an old trunk and some casters

April 15, 2014

vintage trunk and casteresI’ve had this vintage trunk forever. We got it from our fave vendors at the flea market, but the bottoms were really sharp and pokey, so we never brought it back into the house after we had the carpet switched out for wood floors.

vintage trunk and casteresvintage trunk and casteresvintage trunk and casteresvintage trunk and casteresMy solution to fixing that problem was to have Ben add some casters to it. I searched high and low for the perfect casters, and ultimately Cool Casters had what I was looking for, so I purchased these amber casters (with brakes). Ben had to mount a piece of plywood to the bottom of the trunk first because the wood was so old and soft that the screws weren’t gripping into anything (he attached it with screws around the perimeter of the bottom, since they were solid spots there). Then, he mounted the casters onto the plywood.

I really wanted the aqua casters (aren’t they so cool?), but aqua and green (and pink) are my go-to colors, so I was trying to break my typical choice. I really like how the amber turned out, but I would to figure out a project to use some aqua casters because they are just too cool. I’m thinking something for the one of the kids’ rooms.  The Cool Casters casters were a bit higher in priced, but they’re unique and fun. You can go to your local hardware store and pick up some basic, inexpensive ones (about $5 per caster) and those would totally work too.

vintage trunk and casteresvintage trunk and casteresvintage trunk and casteresThe girls love having this movable trunk in their playroom. They use it to play store, house, move it around to make it a ticket booth, or to be desks at their “work.” I love how something as simple as adding casters, makes this vintage trunk we’ve had for awhile suddenly feel fresh and new again. I’m all for simple furniture facelifts! Has spring got you in the mood for any simple furniture changes?

Don’t forget to check back here later because I will have more book info to share today! I’m so excited!!!

brave really lives up to her name

April 14, 2014

At my sister’s fundraiser this past Saturday, Brave performed “Let It Go” in front of an audience. She belted it out and totally got into her role. Her sisters were “ice statues” next to her for support (those two are so cute to watch too!).

Ben and I were in awe! There were about 100 people there and she just let it go. Apparently, our girl loves to perform; she already says she wants to do it again. We are totally Frozen obsessed over here, and just when I thought that song was no longer stuck in my head, Brave’s performance put it back in. And don’t mind the shaky camera work, I was smiling from ear to ear (and crying!) as my Bravey performed, and was looking at her (not the camera), so I wasn’t so good at keeping a steady hand. By the way, Brave asked me, “Mom, are you going to post my singing? I want you to post it on a lot of stuff.”  So, here you go…

family meals: week 69

April 13, 2014

family mealsfamily mealsPad Kee Moa. Thai cooking is something I want to conquer next. I couldn’t find the wide noodles for this, but this one tasted just as good. I’ll keep hunting for the wide noodles though. I used a seafood mix, but next time I think I’ll just use shrimp. I didn’t like the mussels in the mix, it was too grainy. I also used carrots instead of bell peppers, but it tasted just the same. The yumminess is in the sauce and the spice. Oh the spice! My nose was running, and that’s when I know it’s just right. The girls eat a non-spicy version, though Brave did have some of ours.

family mealsfamily mealsSpicy Tuna Taco on Rice Paper Shell. There’s a local restaurant that makes something similar and I tried my hand at recreating it. I first made this recipe on Valentine’s Day (and didn’t like it much, but I think it’s cause I was just so tired and not hungry), I liked it more the second time, and this time around, on the third try, I loved it! Ben, on the other hand, loved it the very first time. It’s another added into our repertoire of homemade sushi, and I have a recipe to share for it soon!

Week of 4/14 – 4/18
Monday: We promised the girls a trip to Incredible John’s Pizza for dinner, so it’s an eat out night (we eat out about once a month) for us.
Tuesday: Homemade Pizza
Wednesday: Spicy Seafood & Udon Stir Fry
Thursday: Black Bean Chili
Friday: Sushi night

What’s on your dinner menu this week. Do you have any favorite Thai dish recipes to share?


April 12, 2014

craft messesThis is my craft making space. This room always looks like this and much of the house has looked like this all week too. Oye! Thankfully, Friday afternoons are for getting most of the house back in order, except this room. It still looks like this.

This week’s learned, links, and thankfulness…

Two girls have been sick this week. Thankfully, True was better mid-week and Glow’s fever is just finally tapering off.

This DIY dress would be fun to make, and I also want to make this dress because of the pockets!

A strawberry banana milk shake cake?! Yes, please!

I’m have more to share about my big announcement this week.

I would love this vintage sundress for one of my big girls.

