chicago day one

July 5, 2016

Ben and I learned real fast that you needed be a super aggressive driver when you’re driving in Chicago. Good thing we are from Southern California, so that’s pretty much second nature to us, but I think we had to crank it up a notch in Chicago. I gotta give all you Chicago people props for your driving skills. Once we finally found our hotel (we stayed at the Swissotel), we checked in, relaxed a bit, awed at the view outside our hotel window, then got ready for dinner.

We wanted to go to Parachute, but they were closed, so the second choice was Big Star. It was a lovely evening, so we opted to sit outside and enjoy our new surroundings. First, Big Star had good reviews on Yelp and was recommended by Food & Wine, but we were slightly disappointed in their food. We did like it, but it wasn’t spectacular. I did like their walking taco (taco out of a Frito bag) though.

The rest of the evening was spent wandering around that neighborhood. Then, we topped off dinner with ice cream from Jeni’s Splendid Ice Cream, which was around the corner. We all had this little buzz of excitement being in a new city. The girls were taking it all in and observing how things were very different from back home. I loved seeing their zest for travel coming out.

Click here to see a recap of our #bratchersixmidwestfix.


July 3, 2016

This week’s learned, links, and thankfulness…

The floors upstairs are all done! Woot! But the stairs aren’t done yet (see here). It’s getting there, but who knew going white was going to be so difficult.

Kind of sad to move those little beds of Soul and Glow on, but they are graduating to the big girl beds, so we have to say goodbye. #staylittleforeverplease

Thankful for my morning quiet times, but I have to admit my heart has been having a difficult time focusing. I’m praying God give me the desire to understand and dwell on His word.

Happy to have my studio put back together and now I can get to crafting and sewing again. It looks especially pretty with the wood floors.

Swooning for this adorable denim jumpsuit.

Thinking about this rug for my bedroom (on my side of the bed).

I think the girls would get a kick out of these bath bombs for bath time.

I wanna stay in bed and read a book tomorrow. Anyone have any suggestions?

Enjoy the long weekend friends!



july fourth star crown

July 2, 2016

July Fourth Star Crown
get in the holiday spirit with this 5 minute project

Star decorative wire garland
Curling ribbon

1. To measure, wrap around the head of the child to a size that would be comfortable. Wrap garland around a few times and cut. Twist wire ends around the wires on the crown to secure in place. 2. Cut about 3 strands of curling ribbon in desired length. Gather the strands together and Lark’s head knot the center around the crown. Pull tight to secure in place.With the non-cutting edge of your scissors, gently slide along the length of the ribbon to curl.

When I was a kid, I remember being at a carnival (or maybe it was Disneyland) and they had these types of crowns for sale. I begged my parents to buy me one. I chose a purple one and I remember feeling like a princess. With the decorative wire garland that’s easy to pick up at any party/craft store, you can make your own. We made ours in red, white, and blue in preparation for the coming holiday, but if you’re seeing this after the fourth, these would be just as lovely in other colors too.

Soul and Glow each have their own crown ready for Monday (they plan to wear it on Sunday too). I have to finish sewing their Independence Day skirts and then we will be all ready to get decked out in red, white, and blue. We have no plans on Monday, but to watch movies and relax in bed, but we will definitely still be in the holiday spirit.

on soul: dress, gap kids (similar here). clogs, c/o hanna andersson

weaving and macrame love

July 1, 2016

by maryann moodie

by cold picnic

by emily katz

It took me awhile to try loom weaving (I wanted to make sure I really liked the looks of it and not because it was trendy), but once I did, I fell in love. I started doing macrame a few months ago, and fell in love with that too. Yep, they are both big trends in the craft world right now, but I love the texture in them and the different patterns that could be created. Plus, the process of both is so relaxing. It’s kind of like painting with yarn or cotton cording (I’ve used this one).

I want to make a large wall hanging for our home. I’m thinking something about 4′ by 3′ (or larger) and I’ll make a loom from a large canvas. I’ve made small looms from canvases I have picked up from Michaels, so I think I’ll try to see if one of their large ones will work as a frame. I’d love something large for our entry way or the big girls’ room. Once all this house renovation stuff is done, I can’t wait to move forward and get started on some creative projects.

What craft trends are you into right now?

This post is part of the Michaels Makers series. From tie-dyeing to lettering to tassels, pom poms and even unicorns, Michaels has everything you need for the latest and hottest DIY trends!

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fourth of july crafts with family fun magazine

June 29, 2016

I did some craft styling a couple months ago for this month’s issue of Family Fun Magazine. If you still need some craft and decoration ideas for July 4th, I suggest picking up a copy of the magazine. A lot of the ideas are pretty simple with things you already have lying around the house. Use some Christmas tinsel to make supersize stars (I get my tinsel from Christmas Central), make a giant flag from fabric scraps, throw a lip sync contest with these glitter microphones, and pass out these playful trophies. If those aren’t enough to keep you busy, bust out some macaroni and have the kids make some Yankee Doodle necklaces.

The girls and I made a fun July 4th crown, but my studio is upside down and I can’t find them to get a proper picture. I’m hoping to share them with you on Friday (after I go digging through all my misplaced things due to our renovation). It’s been so chaotic here with our house stuff that my plans for July 4th involve a whole lot of chilling in bed and watching movies. We will get to celebrate the holiday the day before with my family for our annual seafood feast. My tummy is eagerly anticipating that celebration.

photography, sabrina helas. wardrobe styling, heather rome. craft styling, rubyellen bratcher. prop styling, amy lipnis.

grey linen dress

June 27, 2016

I love this dress and I finally got around to making my own version of it with some grey linen fabric. It has a V-neck in the front and then a deeper V in the back. I’m thinking about making the sleeves shorter, but I’m not sure. I also want to take some length off my hair, but I’m not sure about that either. One thing I am sure of is that I love sewing my own clothes. 🙂  Also, if I get tired of this style, I can make the dress into a top and use the rest of the fabric to sew something for the girls. I’m all about re-purposing things I’ve sewn in the past and turning them into something else.

on me: dress, home sewn (similar here, just sew shorter sleeves). round basket, french baskets (tassel DIY here). shoes, gap (similar here).

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