there was just no down time

October 4, 2013

mama and girlsI didn’t mean to take a break from blogging this week, but it has just been super busy for us. This week was non-stop go, go, go! I can’t even think of anything that was particularly different from our normal weeks (what really is normal is beyond me), but I just felt constantly busy.

This week also marks the start of the Soul and Glow feuding because they discovered how to fight! Oh boy! That means the start of more refereeing for mommy. Oh and True’s second tooth fell out! So there you go I guess… we did have a few changes this week. These things are just coming back to me as I type!

I went over to my parents’ house to drop off the girls for piano lessons (my brother teaches them) and my sister looked at all our shoes and said, “Oh my gosh! They all describe your personalities perfectly!” I think her statement is very true. This particular day Glow had an obsession with that hat and insisted on wearing it everywhere (see here). My girls are such cuties and sweeties (when they’re listening to me).

Happy Friday friends! I’m hoping next week to get some fun Halloween stuff up in the space… so cross your fingers I find some time!

on me: tee, everlane. necklace, shop miguez. camo jacket, c/o old navy. short, thrifted (distressed here). on true: tee, aa. shorts, thrifted. boots, c/o old navy. on brave: tee, misha lulu. shorts, target. shoes, c/o old navy (those polka dots sneakers are adorable, also worn here). on soul: top, c/o old navy. leopard pants (oh she always wants to wear that!), gifted. shoes, c/o old navy. on glow: dress, handmade etsy. hat, dollar store. moccs, freshly picked.

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