This week’s learned, links, and thankfulness…
Thankful we had a good family day at the Date Festival on Friday.
I like most of Justin Timberlake’s new album. I’m not one to swoon over him, but I do think he puts on a good show and makes catchy music.
Gorgeous blue acetate earrings from Dear Soho.
We are starting to get used to Ben’s new work schedule and we are loving having his 4 day weekends every other week. It’s something we prayed for for awhile and it’s been a blessing.
I’m teaching a macrame workshop next Saturday. If you’re interested in hosting your own, just gather your friends, and I’d love to come you! Send an email for details.
Obsessed with these Island Girl Workouts on youtube. I want the DVD. Oh my legs, buns, and abs feel good after.
If purple is your color, get this minimalist linen dress.
I’m curious, for those of you who are still blog readers, what do you want to see more of here? I have some ideas I’ve been brainstorming, but I would love to have your feedback. Do you come here for crafts, life/heart rantings, homeschooling, style? I know my blog reading list has dwindled over the last few years, and instagram is the thing now, but I hate the algorithm change and I miss the community aspect blogging used to be. I’m so appreciative of the time you’ve taken here over the years, it means so much. I’ve been thinking lately, what do I want to do at 49 (the age I’ll be when Glow goes off to college)? With that in mind, I’ve been pondering about what I really want to do with my online presence and the things I am passionate about.
We’ll be enjoying the sunshine here this weekend. Hope you get some of the same wherever you are!
i still love blogs
i love to read about style and crafts
greetzz from the netherlands, xx lisanne
Thank you for your feedback! Do you like home decor style or fashion style? I so appreciate your feedback! Thank you!
I love your blog! I have two kids – 3 & 6. I love your minimamalist style – home and fashion! I like family stuff too bc I’m a mom also. Thanks for posting here, I enjoy it
I’m not an Instagram user anymore – it’s a frustrating time warp!
Hello from Finland!
I love crafts and your sense of style. Pictures are beatiful but reason why I come back again and again is a glimpse of family life in another country. (Its quite diffent living than my own and it makes me think some of my choices). Its also nice to see your girls grow and read about evolving parenthood when years go by.
I feel the evolving parenthood a lot lately. I am thankful that I can look back at old posts and see how I’ve changed and grown. Sometimes I cringe at my younger self. lol
Hi!! So much interested in your Fashion Style and Home Decor Style!! and crafts too! So inspiring. All the best from Switzerland
I feel so guilty because I’ve been reading your blog for years, love the community and am so appreciative of the thoughtful and thought-provoking topics you cover, however, I’ve never commented to participate in the community I’ve enjoyed so much!
I personally love blogs because it feels like I am getting to know a new friend. So while I personally am interested in some things (sewing) I read every one of your posts because I enjoy your writing style, learning about your approach to life/ parenting/ homeschooling/ etc.
If you were writing for just me, I would love for you to continue with whatever you are interested in; like I said, I follow your blog because I think you are a lovely person and I feel like I get to know more about you through the topics you choose to post on in addition to the content of those posts.
Thanks for opening up a little bit of your life for your internet “friends”!
Honestly, every time I’ve met a blog reader, I do feel like I’m meeting an old friend! We can kind of skip the introductions and I can ask them questions all about them. I love people and getting to know their stories!
I used to read a lot of blogs and that’s really not something I do now, but your blog has kept me coming back for well over 5 years now for your honest writing and the joy of watching your girls grow up. I enjoy the crafts and clothes but you write with such a genuine voice and that’s always made your blog stand out to me!
Thank you! It sounds like most like the all the random stuff I cover, but I am surprised by the style and crafts. I think I get less interaction on those posts, so I was thinking people were over that kind of stuff. I’m glad they’re not, since I still love that stuff too! 🙂
I came upon your blog about five years ago when the amazing woman behind Share & Do Good told me about it, and I have been a faithful reader since then. 🙂 I enjoy reading all of your posts, but especially the life/heart rantings and crafts (simpler the better in terms of crafts, for this mama of a 3-year-old son and 8 month old rainbow baby girl). I also enjoy learning about homeschooling via your posts on that topic, and seeing your fashion and home style, although I am not stylish myself. 😉
Thanks Courtney! I always appreciate the dialogue you have in this space. 🙂
Been reading for years, I love to see your family grown and I adore the crafts, it’s how I found this blog! I just love seeing a person grow. Crafts and just life updates really!
