donut themed papi party

June 13, 2017

We  celebrated Father’s Day early because our big girls are in Texas and won’t be here during the designated celebration day (we did it early last year too, see here). This year, we did a donut themed surprise for Ben. Now, he doesn’t really like traditional donuts (remember, he’s a dietitian), and the only donuts he would ever put in his stomach are sushi donuts! The girls cut out letters to form our message and I created the sushi donuts. It’s always team effort around here.

To surprise him, we called him upstairs when we were ready, he walked in the room and saw the message, then we all yelled, “We love you veryyyyyy much!” We spent the rest of the evening hanging out together and eating our sushi donuts. Of course, the girls also showered him with lots of handmade cards and gifts. It was a simple, but unique way to celebrate this simple, but especially unique father.

I used this donut pan to create my sushi donuts, and I want to try another batch because after doing it once, I have a better idea of how to get everything into that donut shape. Once, I get it just right, I will share the recipe here. We went to sleep with the message over our head, and when we woke up, the remaining letters looked like a round of wheel of fortune. Father’s Day is coming up on Sunday! What are your plans? If you have a man who loves Star Wars, maybe this idea we did a few years ago will inspire you.


life last week

June 12, 2017

Last week has been special because Ben’s mom and sister were in town (they haven’t been here in a few years), so we were relishing our time together. There was a lot of special grandmama time with the girls, and a lot of sister bonding time between Ben’s sister and me. We saw them in Texas this past Christmas, but it’s been awhile since they’ve been on our turf, so we are having fun hosting and cooking them some of our favorite foods. If you know us, well, more the girls and me (not Ben), the first thing on the agenda was take them to our favorite ice cream place, A la Minute. His mom and sister agreed that their ice cream is pretty terrific and the best they both ever had. There wasn’t much on our agenda during their stay except spend quality time together. We did have plans to go to the Lavender Festival, but Ben’s mom and sister got sick the last two days, so we had to scrap that idea. Thankfully, the festival will be going on next weekend, so Ben and I are hoping we can still take the two little ones. It was a fast 5 days with them and we look forward to seeing them again in July when they come back to drop off the big girls.








June 10, 2017

This week’s learned, links, and thankfulness…

Thankful Ben’s mom and sister are in town! Lots of family time happening with them.

We’ve been busy prepping for their arrival that we haven’t had much time to think about it, but True and Brave leave with them to Texas on Sunday. I’ll only have 2 kids for 5 weeks and we will miss them so much!

I’ve been using Kosas Cosmetic lipsticks for 6 months now and love it. I ordered this orange-red lipstick for summer. Happy to know only good ingredients are going on my lips.

Ordered a box of indigo dye and can’t wait to try it!

My current favorite basket in WOVENFOLK. The curl in the handles is my favorite detail.

Not sure if I can pull off a red shoe, but these suede mules are real cute.

Everlane has been rolling out some cute goods for summer. I like their bridge sandals and their ribbed tees.

Totally feeling the colors in this piece by Jen Garrido.

If you’re looking for some tortoise shell earrings, I favorited these on etsy.

Can’t wait to start some summer reading and deep cleaning. Of course, there will be lots of little adventures thrown in for good measure.

Enjoy a little rest this weekend friends!



a day at camp

June 6, 2017

We had plans to join our friends camping for Memorial Day weekend, but the girls had a piano recital on Saturday, so we just made it a day trip on Sunday. Our friends have this gorgeous property with a legit tiny house, which they’ve been fixing up themselves, and it’s such a peaceful place to be (see our previous trip here). There was even a deer that wandered within 15 feet from where everyone’s camp was set up and we were in awe of how glorious that animal is. We all immediately fell silent and stared at the creature. Pretty much all we did that day was eat, play, and relax. And when you camp with them, you’re not eating your regular camp food. Nope, no siree. There was fancy cheese and crackers for the downtime, next we had shrimp ceviche, then carne asade tacos, after came the tripe tacos, and we finished it off with Korean tacos (this was our contribution). They even had menudo for breakfast, but we had just missed it when we arrived. It’s so fun to see this community type of meal in action; everyone is sharing and having a good time.

My girls gravitated to the tree swing (I’m trying to convince Ben to put one inside the house somewhere), but I think their favorite part of the day, especially for the big two, was getting to ride the polaris with their friend. When each girl went off, I had a tiny glimpse of what it will be like when they’re driving and take off with their friends. I’m definitely not in a hurry to get there.

Ben and I wished we could have spent the weekend there, but we are thankful we at least got to head up for the day. It’s always a blast at Chavez Casita and we can’t wait for the next time!



June 5, 2017

When you’ve got no time to figure out a matching top and bottom, throw on some coveralls. I guess a dress would work too, but I opted for coveralls. I’ve been doing a lot of house projects lately and needed something I can move freely in. It’s much easier to get on a ladder and do yard work in coveralls than a dress. Though when we left to do errands, I threw on some heeled sandals and you’d never know I had just been raking up leaves in our backyard.

I’ve had this vintage pair for a few years (worn for this Halloween story), and I altered it a bit by giving it a cropped hem and shortening the sleeves. These small changes definitely make this more wearable. If you don’t know how to sew, learn! It’s a skill that really comes in handy. I once wrote a book that can teach you how, see here (it’s a great price right now!).

on me: vintage coveralls, vintage via ms. tips (vintage here, new there). shoes, vintage. vintage japanese bamboo picnic baskset, wovenfolk (sold out, but this one is similar).



diy: watercolor bubble art

June 1, 2017

Watercolor Bubble Art

Bubbles solution
Watercolor, tube set
Bubble wands
Poster board

1. Pour about 1/4 cup of bubble solution into each cup.

2. In each cup, add a large dollop of watercolor.

3. Mix the color and solution together.

4. Go to town blowing bubbles on the paper!

There you go! Some easy art that children will love creating. They’ll enjoy watching the bubbles pop as it leaves a burst of color on the paper. Allow paint to dry completely, then frame. This is a wonderful summer project, so don’t forget to stock up on bubble solution and watercolor!

We’ve been doing some redecorating, so while I’ve done this project before (see here), I wanted one with some hints of black. Plus, after blogging for 10 years now, it’s fun to revisit some past projects and do them again.

Supplies provided as part of the Michaels’ Makers Series. Looking for more inspiration? Make sure you visit Michaels’ blog, The Glue String, to see the rest of the Michaels Makers’ summer fun project ideas.

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