We’ve had this jute rug forever, and while I still love it, no one else does. Yes, it looks great, but it doesn’t feel so great (to everyone else) and the fibers get everywhere (mostly on my friends’ socks when they come over). I think we definitely got our monies worth for sure, but now it’s time to bid it farewell. Therefore, I’ve been on a hunt for the perfect cream rug to put in its place. I’d say I want white, but no rugs I’ve found are actually white. Additionally, it sounds dangerous to have a white rug with kids, so cream it is! It’s time to switch things up in this room and I think switching to a cream rug will brighten the room up even more. And y’all know how I love white and bright!
Hand-loomed Rug via Viyet
Traditional Turkish Kilim Rugs via Viyet
Woven Baez Rug via Anthropologie
Beni Ouarain Rug via Ibaba Rugs
Berber Rug via Urban Outfitters
Above are some of my top faves that I’ve found in my hunt. I like the plainness of all of them and that they are all made with natural fibers. I know those diamond rugs are everywhere, but it is so classic, so I still love them. A few of the rugs are new, like the Anthro and Urban ones, but I like the simplicity of the design. When I imagine it paired with my vintage furniture, it works. And the other rugs are all vintage, and there’s always something magical about vintage. I think the Turkish Kilim Rug from Viyet have that vintage magic. Plus, they come in a pair, so I could do that layered look. Ugh, decisions, decisions…
I’m trying to figure out what will shed the least, not have fibers that get all over people’s socks, be easiest to spot clean when needed, and one I will love for a long time. I’ve always had my eye on a vintage beni ourain rug, but my heart is shifting slightly for something more flat like the Turkish kilim rug. Rugs are definitely investments, so I definitely won’t take this decision lightly. And knowing me, I probably won’t make one until Christmas time, so I have time to save pennies, or put it on my Christmas list for Santa.
For those considering a jute rug, make sure you can live with the slight itchiness and the fibers getting all over dark socks and pants. If that doesn’t sound fun to you, don’t do it. I must say though, that the rug has held up really well after a few years and still looks great. It is very low maintenance. Since we’ll be switching to a lighter-colored rug, I wonder what my thoughts will be on it after a few years. We’ll see how cream holds up to family life. We don’t do shoes inside the house nor eat anywhere else besides at the table, so that will definitely help in keeping it clean.
Which rug is your fave? Which one do you think I’ll pick? And what’s your favorite rug style for your home?