a little giveaway for you!

November 16, 2012

78295a762e8511e291d612313806edf9_7 copyThanksgiving is a week away and I have lots to be thankful for. I’m sure we all have lots to be thankful for, but one thing in particular that I am especially thankful for is all of you! I might not know all of your names, respond to all of your comments or emails (or I respond really late), but please know I am so grateful for the time you carve out to come visit us here or send me a message via email, twitter, instagram, or facebook. When I first started on this blogging thing 5 years ago, I never imagined all the support and friends I would make through this blog. It has been utterly amazing. Also, because of you and how you guys spread the word about Cakies, I have been given some fun opportunities that I never would have imagined would have come my way.

Blogging is a funny thing. It’s bonded like-minded people from all over the world and created little communities in cyberspace. I’m just a mom who started blogging to keep in touch with far away family and also because I started making (and selling) some little hair clips and wanted a place to document all the other things I was making. I just enjoyed sharing and learning from others. I am still in awe at how everything has evolved over the years and all the fun things I have been able to take part of because of this space (e.g. part of a little levi’s commercial or borrow a car from chrysler!).

As a little way of saying thank you, I wanted to do a special giveaway for you. For one lucky reader, I want to giveaway a $100 gift certificate to any shop of your choice! My choice would be Anthropologie or Madewell (my fave stores!), but since I’m leaving it up to the winner, it will be entirely up to that individual! Of course, they would have to make sure and choose a shop that sells gift certificates. This is not a sponsored post nor is it a donated giveaway, but this is simply something from me to you. You don’t even have to tweet, facebook, or blog about this giveaway. This is solely for my readers who take the time to visit here, so you can keep this little giveaway to yourself and cross your fingers you win! This giveaway has been something I have been wanting to do for awhile now, so with Thanksgiving right around the corner, I thought this is would be the perfect time.

Sometimes I think about how this blog may portray me and how some of you may think I’m this perfect mama, and I am going to tell you that I am most certainly not. I wish you could see me in the midst of my crazy mom outbursts or when I am having road rage, or when I am just plain being a stinker. I am not really anyone to look up to and it’s only by God’s amazing grace that I can fail, then get back up and move on. I don’t have it all together and am just navigating life and motherhood making many mistakes, trying to learn from them, and do it different the next time around. Most days when Ben gets home I just wanna cry because it was such an overwhelming day and I often feel like I failed.

I really enjoy blogging and am so thankful for it. Every time I am given a cool opportunity, I think of all of you and how you all are instrumental in those opportunities. I wish I could do something for all of you, but that realistically isn’t possible, so maybe this little token of appreciation is a start. All you have to do to enter this giveaway is to tell me one thing you are thankful for! Easy enough, right?! The giveaway will end at 8am PST on Thursday, November 22nd and this is most definitely open to my readers overseas too! Winner will be chosen randomly.

Thank you friends and good luck!!!

family meals: week 30

November 15, 2012

family mealsfamily mealsMexican Chicken Soup with Chickpeas, Avocado and Chipotles. This is my favorite chicken soup ever. Ben’s the one who made it and discovered it on the NY Times, which is his go to place for recipes. It’s loaded with lots of veggies and we throw in whole wheat pasta. I feel so bad that I accidentally left the pot out one evening and since it wasn’t in proper food temperatures and left out for more than 4 hours, it had to be tossed. Bummer. Though, I did chance it and had one more bowl of soup (Ben wouldn’t even dare!). Maybe that was crazy, but it’s so good and I felt bad wasting it.

family mealsQuick Pizza on Lavash Bread. Using lavash bread to make pizza is quick and delcious. Oh and we really love turkey pepperoni!

family mealsfamily mealsBlack Bean Chili. We used this black beans recipe for the beans in the chili and once again it’s from the NY Times because it’s Ben’s go-to place. We tripled the recipe so we would have tons leftover to freeze (yes, tripled!). I separated the tripled recipe into two separate batches so we had a batch of spicy chili for Ben and me and then another regular batch for the girls. I love it, but it would be good with some bacon bits. The recipe is a healthy one, so that’s probably why it isn’t in it, but for a little texture and that bacon flavor I would add it in (in small doses of course, if you want to keep it healthy).

Week 11/19 – 11/23
Monday: Whole Wheat Spaghetti with Swiss Chard and Pecorino Cheese
Tuesday: Pizza (or previous day’s leftovers)
Wednesday: Paella Valenciana (reader’s recipe)
Thursday: Thanksgiving feasting all day long!
Friday: Thanksgiving leftovers all day long!

I didn’t get to the Paella this week because Ben had two late nights at the clinic that I forgot about, so when it’s a long day like that for me with the girls, I go with really easy, and pizza is really easy! I’m sure the menu for this coming week may be switched around too depending how busy we get for prepping for Thanksgiving, but I am so excited about eating turkey, stuffing, and mashed potatoes! I look forward to it every year!!!

