it’s been 3 months since our last date

January 22, 2013

date nightWe finally got a date night in on Sunday night. The last time we had one was when we were in SF for my birthday weekend and we were kind of overdue. I wish we could go on a weekly date night, but it just isn’t realistic for us. We’re also content with getting some quiet evenings together as the girls go to bed early (730ish) and we will sometimes watch our shows on Netflix. We’re currently hooked to Prison Break Season 4. Despite that though, getting out together is always so refreshing.

The first thing on our agenda was to watch Breaking Dawn 2 (finally!) and Ben actually likes watching it with me. He likes the camaraderie in the movie and seeing the family work together. I think it’s cute that he’s excited about that. I am definitely a Twilight fan and that movie was really good. Or maybe we’re just pretty easy to please when it comes to movies, but we both really liked it. Then, we headed off to have some sushi at our favorite spot. It was just your classic movie and a dinner date night.

I’m ready for another movie and dinner date night, but with our track record, the next one will probably be in April. How often do you get date night in?

19 comments on “it’s been 3 months since our last date”

  • Caitlin says:

    Awww! Date nights are so special no matter where you stage of relationship is! Just special alone time to reconnect! 🙂 Good for you guys! And what is your favorite sushi spot?

  • It seems like forever since our last date night, but I think I’m going to put my foot down and insist and some one-on-one time with my husband. I loved the series Prison Break – the ending is just so, oh so perfect (I don’t want to spoil it for you.) And, Twilight is one of most favorite series, both the books & the movies ♥ We’re currently hooked on Dexter!

    Have a great day!

  • Keri-Anne says:

    Mine and my husbands last date was June 30th last year for our 5 year wedding anniversary! I am desperate to go for another date but finances dont stretch to movies and dinner dates just yet 🙁 We have plenty of date nights in with movies etc but i wish we could go out. When the weather gets nice adn it doesnt get dark at 4pm, then i would love to go on picnic evening dates x

  • Kathya says:

    My hubby and i go out by ourselves once or twice every month. *blush* i know.
    We make it a priority to go out by ourselves. Well, he does. He contacts the sitter and pick places and movies.
    Thankfully, we have a friend from church that lives about 5 minutes drive from our place. He picks her up and the girls ADORE her!!! They keep her on her toes though, at least Catalina does.
    Catalina is my youngest and wont fall asleep without her “fifies” (breast-breastmilk) so she keeps the sitter most of the night.
    If i was to depend on family to watch my girls… i will never have date nights. My entire family lives in Bolivia, so i got no help whatsoever in that part. And his family isnt very involved as far as “watching” goes.
    So thankful for our Alyssa. We would crazy if it wasnt for her. <3

  • Hi!! You just reminded me to ask my husband for a date. It’s been almost four months since the last one..

  • That’s generally how spaced out our date nights are. Between my husbands work schedule and, let’s be honest, the cost of babysitters, it’s not always easy to get out for date night. But like you, our kids go to bed earlier so we have quiet evenings together and we’re both homebodies anyway, so staying home together is fun. 🙂 But getting out every now and then is necessary too. Actually, my parents are flying out to watch our boys for a few nights so we can spend two or three days away for our 7th anniversary in March! So excited! (we are planning to head down towards LA, any suggestions where to stay, what to eat etc…?)

  • susana says:

    We have a 2 yearl old daughter and since she is 1 year old we try to go out on dates once every tow months but lately because of the winter and sickness it´s been a while….

  • Ashley says:

    we have been on a date 4 times since our daughter was born, she is now 22 months, our latest date being on new years eve, and we have another one coming up february 2nd, so it looks like we are on the same schedule, about every 4 months. it is definitely a must needed relaxation and bonding time for us!

  • Anne says:

    About once a month. We are lucky that we work together though so we get a lot of date lunches in. We’re also like you that the kids are in bed at 8 so we get a lot of alone time quiet that way if I don’t have too many other house chores that need to be done before I go to bed. But the alone time usually consists of me falling asleep on the couch watching something that has been dvr’d, and waking up at midnight so I can finish cleaning. Oh this glamorous life! 🙂

  • Erica says:

    My husband usually have a date night at least once a month, we are expecting our first in July. I am doing my very best to come up with creative and romantic dates that cost little to nothing so we keep it a regular priority even after are lil one arrives. I welcome ideas!

  • Not enough often too ! Like you we try to enjoy at least an evening a week at home doing something together (Netflix is also often on the menu), but since last year we try to do at least one “romantic/special” diner when kids are sleeping per month. We try to cook simple but out of ordinary meal, that makes us feel almost like going to restaurant. It was a good refreshment for us whan we began to do it ! And also we talk more than when we just sat in front of tv.

  • Disney says:

    Oh my goodness, that picture is adorable!! Glad you had a chance to get out. :o)

  • Jessica G. says:

    When we first became parents, I was so concerned because the whole date night every week was just not a reality for us. Not even close. I quickly learned that date nights on the front porch when the kiddos are in bed are just as important as catching up sans kids over a meal. Needless to say, we don’t get out that often either…though my parents were visiting for the whole month of December and we definitely took advantage of that!

  • Aarika says:

    Oh my goodness, please share your secrets of how you manage to get your children to bed at 7:30!! If I manage to get my 3 year old down before 10:00 I consider it a major success! o.O

  • Jillian Pye says:

    Girl, with one kiddo we make it out every couple of months. I hope that doesn’t increase every child we have, because we are going to be in big trouble if so. Glad you two got to go out for some much needed alone time. Its so good that it never gets old. I always feel like we are out doing something we’re not supposed to do, and glance in the rearview to “check on Cash” a few times before I am remember that we’re really alone. Cheers to early bed time date in the living room, those are what keep us sane until we do get to go out. (And also praise the Lord for family that watch babes for free.)

  • Christina C says:

    Such a sweet photo! You are so lucky to have people in your lives that are willing to watch your little ladies so that the two of you can reconnect. Our last date night was a year ago this February 🙁 we are in dire need of one but it will have to wait, hopefully not another year.

  • Melanie says:

    We don’t get out nearly often enough either…it was a shock that we went out twice in a week to see 2 movies in the past month (Lincoln & Les Mis)! Before that it had been months! We’re trying to squeeze in a few of the Oscar contenders, since we usually have a gathering of friends for awards night.

  • Date nights for us usually happen about once a month. I wish they were more, but like you said, it isn’t in the works for us right now. Whenever our parents are in town, we feel like we’ve hit the jackpot– they always push us out the door and it is so nice to come home and *not* pay for a babysitter : ) I think Les Mis is on the docket for our next date night!

  • Not as often as we would like (and need!). The weeks and the months passed by and then you realized “damn, last time we had a date was 4 months ago…”. !

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