
February 27, 2013

lifeLife has been so insanely busy for us lately. Life’s always like that though, isn’t it? If it’s not one thing, it’s another. I remember times when I’ve thought, “Once I get through this, things will be much more relaxed,” and then something else happens or I sign myself up for something (sometimes accidentally) and then life’s going full speed ahead again. Today though, particularly right around 5 o’clock, life felt like it slowed down. It was nice. We went outside and strolled around the cul-de-sac while we waited for Ben to get home. It was just my girls and me. Carefree. Simple. Together.

With spring right around the corner, we’re ready for this new season. We’re ready for more together time, going outside, and as True requested… more projects. That girl loves to make things all the time.

March 1st is coming. We’ll probably throw a party when it gets here. For real. The girls are so excited about that day. Oh and we’ll go to the farmer’s market because that’s our Friday thing, though we haven’t been able to go in awhile. Basically, we’re all ready for spring. It’s March 20th this year, but we’re changing it to March 1st. What do you say? Who’s excited about spring too?

my baby

February 25, 2013

my babyGlow’s one tough cookie. She was sitting in her high chair and just finished lunch when she decided to kick herself away from the table which plummeted her and the highchair backwards hitting her head on the wall on the way down. Ben was right there in the kitchen and grandmama had just gotten up from the table and when we heard the loud, “Boom!” I ran to find out what happened and there we were, all a bit stressed, my baby crying, and blood.

Ben got her right away and laid her flat, we didn’t want to move her too much because we didn’t know if there was any damage to her sweet head. Thankfully she was awake and alert, but it isn’t an everyday thing so we weren’t exactly sure what to look for or what to do. Ben saw a lot of blood in her mouth and a big cut, but she closed her mouth immediately after her crying and wouldn’t let us look. Better safe than sorry, we called 911. They came and said there doesn’t seem to be any head or spine injury, and then it was off to the ER we went. Glow got her first ambulance ride.  I don’t think she cared much for it. Maybe it’s because they didn’t turn on their sirens and went turtle speed (at least to me).

She was the cutest (and best) little ER patient and I’m not biased either. Turns out she cut her tongue completely through that the side was flapping off (so sad and scary!). After trying various ways to stitch it together without her having to be sedated, they ended up having to sedate her. She would yell and flail and not keep her tongue still. Well, could you blame her?!! Didn’t think so. They gave her a sedative that would keep her awake, but out of it, and well, she’s so tough that she even was fighting through that, but thank you Lord it was enough to get the job done. We had to stay a little bit longer because they wanted to make sure she wouldn’t have an adverse reaction to the sedative, but eventually, we went home with a healthy baby with a stitched up tongue.

I was so freaked out. Ben was too. We know God’s sovereign, so though we didn’t know how he would deliver us, we knew he would, and he did. We’re all watching Glow like a hawk now and we don’t want her to fall. I get these crazy notions that tongue stitches pop out, but I’m sure that’s just me being a paranoid mama. I keep making her drink water to clean her mouth to prevent anything giving her an infection. Again, a paranoid mama who constantly needs to work on trusting God.

So, I guess we started this week off with a boom and I can’t wait until Friday when things hopefully calm down a bit for us. March 1st… I’m so ready for you!!!

our love day

February 21, 2013

our hearts and hooves dayour hearts and hooves dayour hearts and hooves dayour hearts and hooves dayour hearts and hooves dayour hearts and hooves dayour hearts and hooves dayour hearts and hooves dayour hearts and hooves dayour hearts and hooves dayour hearts and hooves dayour hearts and hooves dayour hearts and hooves dayour hearts and hooves dayour hearts and hooves dayour hearts and hooves day

A wee bit late in sharing, but things have been kind of crazy over here lately hence the light posting this week. I’m hoping our lives are back to normal next week, so depending if I get to it tomorrow, I may just bid happy weekend today.

This was our happy Love Day last week. I woke up to a homemade card from Ben and some flowers. Then, Ben gave all of his little girls flowers too. His mom is here, and because he’s such a sweet fella, he showered her with love too. We had little gift bags for the girls filled with simple things and they got showered with more gifts from both grandparents (my parents stopped by). You can imagine the day was filled with lots of sugary low nutrition things, but that’s okay in moderation.

It’s cute because the girls made presents for each other or wrapped their toys and used it as a gift. It totally is always hilarious when they do that. True had a present for Soulie, which was a pony doll that was Soulie’s, and then when Soulie opened it she was all giddy, excited, and jumping up and down. I don’t think if Ben wrapped up a pair of shoes I already have that I would be that excited to receive it again, but maybe that just shows my lack of thankfulness and creative spirit. Kids get excited about the littlest things and I need to relearn that myself.