P.S. If you’re in the Los Angeles area and free this Saturday, Misha Lulu is having a trunk show at Common Thread, so maybe you can stock up on some gifts for Christmas or holiday clothes!

chillin’ in a minivan

November 15, 2012

“This is a Sponsored Post written by me on behalf of Chrysler. All opinions are 100% mine.”

chillin' in a minivanchillin' in a minivanchillin' in a minivanchillin' in a minivanchillin' in a minivanErika commented last week that if “the reason you don’t want a minivan is because of pride, then that’s a bad reason.” I was thinking about that statement and that’s true. Too much pride or thinking you’re above something is not a good thing. That goes for anything, not just minivans. Now, I’m not entirely sold that we’re ready to be a minivan family just yet (main reason we wouldn’t get another car is because we don’t want car payments and I really do love my current car a whole lot!), but it’s good to check my reasons why I would be opposed.

Now borrowing the Town & Country from Chrysler and their “Test of Ownership” program has been nice. Despite feeling older in the minivan, I feel a lot more elbow room too. It’s so much easier getting the kids in and out of the car compared to our mid-sized SUV and that key-less feature is genius! Our current car is key-less and was glad to see that the minivan was too. I am fantastic at losing my keys in my messy purse, but key-less eliminates the digging and as long my keys are somewhere in my purse, I walk up to the car, press a button on the handle, voila! it unlocks, go in the car, with my foot on the break and press the start button. It’s a feature that I think makes moms’ (or for someone who likes to lose their keys in their messy purse like me) lives easier!

Every week, the two big girls have ballet and usually Soul, Glow, and I walk around the shopping center, grab a snack (it falls within snack time) at the new bakery, walk over to the coffee shop to sit down and have a snack together. This past week, it was raining and we couldn’t indulge in our weekly ritual. I did drive over and get some snacks from the bakery, then we parked and snacked and hung out in the car. The two babies roamed around because there was room for them to do so. They’re teeny and the car is spacious, so that was nice. It was just an hour that we were chillin’ in the minivan, but Soulie was fully enjoying herself. Well, she had a little bit of sugar, got to sit in the driver’s seat and “pretend” she was driving, what 2 year old wouldn’t enjoy themselves?! We’ve got dance class again this afternoon, but the forecast is sunny, so we’ll probably be back to walking around outside.

we actually did do other san francisco things

November 14, 2012

SF birthdaySF birthdaySF birthdaySF birthdaySF birthdaySF birthdaySF birthdaySF birthday SF birthdaySF birthdaySF birthdaySF birthdaySF birthdaySF birthdaySF birthdaySF birthdaySF birthdaySF birthdaySF birthdaySF birthdayOkay, we did do a lot of eating, but we also did actually do other things. The first day we didn’t take very many pictures, besides the food pictures, I think all I took were 10 others. It was a nice little break from my camera. We went to the Mission District, then Haight-Ashbury, we also spent some time in Berkeley.

Day two, which was my actual birthday, Ben started off by giving me cards the girls made and then we headed out for a morning trip to the Ferry Building for their farmer’s market and theirs is definitely legit. They put our local one to shame. The farmer’s market is Ben’s Disneyland. He could spend all day there looking at everything. This guy is such a dietitian and he takes eating healthy food so seriously. He really practices what he preaches. I was pretty enamored with all they offered. Then, we rented bikes and biked from Fisherman’s Wharf to the Golden Gate Bridge then into Sausalito. Let me just say, I consider myself relatively fit, but oh those hills were killer! Getting into cycling is on my list to do next year (I want to bike a 100 mile race in the future if God allows), and I have my work cut out for me to get used to a bike! I hadn’t ridden a bike in over 10 years, so I was so nervous! I finally got the hang of it again and it was pretty amazing biking across the bridge. We got to Sausalito and then took the ferry back across the bay. We ended up back at the Ferry Building again and then went out to Sutro Heights Park, and back to the Ferry Building for a birthday dinner at The Slanted Door.

Sunday, we went to the flea market. I actually debated going because there wasn’t much I needed and I didn’t want to get sucked into buying something (it’s hard for me to resist vintage goods). The only thing that was on my list of needs was a vintage bed for True and I wasn’t sure we would find it. Well, it ended up being great that we went because we found her a bed and I even found her a quilt for her new (old) big girl bed. Now, I did also end up finding myself a 1950’s watch bracelet and a concrete garden deer, which weren’t on the needs list, but they were good deals and since I told Ben not to get me anything for my birthday (I think this little trip was a swell enough gift), these little purchases were slightly justifiable. We also got to see some of our favorite flea market vendors who we haven’t seen in over a year because we have been working hard at staying away from the flea market. As much as I love going, we save more money when we don’t go.

That pretty much sums up our trip. It was wonderful sleeping in and as much as I love the girls, it was a nice break away. Parents need that once in awhile. Ben and I were able to hold hands and have conversations in peace. I am so thankful to God for allowing us this special time to relax and just enjoy being together. 10 years ago, I spent my 21st birthday in Italy with my BFF and here I am, 10 years later, 4 kids later, and I had a grand time turning 31 in San Francisco with my husband. I say this a lot, but I really love him lots. I’ve got 31 years of life under my belt and I have lots to praise God for.

