have three girls and when I think about the teenage years, I feel for my husband (and myself!). My littlest one is over a year now but somehow I haven’t been able to donate the 12 month old clothing (and by mistake I’ve tried to put her into them). I can’t believe my littlest isn’t a baby anymore and it’s a hard to think that this might be it for us too.

  • richelle jean says:

    TRUE IS ALREADY HALF YOUR SIZE (more than)!!! She’s gonna outgrow us SO fast!!!!!!!

  • Kiki says:

    Glow (and all of your sweet girls) have grown so much and so quick! I love seeing these photos of them (and you!) because it reminds me of my childhood. There are three girls (four including my mom) in my family so I sometimes feel like my dad misses out on those boy-things. But I think he secretly loves having just girls–even if that means we hog the remote and bathrooms! We all live at home right now (I’m in college) and so I definitely understand that time-of-the-month thing. It gets a little crazy but I love every single minute of it.

  • Jen says:

    oh my goodness, your girls are just too cute!! I can’t wait until my fourth little one is walking too, it will be so nice. (and looking at your pics Glow will have so many adorable clothes to grow into!!)

  • Tabitha says:

    I always smile when I see Glow, it looks like she is constantly smiling! You have four beautiful daughters!

  • cinthya says:

    Ya’ll are adorable! and I love winter water factory! I am waiting for our little girl to grow into some rompers! I can’t believe how fast time flies and how difficult having multiple children can be at times (and I only have 2). ๐Ÿ™‚

  • Andria says:

    They are all so…stinkin’…adorable!

  • heather says:

    soul and her dresses tucked in. look at her face in that first photo. She’s such a character!

  • Katherine says:

    Oh my god, too adorable!

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