Other than that, our day was pretty low key and simple. Ben and I did manage to put in a late Valentine date on Saturday evening and it was nice. Getting out was a breath of fresh air and a stress reliever. I can’t believe we’re nearing the end of February and I don’t think I have ever been so excited for the end of a month than this month. Our household has been out of sorts this month (for a few months really) and I’m hoping once March comes we can get back to our old normal. Whatever that was.

Oh and I still owe Ben a Valentine’s. We agreed to just make each other homemade cards this year, but let’s just say I’m a little behind. Total fail on my part, but I think I shower him with enough kisses everyday that he knows how much I love him. If I don’t come back tomorrow, happy weekend friends! Grandmama has been here for a week and a half and we will be so sad to see her leave on Saturday. What are your plans this weekend?

a swan lake party in babiekins magazine

February 18, 2013

swan lake birthdayswan lake birthdayswan lake birthdayswan lake birthdayThis was totally last summer, but it just came out in the newest issue of Babiekins. It was such a sweet little party to plan for our Bravey. She’s the one that can always be found dancing, so this party was especially designed with all the things she loves in mind. The best part of it all was that the parents came back to pick up their kids (it was a drop and go kind of party)  and they were treated to their very own special performance of Swan Lake. Check out the entire article here.

Thank you to Kimberly Genevieve and her skills in beautifully capturing our Bravey’s 5th brithday! Check out her talent here and here!

i adore him

February 14, 2013

photos by Meg Tsangphotos by Meg Tsangphotos by Meg Tsangphotos by Meg Tsangphotos by Meg Tsangphotos by Meg Tsangphotos by Meg Tsangphotos by Meg Tsangphotos by Meg Tsangphotos by Meg Tsangphotos by Meg Tsangphotos by Meg Tsangphotos by Meg Tsang

When we went to San Francisco for my birthday, Meg Tsang got in touch with us to shoot some family portraits. Only we didn’t come with the kids, so we turned it into a “love shoot” instead. I was so excited to get some nice pictures of Ben and me together. Meg did my friend Ica’s engagement shoot, so I already knew what she would come up with would be good. For sure.

Now, despite having a blog and sometimes doing outfit posts of sorts, I am so not natural in front of the camera. I feel awkward trying to pose and all I can really do is smile, so that’s what I do, but I think Ben’s always just a natural. Meg was so great because she had these little tips and tricks to get us to interact and made it not so awkward to be in front of the camera. I appreciated those little tricks because I totally need direction in front of the camera. We had such a great time with Meg and she got all these wonderful shots (and more, but I didn’t want to overload you) in just one hour! And how gorgeous is that location that Meg picked out?! It felt so otherworldly!

I am so in love with all her pictures. I think she totally captured how I look at Ben. I always look at Ben with so much googly eyes because he really makes me googly eyed in a very good way. Just looking at these pictures makes my heart all a flutter on how thankful I am that God placed Ben and me together. Ben is truly such a sweetheart and so selfless. He dedicates so much of himself to me and his little girls and I think everything he does is so darn sexy. He’s not perfect (though pretty close!), but I see how God is shaping and growing him to become an even more godly man and leader for our family. We’re both learning everyday what it means to include God in our marriage and I’m so thankful to be one flesh with this man.

Before I make all of you gag because I really can go on and on about Ben forever, I’ll stop now. All this to say, I love Ben a whole heck of a lot!

Thank you Meg for these beautiful captures! Meg is based out of San Francisco, but she does travel (and travels often), so if you’re in need of a photographer, check her out!

meg tsang’s site
meg tsang’s blog

Happy Love Day to my Benny (and my girls) and to all of you friends! Don’t forget to gush and pour the love on all those special in your life!!!

you are amazing

February 13, 2013

you're amazing!you're amazing!you're amazing!We went for simple Valentine cards. I went to the dollar store, saw these doilies and a bag of heart mazes, and just like that we had our cards. I knew there would already be a plethora of low-nu sweets passed around at their school, so something that would not encourage cavity growth is what we went with. The girls wrote the message and taped the little maze on and there you go! Happy Love Day to their friends!!!

They passed these out to their friends when they went to their enrichment classes yesterday. They’ve been counting down to Valentine’s Day, so once it gets here tomorrow, you can imagine the excitement that will be going on in our house. Plus, Grandmama (Ben’s mom) is in town, so it will be extra sweet for them! Things have been so crazy here of late that Ben and I have no plans tomorrow (and we both agreed to forgo any gifts). Anyways, I tell him I love him everyday and I try to make out with him everyday too, so it’s kind of Valentine’s Day here all the time!

What are you doing tomorrow to celebrate the loves in your life? This is what we did last year and I can’t believe how little Glow was!

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