This week’s learned, links, and thankfulness…
When I went to the Michaels Makers Summit a few months back, I ended up winning an HP Sprout and it finally came in the mail this week. Excited to learn how to use it, but man I’ve been stuck trying to figure out how to enlarge the touch keyboard and use the wireless keyboard. Oye! Anyone have any tips or tricks?
Completed two more weavings this week. One already went to a friend, and another needs to get mailed off. It’s so therapeutic and relaxing to weave at night in bed.
I want the girls to make some hand painted art like this. Maybe they can write a story about our family.
This unicorn birthday is darling. My girls would love that idea!
As my mom was preparing breakfast Thursday morning for my sister’s birthday, something exploded in their kitchen and she got hurt. She is okay, and it could have been worse, but she’s in a lot of pain (she has 18 stitches and her whole left forearm got burned). She has medication, but it makes her feel nauseous. Please pray for my mom’s healing.
This vintage little girl dress is perfect for fall! And I want to have another baby girl to get this dress; the pockets are just so adorable.
I love this simple rustic beach wind chime. It would look so pretty hanging on one of my walls.
This site Greaterskies is pretty cool because you can create personalized star chart based on a particular day. A print out of the constellations on the day you got married or the day your child was born would be sweet.
My daughters have been taking Spanish classes and I like how these simple animal memory cards are cute and colorful.
The girls and I want to tackle some of the Halloween crafting classes on CreativeBug.
Oh. Em. Gee. Did anyone watch this week’s Scandal?! I can’t wait to see what happens next. #teamjake
Happy weekending friends!