Finally got around to responding some blog comments in this week’s posts. Also, some of you overseas asked if you will be able to purchase my book, and the answer is YES!

I watched The Summit and Blindsight documentaries on Netflix this week. The spirit of adventure is strong in both films, while The Summit was gripping because the whole trip was so perilous, Blindsight was just inspiring and moving. What are some of your favorite documentaries on Netflix? I like adventures, mysteries, and historical ones. And you’ve probably already heard some of the reviews on the American Blogger trailer. What are your thoughts on it? Does it appeal to you or do you think you’ll pass? I definitely see where the negative backlash is coming from, but I also know some of the women in it, and I think they have good intentions and real talent. I do think that the title of it is a bit misleading and probably should have been called something else, but what’s done is done and everyone has just got to grit their teeth and go with it. Speak your piece if you disagree and you’re allowed to disagree, but remember to still be kind, and if you love it, well, you love it, and still be kind to those who disagree.

I’m so excited because I have to renew my passport! I showed my girls my passport picture and said, “Who’s this?” They said, “I don’t know.” I said, “Look closely.” and still they said, “I don’t know.” HA! When I told them it was me, they could hardly believe it. It was from when I was 18, short blond-streaked hair, and it was not a flattering picture.

Thankful for finally satisfying my craving for an In-n-Out burger on Thursday night. I even went all out and got cajun fries from Five Guys to go with it. That’s what I call a wild night! I thought about instagramming the moment, but it was a moment I just wanted to savor and not share. #burgerbliss

I didn’t feel like blogging yesterday, so I didn’t. Sometimes it’s nice to just step back. At times, it can feel competitive and like you always have to put something out there, but it also feels nice to stay silent for a day. Something our pastor said in a recent sermon stuck out to me… “Everyone is trying to sell some sort of good life.” And it’s so true, I totally see it in the blogs I read, and I even do it! If you make this, you’re living the good life. If you buy this, you’re living the good life. If you do this, you’re living the good life. If you eat this, you’re living the good life. Movies, books, commercials, songs, stores, blogs, everything is trying to appeal to you and your idea of a “good life.” It’s a reminder to always have a discerning eye and don’t get fooled. For me, it’s a reminder that ultimately it’s only Christ, and even living for Christ, means I won’t please everyone. There’s nothing wrong with loving those things (shopping, food, books, movies, etc.), those things are meant to be enjoyed, but when we make our life about things, then we’ve got it all wrong. This is just another rumination of my heart again.

Happy Saturday! My sister has a big fundraiser event tonight and I can’t wait. There will be so many different performances from her and all her friends, so it will be fun evening for sure.


some homeschool things

April 10, 2014

school lifeschool lifeschool lifegrasslandsI never get around to sharing much of our homeschooling here. It’s cause our learning days are jam packed and well, it’s kind of nice to put the camera down once in awhile. I share snippets on my instagram, but when I’m teaching, I’m not thinking about blogging and just trying to teach. The girls love projects and pretty much give them a project prompt and they them at it.

Here they created a dessert diorama and a ink drawing of grasslands (it’s a pretty large piece). I also like that True and Brave work on these things together. It teaches them a lot to be able to collaborate. We are doing rainforest next and I think we will work on a watercolor piece for that!

remember mad libs?

April 9, 2014

school lifeschool lifeschool lifeschool lifeWell, I just introduced them to my daughters and they are having a hoot with it! We’ve been studying the different parts of speech throughout the school year, and since they’ve got it down now, I knew they needed mad libs in their lives.

I remember countless sleepovers with friends and staying up all night doing mad libs. We would just laugh and laugh at the silly stories we created from them. It’s fun to see my girls doing the same. We have been spending some evenings on the couch doing mad libs together. Ben and I were having a bit of fun with it too, and may have tried to get a little more risqué about it, but the girls were just like, “Huh?! That doesn’t make sense.” We’re going to have to get more (and stock up!) because they are whizzing through these pages fast. Anyone else remember doing these as a kid?

Speaking of mad, oh I was just feel all annoyed and crazy yesterday. The girls were making me mad, there were giant messes all over the place (like everywhere!), laundry up to my knees, Soul kept lying, Brave was disobeying, True and Glow are sick, and all I wanted was a giant slice of chocolate cake and a super-unhealthy, juicy hamburger, call it a day and stay in bed. I couldn’t realistically do that, but I did open up that jar of Nutella that’s been in the pantry for a few months, and had two tablespoons full. Later that evening, I kept calling Ben as he was coming home from work (he worked late) and debated with him on if he should pick up a burger for me. I opted against it, but man, I’m regretting that choice. I think an In-N-Out run is in my future.

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