it’s been 3 months since our last date

January 22, 2013

date nightWe finally got a date night in on Sunday night. The last time we had one was when we were in SF for my birthday weekend and we were kind of overdue. I wish we could go on a weekly date night, but it just isn’t realistic for us. We’re also content with getting some quiet evenings together as the girls go to bed early (730ish) and we will sometimes watch our shows on Netflix. We’re currently hooked to Prison Break Season 4. Despite that though, getting out together is always so refreshing.

The first thing on our agenda was to watch Breaking Dawn 2 (finally!) and Ben actually likes watching it with me. He likes the camaraderie in the movie and seeing the family work together. I think it’s cute that he’s excited about that. I am definitely a Twilight fan and that movie was really good. Or maybe we’re just pretty easy to please when it comes to movies, but we both really liked it. Then, we headed off to have some sushi at our favorite spot. It was just your classic movie and a dinner date night.

I’m ready for another movie and dinner date night, but with our track record, the next one will probably be in April. How often do you get date night in?


January 21, 2013

chairOh yes. That chair is my newest addition. I have been searching for it at the flea markets and craigslist for awhile now and once I saw it pop up, I asked Ben immediately, and after his approval, snatched it up. Chairs are better than chocolate and I think chairs might even be better than shoes! And I really do love chocolate and shoes so much! Chairs are definitely not better than God though. Nothing could top that. I will admit that I battle making other things my idols above God. Definitely struggle with that a whole lot. Sometimes I think a clean house is better than God, well behaved children are better than God, or even a good blog post is better than God. Honestly though, putting my joy in all those things won’t really satisfy me one bit. My house will get messy, my children will disobey, and honestly, as much as I love blogs, life is a whole lot bigger than a blog. Living life merely for the internet is really pointless.

Maybe this rambling is due to the fact that I’m feeling mess stress and day dreaming about having a clean house right now. As I was cleaning (and not with a happy heart), Brave came down and said, “Mommy, blessed be the name of the Lord.” I’m no perfect mama and sometimes with all the things I have on my plate, some things are just bound to get messy and I have to learn to deal. Brave was right though, I need to sing that even in my time of frustrations.

This week’s learned, links, and thankfulness…

True and Brave do really well with reading and writing. I love the stories they come up with their free writes.

Glow doesn’t talk yet, but she’s starting to mumble a whole lot lately.

Misha Lulu’s new spring line is coming out tomorrow and you can see my girlies in some of the new photos. Her collections are always good!

I haven’t been back to my regular meal planning, but I need to soon because I hate being clueless once 5:30pm rolls around.

Lovely Lark asked me a few questions and you can check it out here.

I’m so sad that Fringe ended. I loved that show and will definitely miss it. But I am so excited that The Walking Dead is coming back soon! That show rules!

Love my BFF’s quick little encouragement post on marriage. I really want to read the Tim Keller book called The Meaning of Marriage.

I have been blasting Sara Dee lately. Love her music!

Thankful for Ben. He puts up with me when I’m being crazy!

I’m ready to relax for the night, but I am going to attempt to clean up a bit to aid my sanity for tomorrow. The big kids are at school and I have a long to do list, which never seems to end, so I want to try and karate chop that list goodbye tomorrow.

for me, for them: leather pouches

January 18, 2013

leather pouchesleather pouchesleather pouchesleather pouchesleather pouchesleather pouchesleather pouchesleather pouchesDSC_7247leather pouchesleather pouchesI have had these leather scraps for awhile now. They were first purchased to make these shoes (so long ago!) and so I finally dug them up and put them to good use. Another little something for them (though I do need to make 2 more for the other big girls) and something for me…

Pouch template (make sure to set print to “actual size”)
Leather scraps
7″ zipper
3 yards of leather cording
Acrylic paint
Leather glue
Hand needle and thread
Crop-a-dile (not pictured, but it’s the best thing for hole punching)

Seam allowance: 1/4″

1. Using the template, cut out your pouch pieces (2 per pouch).
2. Paint your polkadots on the leather by using the eraser on a pencil to dot your pouches with acrylic paint in a staggered design. Allow to dry completely.

For them (the bag):
3. For the bag straps, cut 3 yards of leather cording and braid together knotting both ends when entire length is completed.
4. Place the pouch pieces with the wrong sides together, make sure all the edges are lined up, and sew down and up the pouch sides and bottom, but leave the top open.
5. Punch/poke holes (I highly recommend owning a crop-a-dile) at the top corners of the pouch, undo the knot on the cording, feed the cording through the holes and then knot again to secure.  I put a little dab leather glue to help secure the straps in place.