All I did was eat for my 31st birthday

November 13, 2012

I turned 31 and all i did was eatSushirrito. This sushi burrito place is so good. We loved it so much we tried to recreate our own at home. Thank you to Meg for suggesting it! 

I turned 31 and all i did was eatI turned 31 and all i did was eatI turned 31 and all i did was eatChez Panisse. This place is wonderfully delicious! It’s in Berkeley and was suggested by my friend Melody. We went for lunch because they only serve one thing for dinner and that changes everyday, same with their lunch (for lunch they have 3 or so options), but the options for that particular evening didn’t make us curious. On the other hand, the lunch menu peaked our curiosity and it indeed was fantastic! If you want to go here, make sure to note it’s reservations only, so be sure to call ahead of time.

I turned 31 and all i did was eatI turned 31 and all i did was eatTartine. Of course, I had to go here! So many of you suggested it and I am glad you did. I know Bi-rite was nearby, but sadly I didn’t get to go. The line was way too long and I didn’t want to wait. At least it gives me another reason to go back!

I turned 31 and all i did was eatI turned 31 and all i did was eat Dosa. Delicious! Funnily enough, we didn’t order the dosa! Ben said he could have used more kick in his food, but overall so yummy. I loved the coconut rice so much and I want to try and make that at home now. Thank you Elle for suggesting it! 

I turned 31 and all i did was eat Cowgirl Creamery. Open faced grilled cheese totally hit the spot for breakfast right before our long bike ride to Sausalito. Thanks Jess for sharing!

I turned 31 and all i did was eat Ice cream in Sausalito. Can you really go wrong with pumpkin pie ice cream in a waffle cone?! Yeah, I didn’t think so. After 8 miles of biking, I think I deserved this.

I turned 31 and all i did was eat Italian doughnuts from the Ferry BuildingWe actually passed this in the morning and I wanted one, but didn’t get one. We came back to the Ferry Building in the afternoon and I made sure I got one. Glad I did!

I turned 31 and all i did was eat I turned 31 and all i did was eatI turned 31 and all i did was eatI turned 31 and all i did was eatDSC_1747 The Slanted Door. This was my favorite meal during the entire weekend! It was my birthday dinner too, so maybe that made it a bit special. Rule #1 when going to The Slanted Door is make a reservation way ahead of time! I didn’t realize how popular this place is and it is reservations only. We couldn’t get any, but thankfully they serve the full menu at the bar. When we got there the bar was full, so we stood around waiting, we only waited five minutes until someone left, and then sat down. We didn’t wait that long and sitting at the bar didn’t bother me one bit (it’s cozy sitting side by side), but if you want a table, make reservations. The uni, the oysters, the noodles, the fish (and the sauce), the squid, and the sour cream ice cream with figs and strawberry turnover was super uh-mazing! No joke. I’m craving it as I write this. Slanted Door, I miss you!

I turned 31 and all i did was eatI turned 31 and all i did was eat Burma Superstar. This was the last on the list and we ate it right before we got back on the road. It was good, but again Ben said he could have used more spice (that guy and spice!), but other than that, it was definitely tasty. I loved their chocolate spring rolls with coconut ice cream, which I took to go to eat on the road. We went to the Alameda one right after the flea market, so I don’t think it’s as busy as the SF one. Again, call ahead of time to get your name on a wait list. And thank you to those who suggested this place! 

I was telling my baby sister everything I ate in San Francisco and she was like, “Oh my gosh. All you did was eat!” I really did. There are even a few little places we ate at that aren’t pictured. Ben and I (and the kids) really don’t go out to eat very often. Eating out is just not something we do regularly (maybe once a month, if that), partly because it can be a bit of a challenge to eat out with all 4 kids and partly because it’s more budget friendly for us to have home cooked meals. Though when we go out of town, we like to splurge a bit (and it’s a lot easier to eat out at restaurants sans kids). And pretty much with every meal, I got dessert (and I was the only one who ate it as Ben doesn’t eat dessert). I figured it was my birthday weekend, so why not!

Thank you to all of you for taking your time and sharing suggestions. It totally aided in our planning as did yelp. Ben and I thoroughly enjoyed indulging in such yummy food together. I can’t wait to plan another trip somewhere and go crazy eating! I am sure you San Franciscans have many more places you would recommend and are the total pros in your area, and just based on our short time there, we’re pretty enamored with your eatery options.

out to school: 2/9

November 13, 2012

the big girlsthe big girlsthe big girlsthe big girlsthe big girlsLooking at these pictures just make me smile. It also reminds me of how sweet and forgiving these girls are. There are many times I feel I fail as a mother. I get those sudden bursts of crazy and yet these girls still love me, and continue to shower me with hugs and kisses. We were having dinner and I was telling them next week was Thanksgiving. They got so excited because they said, “We get to celebrate being thankful!” We indeed get to celebrate being thankful and I am especially thankful for these girls of mine.

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