out to school: 2/15

June 18, 2013

last day of schoollast day of schoollast day of schoollast day of schoolYeah, I know. School’s over, so this school post is so last week. I was going to write my burger recipe for you tonight, but then the Spurs lost (#onemoregame) and I can’t think much. Let alone try to remember a recipe I made over a week ago (it’s so hard when your heart is so attached to a team), so writing about my girls is much easier for me.

School’s done. Yippee! They both had a great year at Enrichment Classes and next school year, they will have all their classes together. They’re definitely both really excited about that. I promised a homeschool post and it’s coming. I just volunteered for more than I should (I need to learn to say no), so once school was done, I’ve just been working on those lingering things.  A proper homeschool post takes time to write because no parent homeschools just for the heck of it! At least I hope not. Our children’s education is important stuff and the reasons why we chose a certain path and what we do to work towards that goal takes more thinking and writing than the average blog post. That post is coming folks, don’t worry. Just cut me a little slack this week please. Thanks!

on true: top and bottom, misha lulu c/o ava mae and ruby lu vintage. shoes, salt-water sandals.  on brave: dress, vintage. shorts, misha lulu. shoes, gap kids. heart clip, ban.do.

happy papi day!

June 17, 2013

papi's day 2013papi's day 2013papi's day 2013papi's day 2013papi's day 2013papi's day 2013papi's day 2013It was a simple day that matched our simple guy. I asked him the night before what he wanted for breakfast, since we traditionally make him a massive vegetable omelet, but he said all he wanted was his oatmeal. I had him tell me how to make it, he’s very particular about how it’s made, and I made it just as he instructed. 1 cup of oatmeal, about a cup and a half of milk, two handfuls of berries, 1 full scoop of protein, and 23 almond pieces. Yes, exactly 23. The girls put their little notes on the tray and we sang the “Happy Father’s Day” song (birthday song with the words substituted) and he had his oatmeal in bed.

The most special part is that the girls had wrapped up some gifts for him earlier in the week. I had no clue what they were. They mostly gifted him things that were already his, like our workout DVDs, a new pair of boxers he bought, a pair of his socks, though True did graciously give him one of her pens. The most special part about it was their wrapping, especially True’s! She wrote a bible verse on it (see here) and we were so amazed by it. We asked her, “Where did you get this?” She said, “In my bible. I opened it and read it, then wrote it down.” Seriously, that sweet heart of hers was the best little gift. I totally remember them coloring and drawing during the week, and her Bible was right next to her on the floor, so now it makes sense why it was there!

Ben’s one wish for Father’s Day was that the Spurs win game 5, and boy did they deliver! Game 5 was won with such good team basketball! Ginobili was Ginobili, Green was raining 3’s again, Parker is just awesome, and Duncan is Duncan. We love our Spurs!!! We were hootin’ and hollerin’, and we were all so excited! And we were all decked out in our Spurs gear, so I think Ben had a pretty darn good Father’s Day!

I love that man of mine and I’m so blessed by how he loves, serves, and leads our family!

Dear Spurs
Love, the Bratchers

mid-century dining table for sale

June 17, 2013

dining tableThis table is for sale if anyone in Southern California is interested. It’s a mid-century piece Ben has had since his bachelor days! It has worked wonderfully for us these past 8 years, but it is finally time to move it on (there’s a farm table now in its place!). It is a 6-legged table that has two leaves, without the leaves it is 64″ x 40″ x 29″, and with both leaves on it is 89″ x 40″ 29″. If you’re interested or have any additional questions, just shoot me an email!


June 15, 2013

messyThis crazy week involved a few deadlines for me, two late work nights for Ben, shingles for Soul, some Spurs wins and losses, and a major craigslist score. There was good crazy and bad crazy all day, every day.

This week’s learned, links, and thankfulness…

Soulie loves her older sisters a lot, but she often doesn’t know how to show that love when they’re around!

If I don’t write a daily to-do list, I don’t get much done.

True graduated her swim level and she moved on up! I’m so glad these girls are learning how to swim properly and pool safety.

This strawberry cream tart looks ah-mazing and I want to make it soon!

Thankful for friends who keep an eye out for things I am looking for on Craigslist. Thanks O

Don’t forget to check out this sponsor and enter in the giveaway!

So happy the BFF is on summer break that means beach trip days are coming! Woot! Woot!

The post about “The Good Mom” my friend (and pastor) PJ shared with me (and a few other gals) was a good reminder that my heart needed. I love this statement he made… “Your “success” as a mom is not measured by your capacity to keep everything in order; it’s determined by your ability to trust that even in the chaos, Jesus is beautiful – and even in the mess, so are you.” It goes on to say, “In the end your kids care far less about how presentable their dinner is and far more about how healthy their mom is.” That is all so true. I definitely struggle with all of that! I easily find my satisfaction and joy in making sure my girls are well-behaved, know responsibility and rules, and have everything neat and tidy and when it isn’t, I’m pretty much all out of sorts. This post reminded of how I really need to readjust my ideas of motherhood and fix my eyes on the cross more.

Wanna know something? We totally buy those microwaveable dinosaur shaped chicken nuggets! And you know what else? They taste good!!!

sponsor welcome

June 15, 2013

illSay hello to The Little Illustrator! Jennifer is the artist behind this cute and quirky shop filled with prints and cards. She is a mama of 5, 4 of which are 3 years and younger! Geez! And I thought I was busy!!! Her background is in realism art, but she has since fallen in love with doing illustrations. Her children are her biggest source of inspiration, which is something I can definitely relate to. A good portion of her illustrations are based off of moments or feelings for them and/or words of wisdom that she would like her children to take with them on their journey through life. The four pictured above are my favorites from the shop. clockwise from top left: You’re My Sweetheart, I Can Hear You, I Love Vinyl, Life Is An Adventure

One of you lucky ones can win a $50 gift certificate to The Little Illustrator! Here’s what you can do to win…

1. Visit The Little Illustrator and tell me your favorite piece.
2. Blog, tweet, or facebook about this giveaway and leave a separate comment telling me you did so.

Now, if you do all of the things mentioned above, you might even be able to up your chances by getting your name in 4 times (just remember to leave separate comments for each)! Fantastic, right? If you’re overseas, you’re welcomed to join in. The giveaway will end at 8am PST on Friday, June 21st and the winner will be announced via twitter (follow me on twitter here) on that day. Good luck!

the little illustrator shop

family meals: 44

June 15, 2013

posoleposoleEasiest Posole. This recipe came from It’s All Good by Gwyneth Paltrow. We have made posole for Christmas two years in a row and it takes hours until it’s finally ready to eat. This one really is the easiest posole! We all loved it!!! In my attempt to lessen the spice, so that the girls could eat it, I used one serrano pepper instead of 3 like the recipe called for, and that one pepper really gave a big kick! That was one strong pepper. Ben and I loved the spice, but I just gave the girls the hominy without much soup and that help eliminate some of the heat for them. I made so much that we ate it 3 nights this week and never got sick of it!

Week 6/17 – 6/21:

Monday: Curried Split Pea Soup with Coconut Milk
Tuesday: Leftovers
Wednesday: Korean Chicken Tacos (from It’s All Good)
Thursday: Leftovers
Friday: Sushi/pizza night

I love looking back at all the various recipes I have tried. It’s been a fun journey in preparing meals for my family. I’ve definitely learned a lot, but I usually still need a recipe in front of me when I’m cooking something. Cooking doesn’t come naturally to me, but it has encouraged me to experiment a little bit more here and there. What’s your relationship with cooking?

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