our sweet soul

August 31, 2012

sweet soulsweet soulThis week Soul has been a big week for Soul. She has actually been going pee and poo, well most times, in the potty. She still isn’t too great at telling us she has to go, but we just sit her on and she goes. We’ve been wanting to potty train her for awhile, but she would say no and then we would move on and try another time. We would even bribe her with tons of things… my little pony, minnie mouse, balloons, but never food and she would still resist. What is finally working? She wants to sleep with True and Brave in the big girls’ room. She knows if she wants to sleep with them at night, she has to go potty and so far it’s been working. Plus prayer. She was being mostly difficult, then Ben and I prayed for it one night and since then, it has been much smoother. God said yes to this one.

So with that going potty business, she has also been sleeping with True and Brave in their rooms. Out of the three, she is the feistier one, despite how sweet her face is, so when we put them all down for the night, there never fails to be a few quarrels in the room (mostly started by Soul), but for the most part, they all go down and out as smooth as it can be with three girls in one room.

We love our Soulie… all sweet and feisty parts of her!

on soul: shirt, c/o mixie. jeggings, target.

this year’s fair

August 30, 2012

oc fair '13oc fair '13oc fair '13oc fair '13oc fair '13oc fair '13oc fair '13oc fair '13oc fair '13oc fair '13oc fair '13oc fair '13oc fair '13It’s tradition we go every year and pretty much the only reason we go is because of the photo booth (and to make more memories together). The past couple years, we have gone first thing on Saturday morning because it is only $2 to get in. We’re kind of cheapskates when it comes to certain things. There is always so much fun festivities going on and the girls have a blast riding a few kiddie rides and getting some lemonade. Our first time there was the night before I went into labor with Brave, so the fair definitely is a special place for us. Plus, I just love being with my family!

One of my favorite memories of this year’s fair is how the whole ride there, True and Brave kept singing, “Our state fair is a great state fair. Don’t miss it! Don’t even be late!” They love Rodgers and Hammerstein and know most songs from the musicals!

Do you have a fair that comes around once a year?

on me: shirt, the DIY polka dot shirt. shorts, vintage. shoes, c/o modcloth. necklace, shop miguez. hat, urban outfitters. on true: dress, misha lulu. hat, stolen from me and claimed as her own. shoes, salt-waters. on brave: dress, misha lulu. shoes, vintage. on soul: dress, etsy. shoes, vintage. on glow: seashell sunsuit, c/o mixieon ben: shirt, vintage. shorts, dickies.

their own fairy tales

August 29, 2012

making stuffmaking stuffmaking stuffmaking stuffmaking stuffmaking stuffmaking stuffUncommon Goods sent the girls this little finger printing set (this bug one is cool too!). Pink? Yes! Fairy tales? Yes! Make stuff? Yes! It is totally what my girls are all about. They spent an entire afternoon filling pages of their sketchbook with little characters and their finger prints. Of course, I spent a bit of time making my own characters because all the funny little stamps were too cute not to!

This was all done during Soul’s nap time, but as soon as she came down and saw what they were doing, there was a whole lot of fighting. That girl fights with everyone about everything. The nice, quiet, making time ended because Soul hasn’t mastered sharing yet and then it was time to make dinner. If you think we are always calm over here and all messes look happy and pretty?! HA! They aren’t and as sweet as my girls (or me) seem to be, we all can get pretty terrible. It’s just the plain, honest truth folks.


August 28, 2012

year by year We take a family picture every year at the OC fair and we try to get the same spot, but we never exactly remember. Anyhow, we are glad to have this to compare year by year. We also take a photo booth picture every year, but I am sure eventually it will be hard to keep squeezing everyone in. We’ll keep doing this for as long as God allows us. Just looking at this a few things stick out to me…

I am pregnant every other year. Next year, we will break this cycle.

2009 was a bad hair year for me.

2010 & 2011 True was not happy about the picture.

Ben wore the same shirt back to back. Anyone notice which years?

50% of our visits, Ben wore a guayabera, though in 3 different colors and all were bought at a vintage shop. Would it surprise you if I told you, he doesn’t shop much so that he can shower his girls with treats?

Ben never really ages, but it’s that beard that makes him look much older, so it probably just makes him look his real age. His friend told him a few months ago, “You have a young man face with an old man beard.”

True still really never smiles if it’s someone other than me or Ben behind the camera.

I’m always on the same side because it’s my favorite.

Anything stick out to you looking at these year-by-year pictures? Wouldn’t this be fun to keep doing it for another 20 years? Let’s hope the kids think so too!

yup. crystal lewis.

August 28, 2012

c.lew came over!c.lew came over!c.lew came over!c.lew came over!I am a huge Crystal Lewis fan (yes, she even blogs!). I wanted to sing like her. Well, her and Mariah Carey. I have lots of memories of begging and bugging my mom to take me to the christian bookstore to get me her newest cd. I had them all, even Wild Blue Yonder. So you can imagine my elation when I discovered Crystal Lewis read my blog (still in disbelief), I immediately sent her crazy fan email.

Anyways, a few months later and here we are… Crystal Lewis came to my house. Totally crazy! I tried not to get too fan crazy on her, but I did yell in giddiness (loudly) the moment I opened the door. It was a big moment in my life. Not only did she come over, but she brought her equally talented daughter, Izzi Ray, over too. Two talented singing ladies in my house at the same time… I was in awe. We all spent the afternoon chatting, playing with my babies, and eating strawberry shortcake. It was all pretty swell and we even have plans to get together again. Yup. Dreams do come true.

Um… now how can I get Mariah Carey to come over?!!

DIY A-frame tent on ABM

August 27, 2012

DIY: A-frame tentDIY: A-frame tent

For my most recent contribution to ABM, I slightly reworked my original A-frame tent to include dowels on the bottom and this time used a vintage crocheted cover for the top. It’s lovely and cozy and when the evening comes, it will look super sweet with a flashlight under the tent. Get the full instructions here on A Beautiful Mess.

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