For me (zip clutch):
6. Place one side of the pouch with its right side up, then place the zipper teeth side down on top of one of the leather pouch piece, line up the edges, and pin in place. Sew the entire length (starting at the opposite end of the zipper pull), stopping an inch or two from the zipper pull, pull the zipper to the other side and continue sewing the edge.
7. Place the remaining pouch piece with its right side down and lined up with the remaining edge of the zipper (with its teeth side down), pin in place, and sew the entire length of the zipper. Again, stop an inch or two from the zipper pull and pull the zipper to the other side and continue sewing the entire length.
8. Proceed to line up the pouch pieces with their right sides together and sew around the entire perimeter.
9. Clip small Vs around the curves, but be careful not to cut the seam. Pull open the zipper and turn right side out.
10. For a tiny oomph, cut a strip of leather and tie to the zipper pull.
leather pouchesleather pouchesAnd just like that we both have something to throw on treasures in! You can get some faux leather here, leather pieces here, or just go to your local craft store and use some vinyl. Any of these choices will get the job done.

my winter wears

January 16, 2013

boots and scarvesboots and scarvesAnkle boots and chunky scarves are my winter must haves. For sure. Yes, I love the cold and am a native Southern Californian and so I’m kind of wimpy when it comes to the cold, but I love it all nonetheless. Oh! And sweats. Those are getting me through the winter too. Ben got me some for Christmas (because that’s all I asked for) and then I ordered these (in grey and stripe). It was my first time ever ordering from stylemint, but I figured the purchase was justifiable because my old sweats that I have had for about 10 years started getting holes where there shouldn’t be any holes, so yeah… I figured it’s time to make another investment. I’ve been wearing my sweats with denim tops and cozy cardigans, so while still in sweats, I don’t feel like I’m back in college in sweat pants and a sweatshirt. Though, those days do happen too.

My go-to boots are also these clog boots from Lotta from Stockholm. I seriously wear them everywhere, all the time, and my BFF was laughing at me because I even threw them on with my sweats when we went out for dinner. There just so comfy that they are the best thing to throw on when I’m headed out the door. Actually, an epiphany came to me a month or so ago and my favorite types of shoes are ankle boots! Not only can they be worn in the winter, but also in the summer and spring with shorts and dresses. If you looked at my shoe collection, I’ve amassed quite the collection of ankle boots. Therefore, not only do they get me through the winter, they get me through year round too!

Then you have my chunky cowl scarves. I wear them in the house and out of the house. I just love the feeling of my neck warm and toasty. I wish I had time to crochet myself more, but maybe in the summer I can get a head start for next winter. Knowing me (and my household), that really won’t happen though. I really love this one, so it will be on my to-do list next winter.

What are some things that have been totally helping you get through the winter? Or maybe the summer for some of you Southern Hemisphere folk?

out to school: 2/11

January 14, 2013

out to schoolout to schoolIt’s been awhile since I’ve done a school style post for the girls, so here’s their latest getup. They dress themselves and pretty much wear the same things all the time, but slightly change up the layering here and there, but whatever. They’re clothed and it works. Actually, it sounds a bit like how I get dressed, wearing the same thing all the time but changing it up a bit. Though, my same thing usually consists of sweats and a sweater. I would say my daughters dress up way more than me!

I love their smiles and I can’t believe how much older they are starting to look these days. How is this possible?! Didn’t I just give birth to them?! My oh my!

on true: dress, vintage. poncho, little bean shop. pants, misha lulu. socks, target. shoes, salt-waters. beret, anthropologie (gifted a long time ago). on brave: sweater, vintage. pants, misha lulu. shoes, toms. actually, this was the same day they wore these outfits.


January 14, 2013

my girlsLife has been really messy here lately. Life throws you curve balls and you really can’t be prepared for all of it. Through all of it though, I have seen God’s goodness and nothing but. He gives more grace, love, peace, and forgiveness beyond anything we deserve. I am in awe of it all. Sometimes you don’t know how God will do it, but he does always prove himself trustworthy.

This week’s learned, links, and thankfulness…

Glow is a smart girl. She observes and then does it, and now she’s learning how to stick up for herself being the baby of 4.

We heard Soul randomly say, “A noun is a person, place, thing or idea.” So cute! She must really be listening when I’m doing school with the big girls.

True and Brave’s penmanship has been improving so much.

I love my friends and my church family so much. We rejoice with each others’ joys and we mourn with each others’ sorrows. It is a great to be part of such a loving and grace giving community. I’m so thankful.

Meeting this cute little one for the first time made my heart so happy.

Adding this to my family meal planning.

Love this woman’s braid. I wish I had some fancy braiding skills.

Oh and I have totally been loving the winter we are experiencing here in SoCal. I’ve pretty much been in sweats all day, but that’s perfectly alright with me.

My heart has been all over the place this past week, so I’m looking forward to this new week. God has proven that his mercies are definitely new every morning and that when we need it, he will give us the grace and strength we need to press on. There have been a lot of growing pains going on, but growth is always a good thing. Isn’t it?!

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