May 3, 2018

I was doing a search on my blog for an old picture of True and Brave when they were younger (baby younger) and wow… seeing old posts just transported me (all the photos in this post are a few years old). I’m no longer that mom that totes around babies, manages nap schedules, and wears button downs because easy access for the baby. I’ve got little ladies now… tweens! This space has documented so much of our days, those hard baby days, growing our family, and all the things we’ve made. It’s pretty amazing and I’m thankful for this space. Seeing so much of my old content was a stroll down memory lane. There was no branding and business strategy in mind when I started, and honestly, I probably didn’t grow much in that area either because this was really a space that was made to document life and all our makings. Opportunities and adventures just fell in our lap, and we were and continue to be so thankful for it. Blogging is different these days, and my time is different these days, but I’ll keep popping in here and sharing as I’m able, and I hope you keep showing up too (as you’re able).

Those days when they were babies were so long, especially having 4 kids in 6 years. That was just an insane thing to do and we initially didn’t set out to do it like that. My plan was to have #2 when True was 5 years old. Well, True was only 6 months when I found myself looking at a positive pregnancy test. I immediately burst out into tears because 1) I just had a baby, who was 6 months old, 2) I was barely getting used to taking care of said baby, and 3) I just had a baby. Ben, on the other hand, was beyond excited, and calling everyone we know screaming with joy. Meanwhile, I was on the sofa balling my eyes out.

Fast forward almost 11 years later and Brave was the best not planned surprise ever. True and Brave have always been so close, even though True’s not into cuddling and Brave’s all about it. Since they’ve had each other from the beginning, it’s helped me because they have always been each other’s playmates. While they do things together, it always gave me time to take care of other things that needed attending, like the two little babies that would follow them. Even now, these girls are content not having friends, which is good and bad, because they’ve always had each other.

Now, when they were babies, it was hard. After I had Brave, I rarely left the house, which is probably the reason that blogging became such a big part of my life. This was my outlet, this was my social life. Soul didn’t come much too long after Brave, and then Glow followed 19 months after that, so when they were napping or down to bed for the night, I hopped on the computer or my sewing table, and I was either blogging or sewing (and writing a book). Ben took over grocery duty after Brave and I didn’t resume it until after Glow. My life until Glow turned 3 years old revolved around their nap and sleep schedules and they were all good nappers (10am-12pm and again from 2pm-5pm, then in bed by 7:30pm, all of them until age 3!). I was the by the book and hated to mess up their sleep schedule because they needed it, and I needed it too. Being so structured and routine definitely help me survive all those baby/toddler years, especially with having them so close in age. It also helps that I am a homebody and love being at home.

Anyway, this post was meant to be about how to deal with having 2 close in age or maybe considering having 2 close in age (True and Brave are 15 months apart), and you know what, for us, it was the best thing ever. I’m not surprised God’s plans always turn out better than we could ever plan. I really cried for a week when I found out I was pregnant, but I laugh about it now because I couldn’t imagine our life any other way. We went pretty much back to back to back to back, and while crazy (I still feel crazy), I love seeing these girls interact. Their bond is so special. The only downfall to them being babies pretty much at the same time is they haven’t had much experience on how to care for babies. I was 10 years old when my baby sister was born and that big age difference taught me a lot, so that’s one skill these girls don’t have much of, but I’m hoping some babysitting in their teen years will teach them some of that.

Four kids close in age is hard, but so is one kid. Kids are hard and parenting is hard. Dealing with people is always hard. Parenting has shown me what a selfish person I am (marriage has done this too) and made me realize I can’t do anything apart from Jesus Christ. Me alone… I’m a bad mom. It’s only through grace and Christ’s constant molding and shaping of my heart that changes my heart and parenting, all the good is Christ in me. It’s not an easy gig for sure, and it reveals so much of my inadequacies, but it leaves me at the foot of the cross in awe of what Jesus did for me. I realize how much I need Jesus and how much I want my girls to see their need for a Savior. Jesus was perfect in my place and that’s where I trust every morning when I wake up and go about my business of discipling these girls hearts (and fail at that job too). They know I’m not perfect, and there’s a lot of  “Do you forgive me?” throughout the day, but they know I trust in the One who is, and He died to give me life. I hope that will urge them to trust in Christ quickly, completely, and compellingly too.