Thank you! I’m really surprised people like the crafts because I don’t get much engagement on it these days, but I’m happy to know that people are interested in that because that’s a big part of what goes on in our home. We’re always making something.
I’ve not stopped reading your blog since I started reading years ago, although I do love Instagram too.
I agree with some other comments; it’s not so much the content that matters, I just enjoy “getting to know you” and your girls. I also homeschool and my kids are of similar ages so that has always been a draw. I appreciate your honesty, the way you love your husband, and how you continually turn to God!
With the new blog format, I do not love that I can’t read the full posts in my blog reader (Feedly) anymore but have to click over here, etc. I get if you’re doing that to increase view count or something, but just it decreases the chance that I’ll actually read the whole post if it’s not something I’m totally interested in.
Thank you for the feedback. I didn’t even think about how the new format would effect Feedly, and I wonder if it is the same for Bloglovin. The main reason for the change was to have a site that was mobile friendly and easier to read on a device rather than a computer (I think most people read from devices now). I’m all for blog readers, so I’m sorry that it changed on that end. Can you email me a screenshot of what it looks like from Feedly? I’ve never used it, so I’m curious to what that looks like.
I love your content already, especially your home decor and loved your weekly meals. I also have enjoyed when you have talked about your fitness routine.
I love just reading about your story of parenthood. But I miss the weekly meals. Even when they were just links, I eat fairly similarly and healthy so I liked your choices.
I love your blog because, you share your faith, your family life, your crafts, and everything in between. I’ve given up a lot of blogs because of the pressure to buy things and I struggle with materialism. Thank you for what you do! Don’t stop. I would love it you shared more of your meal plans and recipes!
I like your blog! I enjoy the HSing parts lots I also enjoy hearing about raising girls(I have girls the same ages) and family life.
Yours is one of my favorite blogs. Not too wordy, beautiful pictures, very real, and covers subjects I care deeply about: raising kids, celebrations, style, and crafting. I love love LOVE your style posts. You make me want to go out and buy a vintage denim dress. And your craft posts are things that even a busy mom like me can tackle on a weekend. My favorite posts are your documentation of how you celebrate special days, style, craft, and some of the heart/mind posts (like your recent one about arguing w/ the hubs even over minor things… totally able to relate.)
I still prefer blogs over Instagram. I like all your posts, and the variety. I’ve been reading here for the past couple years and I admire your humble honesty about your faith and family, your creative pursuits, your travels and recommendations and yes to homeschooling. I’m starting with my two oldest this fall (I have 4 kids ages 7 to 2) and I need all the tips and inspiration I can get! Blessings on you!
I still love blogs! I read in Feedly too. I like getting to know you and hearing about daily life and faith in your family. I just wish you had a few more kids to name 🙂 I’m a little afraid that my choice to have more or not is swayed by wanting to name more babies (we have 8)
(Joking of course…I love my babies for so much more than naming! Haha)
I love that you homeschool and that you have a relationship with Christ. Reading your blog inspires me and makes me feel normal. You are #momgoals
Don’t ever stop blogging. I love every corner to this nook you’ve created. It’s such an honest, open and creative space. No matter how much time passes by, something always pulls me back. From high school to now, two babies! I love your life/heart rants. When I lose sight of whats’s important, I come here to detox and refocus! Thank you for also letting us peek in on the celebrations & birthdays too (what is life without). Totally inspires me to mom-it-up! Haha. But truly, YOU are what brings me back. Do what you love, don’t worry about instagram island. You are totally, way cooler and wiser.
Gosh, i just love your blog! I have two girls, and we have done lots of your crafts over the years. I also just love how honest you are. Also, your life is so different than mine – I live in the wet and green pacific northwest- and I love that I feel a connection with you i certain ways but also get to see how another family functions in a different place. My bff lives San Diego so it kind of, in a teeny way keeps me feeling closer to her too, seeing your adventures around SoCal. Please keep blogging!
most def here for life entries, you’re one of the few remaining blogs that is candid and honest.
I’ve been reading your blog since I stumbled across it while studying abroad in London in 2012! I’ve stopped reading so many blogs but yours has a special place for me. I’ve always loved your honesty and openness, reading about your struggles reminds me that we’re all human and really makes it feel like we’re friends! I also always love the style, crafts, and recipes you write about, and the Huzzah! posts are something I look forward to seeing each week. As long as you’re still blogging I’ll still be reading!
Just post whatever you want whenever you want and I enjoy it all 🙂