May 2, 2018

I realized I never posted the results of my wardrobe challenge, so here it is! My challenge was to wear black shoes for 5 days because black is never my go-to shoe color.  I’m just not comfortable in it, but after this challenge, I’m feeling a little bit better about how to wear black shoes, though it still isn’t what I reach for first. Despite that, I’m still glad I rescued these vintage beauties and brought them home with me. Also, I’m vertically challenged, so I think black shoes tend to make me look shorter, but the shape and toe of these are definitely flattering and elongate instead of cut me off.

My favorite outfit was the skirt and button down combo, with the Canadian tuxedo and military pants tied for second. I”m already thinking of my second challenge, which would be to pull my hair back. My hair is always down, so I’m thinking I need to play with it a little, and try different pulled back styles. Recently, I’ve considered chopping it all off and getting side swept bangs, but I don’t think I’m ready for that yet.

Here are some similar black shoes for you… these by Intentionally ___, the day heel from Everlane, block heels from the Gap, and these vintage shoes that are very MNZ-esque.

Would love to hear if you’re trying something out of your comfort zone too! Do share!


April 28, 2018

This week’s learned, links, and thankfulness…

True is 12! And this week was spent prepping for all her birthday surprises. Hence, it’s been quiet here.

Wovenfolk had a cotton candy colored update this week. Loving these pastels for spring and summer.

Anyone follow the television show Scandal? What did you think of the series finale. I wasn’t loving the last couple seasons, but hung in there.

Such a pretty white blouse and gorgeous linen dress for warm days.

My kids are obsessed with the radio show Adventures with Odyssey. True requested a subscription to all the episodes for her birthday.

Never such thing as too many plants.

We are so excited about the smart drip system Ben has put in our yard. Once he’s done, we will share a post about it. With a press of a button, we can water our garden while on vacation!

Saturday has been chill and I was able to catch up on some house things I let pile up this week. Also, I took a 20 minute nap (on accident), so I say the weekend has been great so far! Hope you get things done and a little bit of rest in too!





April 24, 2018

True has been enjoying macrame and made her own wall hanging.

Brave’s really excited about her theater classes.

Soul loves wearing this old family reunion shirt almost everyday.

Glow still doesn’t like to read (and has a hard time with it), but loves math (and is really good at it).

And they’re all obsessed with The Greatest Showman (Ben and I included).

Some tidbits of their current pleasures that I wanted to jot down for memory keeping because these girls of mine are growing up quick.


April 19, 2018

I love the puff sleeves popping up for spring, especially the ones I see in my fave vintage shops. I’ve been keeping an eye out when I’m sourcing. This pink one was thrifted a week ago, but was a dress. I liked the dress and was planning on leaving it a dress, but the more I thought about it, I knew it would get more wear as a blouse. With a snip and a sew, it became a perfect pink puff sleeve blouse. Say that 3 times fast.

When I found it, there was a slight hesitation in getting it because it wasn’t vintage. I said yes though because it is second hand, so I’m all about that give old things new life thing, and this change certainly breathed in new life. Now, I have left over fabric to make the girls a top or skirt too. Two for the price of one is something I will certainly take.

If you want your own puff sleeve? Doen has feminine and floral, Rawson Chicago has vintage and simple, and this and this from etsy are beauties too.

what i’m wearing: top, thrifted and altered. jeans, vintage. basket, wovenfolk. shoes, gray matters via the dreslyn.


April 17, 2018

I’ve been experimenting with different knots and patterns for some plant hangings. I plan to offer plant hangings under HOME in WOVENFOLK from time to time.

What craft have you been working on lately?

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